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2022 WCQ: Greece - Georgia (31 Mar. 2021 - Toumba, Thessaloniki)

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It was a dreadful performance, Georgia deserved to win and we were pathetic.. Qualifications are now over for us we got no shot at second. Yes trolls come on here and run your mouths but the fact is this is your team as well..

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1 minute ago, J1078 said:

STFU you Internet troll. Guys like you probably got there asses kicked growing up..

You shut the fck up.

Name calling and mocks since last November when I said Van Asholes whole selections and game plan was questionable.


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1 minute ago, Lazarus said:

Yep! No skill, no imagination. Just plain old sterile. Oh well. It is what it is...

It’s baffling that display today. We needed 3 points and there was no urgency. We got a gift and then we let them equalize immediately.

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Truth is, we needed a goal all game.. they couldn’t do it. We were gifted one.


then we had to defend for like 15 minutes, and we couldn’t do that either.. extremely disappointing game and result. 

mavrias was poor conning to replace bákakis who was having a great game..

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Just now, Boxou said:

You shut the fck up.

Name calling and mocks since last November when I said Van Asholes whole selections and game plan was questionable.


Bro let me tell you something you’re the type of guy that will cheer for the team when they’re playing well and then come out here and start telling everybody “I told you so” you’re like the little weasel that likes to start arguments and then turtles when it comes down to it.. I’ve dealt with guys like you on numerous occasions..

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3 minutes ago, J1078 said:

It was a dreadful performance, Georgia deserved to win and we were pathetic.. Qualifications are now over for us we got no shot at second. Yes trolls come on here and run your mouths but the fact is this is your team as well..

Off course Georgia had to get a result vs Greece and couldn’t pull one off in their first 2 games were they were just as good.

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Guy states the obvious that the team is s%$#! and people get overdefensive about it. We re all angry guys. I am sure now the people who said we need people with passion in the team to realise the limitations of just passion.

Bakasetas in 2 matches was our worst player. RB is nonexistent, honestly. The manouvre a 20 year old did to Mavrias, hilarious. If he managed to stay up for 1 more meter back Kyriakos would be there to make this a 2v1. 

2 matches. the opposition focuses on our Right Back position constantly.

Tzavellas could run faster than their wingers, that guy is really our best defender overall. 

Vlachodimos is wasted with us. He could be the 3rd choice keeper in Germany. Pour decision making.

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Qualification is over and we can thank jvs and his selection the team was disinterested and his selections were pathetic. We were lucky the Spanish didn’t show up last game to get a point and now in the very next game we pull this s%$#! it’s disgusting sorry I’m in the business of winning not developing or looking at the positives that’s what club teams r for. The coach is over his head. He talked a big game saying he isn’t playing guys that don’t play and then look at our lineup mavrias limnios or in the case of giannoulis and bakakis injured guys that had more then adequate replacements in tsimikas and androutsos then he called up alexandropoulos and only gives him 10 mins in a friendly sorry but this coach is an a**hole after the national league he should have been sacked 6 times in 17 games have we had a shut out and only once have we scored more then 2 goals in a game just pathetic!!!!! But it’s okay our future is bright with svarnas and mavrias F*** me man dark ages are back and not going away for a while. Slow no creativity no passion or desire it’s disgusting and not the Greek way !!!

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2 minutes ago, J1078 said:

It was a dreadful performance, Georgia deserved to win and we were pathetic.. Qualifications are now over for us we got no shot at second. Yes trolls come on here and run your mouths but the fact is this is your team as well..

Yes Georgia outplayed Greece down the stretch. More chances and better finishing. 

Georgia is not a bad team but they are far from being a serious team that may qualify. Greece should have scored in the 1st and then let Georgia come out of their shell and capitalize on the counter. 

This team needs a Gekas type player. One who just had the nose for the goal. It didn't have to be a perfect set up but he would find a way to direct it with some pace on goal. 

Someone stated that Greece has to win out in order to qualify. If they don't then they have to look at the 2026 world cup and Fortunis is gone by then. A very bleak outlook. 

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3 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

Guy states the obvious that the team is s%$#! and people get overdefensive about it. We re all angry guys. I am sure now the people who said we need people with passion in the team to realise the limitations of just passion.

Bakasetas in 2 matches was our worst player. RB is nonexistent, honestly. The manouvre a 20 year old did to Mavrias, hilarious. If he managed to stay up for 1 more meter back Kyriakos would be there to make this a 2v1. 

2 matches. the opposition focuses on our Right Back position constantly.

Tzavellas could run faster than their wingers, that guy is really our best defender overall. 

Vlachodimos is wasted with us. He could be the 3rd choice keeper in Germany. Pour decision making.

