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2022 WCQ: Greece - Spain (11 Nov. 2021, 21:45 EEST - Olympic Stadium, Athens)

Dutch Eagle

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3 minutes ago, Greekoz said:

It sucks but I don’t mind missing out on a World Cup in a dump like Qatar.

I’ll be devastated if we miss out on USA/Canada 2026 though as it’s one most of us on here would be likely to attend.

I went there over the summer on the way to Cyprus. Bizarre place, but I liked it.

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29 minutes ago, J1078 said:

Another tournament we don't qualify for..  Don't know how much more I can take of this.

Greece should have had 2nd in this group, Sweden were very fortunate to beat us last game out. JVS has to take most of the blame we had a lead vs Georgia and tied and a lead in Kosovo into extra time were we conceded a silly goal a game were instead of going to kill the game off JVS played scared. 

Its soooooooo gutting to miss another major tournament! I do not trust JVS to lead us into Euro 2024 qualifying. I don't trust him with his tactics and player selections that will cost us points again vs countries we should be beating. JVS should go Project Qatar failed, but EPO will keep him on

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This coach has tried and I commend him for this because i think he took his role professionally

and seriously, but we do not have the depth in the current to lineup to score goals.

We have also have 1 clean sheet in the last 7 games i think .

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13 minutes ago, nasl said:

This coach has tried and I commend him for this because i think he took his role professionally

and seriously, but we do not have the depth in the current to lineup to score goals.

We have also have 1 clean sheet in the last 7 games i think .

He tried but he failed. JVS did better than coach Ange but he could not even get us into the playoff even Skibbe achieved that. What is troubling is that he has left out players that should have been here. I just do not trust him to lead us for the Euros where we  possibly could get handed a tougher group and if that's the case I cant see him succeeding. Remember he could not even top a group with Slovenia, Moldova and Kosovo in the NL! 

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Hey guys, I’ve been locked out of my account for like a year now.. but I’ve been reading and watching religiously. 

I agree that our goal was indeed offside (after looking at the replay). The penalty unfortunately was pure BS. The Spaniards knee GRAZED giannoulis foot and then dove. Contact absolutely didn’t warrant the penalty in my opinion. It is what it is.

however we have been playing very exciting football, which is very refreshing. Our results are getting better. Our team just truly lacks depth. I would still love to have Manolas and siovas in the squad, atleast for days like this where have no other option.

I don’t HATE androutsos at RB tbh. Also I love the potential that tsimikas is showing, his crosses are elite.


unfortunate ending to a decent run at qualifications. I am confident if we keep it up we will be in good place for the euro. I would gladly invite JVS to stay and lead the team there.

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Sorry for the rant but I also dying to say this, and notice no one else did.

tzavellas has been very consistent this campaign however, he received an IDIOTIC second yellow which kept him out of the Sweden game where he ABSOLUTELY would have made a difference.

I blame him heavily for our loss to Sweden for his inability to control his temper. I realize we shouldn’t have relied so much on that game and should have handled business agains Kosovo and Georgia. But we didn’t.. and we needed him and he left us hanging.


obviously Sweden and Spain games back to back we’re not ideal either because we knew the sweden game would be a dog fight and we suffered a lot of yellows leaving us with even less depth for the Spain game

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17 minutes ago, Bardouuu said:

Sorry for the rant but I also dying to say this, and notice no one else did.

tzavellas has been very consistent this campaign however, he received an IDIOTIC second yellow which kept him out of the Sweden game where he ABSOLUTELY would have made a difference.

I blame him heavily for our loss to Sweden for his inability to control his temper. I realize we shouldn’t have relied so much on that game and should have handled business agains Kosovo and Georgia. But we didn’t.. and we needed him and he left us hanging.


obviously Sweden and Spain games back to back we’re not ideal either because we knew the sweden game would be a dog fight and we suffered a lot of yellows leaving us with even less depth for the Spain game

I agree with you Tzavellas has been very good for us this campaign. Had JVS had a Manolas or Siovas for the Sweden match  or the Kosovo match were we gave up a silly goal in injury time, we would have been fine, that's the problem. 

JVS is not the worse coach out there but he could not win a relatively easy NL group too give us a possible back up plan for a wcup playoff and then he failed to beat Georgia & Kosovo which ruined or chances for 2nd spot and a shot at the playoffs. EPO need to get a coach that will make sure the most in form players are on the NT and a coach that will not throw out players over stupid pettiness.

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Here’s my issue with replacing JVS, number one we can’t keep switching coaches every year and expect to build chemistry within the team as each coach will have a different philosophy and be looking for different type of players that fit the style of play he wants to play. What if we replace JVS with another coach that takes us back to the old style of Greek football just sitting back and playing boring ass football?? Then what? Those days are done we don’t have those type of players to just sit back and defend for 90 minutes without conceding a goal it won’t happen. JVS has made a lot of mistakes and I can’t stand his in game decision making regarding subs, I also can’t stand how we put certain players in certain positions and some of the call ups he makes, BUT he has had this team for the most part with the exception of some very boring and head scratching games playing  some very exciting football it looks like we have speed and if he can just get it through his head that certain players Should not be starting I think he can build something good. I personally think knowing the EPO’s budget will never get a high end talent here in regards to a coach I think we give him one more shot for the nations league. This division that we were in was a difficult division you probably had one of the better second seeded teams and we beat them once and could’ve easily beat them the second game if it wasn’t for some unlucky bounces. Where JVS needs to improve is playing against the weaker teams and finding a way to get a result but as we saw today it’s not that easy as Georgia beat Sweden in a huge game for Sweden.  I think if Fortounis comes back and having Tzolis and Douvikas and Masouras alternating we should be able to build a decent team. This is my thinking right now I’m not 100% saying I want JVS to stay but I think the team has definitely improved under him and has found some chemistry and have finally found a little bit of an identity they want to play with. Remember guys Ranieri couldn’t beat the Faroe Islands and Skibbe couldn’t beat Estonia in Athens in a huge game. We just need to be careful if we replace him we may go backwards as I think this team hopefully will continue to improve under him. Just my thoughts right now

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I recorded the game and just saw it. For the life of me, I still don’t know what that penalty was for? On another note, Bouchalakis and siopis are the first 2 guys ever to become pro soccer players with a hundred metre time of 25 seconds. 

