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J1078 last won the day on October 13

J1078 had the most liked content!

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  1. Not going to be easy at all.. We need to hope for a lucky WC Qualifier draw..
  2. I can deal with losing by one goal in a tough hard fought game, but when you come out in a completely packed house for the first time in years, and you get your asses handed to you by England’s B team in the most important game, has me completely questioning this team all over again..
  3. This will be the biggest challenge, we shocked them in Wembley and they wont make the same mistake twice they will be ready. How is first place determined if England beat us by 1 goal and we both win our last games? What's the tie breaker for the Nations League?
  4. FIFA Rankings Update! Greece climbed 6 places after the October international break to 42nd thanks to wins against England & Ireland
  5. We needed that 2nd goal to secure the win and go +2 in goals for as England did the same today so we maintain our advantage in goal differential.
  6. I don’t like how we are playing right now. We are setting ourselves up to give up a goal..
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