It’s not about people stating there opinion it’s about how people go about it and try to poke the bear and insult everyone here that try to find some positivity in the team.. I will respect everyone’s views but if you come out at everyone taking shots everytime Greece play bad it starts to piss you off.. Especially after a loss where you already feel gutted.

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1 minute ago, AEK RE GAMOTO said:

Losing, especially the way we did today, sucks. But what sucks even more is when the weasel clowns literally wait for the final whistle to come on here and trash the team. GTFOH...

Are you implying we re just asking too much of a team that "has ambitions on qualifying", when we expect them to be able to dominate a team in the power rankings of Georgia? This wasn't a Spain-Greece result draw. We weren't just unlucky. We weren't playing. JVS obviously giving the call to play calmly and never try to counter. On a team that has defenders of the Georgian League and 2nd tier spanish league? 

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4 minutes ago, AEK RE GAMOTO said:

Losing, especially the way we did today, sucks. But what sucks even more is when the weasel clowns literally wait for the final whistle to come on here and trash the team. GTFOH...

That’s exactly my point.. They Have their comments already typed out and they’re just waiting for the whistle to press enter.

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1 minute ago, J1078 said:

It’s not about people stating there opinion it’s about how people go about it and try to poke the bear and insult everyone here that try to find some positivity in the team.. I will respect everyone’s views but if you come out at everyone taking shots everytime Greece play bad it starts to piss you off.. Especially after a loss where you already feel gutted.

Yeah, nobody likes trolling of their own team from people that are supposed to also be on your side. We're all on the same side here, we're all disappointed, but people love being right to the point that they forget what we're all doing here in the first place.

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3 minutes ago, Pana_For_Life said:

Qualification is over and we can thank jvs and his selection the team was disinterested and his selections were pathetic. We were lucky the Spanish didn’t show up last game to get a point and now in the very next game we pull this s%$#! it’s disgusting sorry I’m in the business of winning not developing or looking at the positives that’s what club teams r for. The coach is over his head. He talked a big game saying he isn’t playing guys that don’t play and then look at our lineup mavrias limnios or in the case of giannoulis and bakakis injured guys that had more then adequate replacements in tsimikas and androutsos then he called up alexandropoulos and only gives him 10 mins in a friendly sorry but this coach is an a**hole after the national league he should have been sacked 6 times in 17 games have we had a shut out and only once have we scored more then 2 goals in a game just pathetic!!!!! But it’s okay our future is bright with svarnas and mavrias F*** me man dark ages are back and not going away for a while. Slow no creativity no passion or desire it’s disgusting and not the Greek way !!!

Tsimikas as the replacement of Giannoulis... hilariously bad decision by the coach, that is. Tsimikas should start! And he would if we would have a proper head coach.

"our future is bright with svarnas and mavrias" that line is good LOL

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1 minute ago, J1078 said:

It’s not about people stating there opinion it’s about how people go about it and try to poke the bear and insult everyone here that try to find some positivity in the team.. I will respect everyone’s views but if you come out at everyone taking shots everytime Greece play bad it starts to piss you off.. Especially after a loss where you already feel gutted.

He is angry because its a team he enjoys and wants it to perform. This clown fiesta was a coach-driven result. 10 times vlacho could try the fast pass up front but the call was "patience". 

Patience is done. We re stepping in the 2nd year with this manager. So many mistakes. Forcing Bakasetas to become a leader he cannot be, just to prove something to Fortounis. We weren't plying vs Spain, or vs Portugal or even vs Bosnia Finland and Serbia. We werent even playing a team at the lvl of Albania or Montenegro. We were playing vs an Estonia.

4 years ago we were drawing Estonia and losing to Faroe Islands and Finland but we never looked this s%$#! in 2 matches in a row. 

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1 minute ago, La Mendel said:

Tsimikas as the replacement of Giannoulis... hilariously bad decision by the coach, that is. Tsimikas should start! And he would if we would have a proper head coach.

"our future is bright with svarnas and mavrias" that line is good LOL

You re looking for a ψίλλος στα άχυρα my amigo. Giannoulis was our best player. They didn't even bother to even attack from his side. Bakakis and Mavrias are so nonexistent, a winger can ignore them and have the lane like an αεροδιάδρομο. You found the only thing he did right today. Putting Giannoulis. 

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2 minutes ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

You re looking for a ψίλλος στα άχυρα my amigo. Giannoulis was our best player. They didn't even bother to even attack from his side. Bakakis and Mavrias are so nonexistent, a winger can ignore them and have the lane like an αεροδιάδρομο. You found the only thing he did right today. Putting Giannoulis. 

I don’t like bakakis  too much but I feel like he had a solid game before coming off.


that kid on the left wing for Georgia Is extremely talented. This is what we expected from Limnios, who has basically vanished in the last few games ?

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