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  3. Another new rumor (sorry folks, can't stop now). This time, of an alleged offer we made that was rejected: https://www.transfermarkt.us/dejan-ljubicic/profil/spieler/287188 His brother plays for AEK (gross)
  4. Nuremberg is playing a friendly vs Juventus, live on youtube: Our boy isn't starting (game is in the 27th minute as I write this). Probably will play in the second half.
  5. Tissoudali has arrived at SKG. Was on youtube and saw that PAOK Today had started up a livestream. These people are too much. I love watching video at 144p resolution!
  6. Yeah, I followed the game. However they will be knocked out in the next round as they will face FC Copenhagen.
  7. Well she was dropped from the Olympic team and did not travel to Paris. She claims she is innocent (they always do). She'll probably get 4 year ban. I don't see her racing again.
  8. Last week
  9. 11 should be go the goal. Don’t the top 12 get automatic league phase entry to the UCL?
  10. Some of the reports from forums are suggesting that Kyriaki Filtisakou is the one who was caught for illegal substance. Wikipedia took her name off from the Athletics section.
  11. Chalov was allegedly a done deal like five days ago, but now the sites are copying-pasting an update today about how they're still trying to convince him to come, and Savvidis just met with him, etc etc etc. My guess is that this is not as sure a thing as we were led to believe. -edit- one more update: Tissoudali, which was also a "done deal" is now expected some time in the PM on Sunday. Also, Quagliata was "announced" by his new team, but I haven't seen any announcements by PAOK. Not that I'm upset.
  12. Panathinaikos won vs Botev Plovdiv, 2-1. I wonder if their fans are panicking as much as ours?
  13. We have a realistic shot at 11 but can also go down to 17.
  14. Banik 5-1 against Urartu in ECL, @Blackhawk!
  15. Last year was our best year in a very long time - hopefully we keep the momentum going.... The only good thing about having 4 teams this year instead of 5, is each win is worth more. Let's see how many points we can rack up before the Groups. The Bonus points are included - would have thought OLY would have gotten some bonus pts for making the automatic group of Europa but I guess that's just for CL.
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