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My thoughts to that - 

37 minutes ago, J1078 said:

Here’s my issue with replacing JVS, number one we can’t keep switching coaches every year and expect to build chemistry within the team as each coach will have a different philosophy and be looking for different type of players that fit the style of play he wants to play. What if we replace JVS with another coach that takes us back to the old style of Greek football just sitting back and playing boring ass football?? Then what? Those days are done we don’t have those type of players to just sit back and defend for 90 minutes without conceding a goal it won’t happen. JVS has made a lot of mistakes and I can’t stand his in game decision making regarding subs, I also can’t stand how we put certain players in certain positions and some of the call ups he makes, BUT he has had this team for the most part with the exception of some very boring and head scratching games playing  some very exciting football it looks like we have speed and if he can just get it through his head that certain players Should not be starting I think he can build something good. I personally think knowing the EPO’s budget will never get a high end talent here in regards to a coach I think we give him one more shot for the nations league. This division that we were in was a difficult division you probably had one of the better second seeded teams and we beat them once and could’ve easily beat them the second game if it wasn’t for some unlucky bounces. Where JVS needs to improve is playing against the weaker teams and finding a way to get a result but as we saw today it’s not that easy as Georgia beat Sweden in a huge game for Sweden.  I think if Fortounis comes back and having Tzolis and Douvikas and Masouras alternating we should be able to build a decent team. This is my thinking right now I’m not 100% saying I want JVS to stay but I think the team has definitely improved under him and has found some chemistry and have finally found a little bit of an identity they want to play with. Remember guys Ranieri couldn’t beat the Faroe Islands and Skibbe couldn’t beat Estonia in Athens in a huge game. We just need to be careful if we replace him we may go backwards as I think this team hopefully will continue to improve under him. Just my thoughts right now

My thoughts on this,

One of the reasons I was for JVS initially was the style of play he HAD us playing but file, I really feel he has fallen back from this advancement, look at nearly all our games this campaign, its been shambles... 

The only time we have played ball was in the last 30 mins vs Sweden in Athens and the first half in Sweden, we have shown so little outside of that and it got us nowhere but for the lucky win over Georgia.

For the most part we have almost expected the win to happen without really playing any nice football, the exciting football was played was when he came in and we played wingers like Limnios and had Fortounis in the middle but now he is set on Bakasetas who slows that dynamic down too. 

We got some good talent but he is making a meal of that too, taking off Masouras today was a bad move, starting Pavlidis who has been pretty poor of late with his play... I am just seen constant mistakes and poor management, I was defending him for some time too but all I am seen is mix and matching players, and poor tactics with Tsimikas,Giannoulis, Alexandropoulos, Bouchalakis, Baka, Pav, Androutsos etc... 

Today for me was the icing on the cake, ive had enough of the mistakes.

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3 minutes ago, Alphonse said:

My thoughts to that - 

My thoughts on this,

One of the reasons I was for JVS initially was the style of play he HAD us playing but file, I really feel he has fallen back from this advancement, look at nearly all our games this campaign, its been shambles... 

The only time we have played ball was in the last 30 mins vs Sweden in Athens and the first half in Sweden, we have shown so little outside of that and it got us nowhere but for the lucky win over Georgia.

For the most part we have almost expected the win to happen without really playing any nice football, the exciting football was played was when he came in and we played wingers like Limnios and had Fortounis in the middle but now he is set on Bakasetas who slows that dynamic down too. 

We got some good talent but he is making a meal of that too, taking off Masouras today was a bad move, starting Pavlidis who has been pretty poor of late with his play... I am just seen constant mistakes and poor management, I was defending him for some time too but all I am seen is mix and matching players, and poor tactics with Tsimikas,Giannoulis, Alexandropoulos, Bouchalakis, Baka, Pav, Androutsos etc... 

Today for me was the icing on the cake, ive had enough of the mistakes.

I don’t disagree at all like I said I’m not advocating he should stay but I’m just worried what the alternative will be. Like I said we haven’t had a coach be able to do anything different with this team so I’m not to optimistic even if we change coaches the results will be different. It may be the way to go but so far NO COACH has been able to get us into a tournament so far so. Not sure that will change with a new coach especially if he completely changes the style of play to getting this team to sitting back. Like I said I hated a lot of things he’s done but he’s done some good things as well. Can he learn from his mistakes and improve on the next campaign? I don’t know but maybe it’s worth giving him the nations league and if he can’t top the group there then they replace him for the euros.

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Apparently we are looking to get Valverde in as coach. I don’t know if we have the funds for him but if we do I would sack JVS tomorrow.

He failed as soon as he put Tsimikas at LCB. You can’t put your best attacking player at CB. Why not put Mitoglou in there? Goutas looked fine at the back and Mitoglou would’ve looked the same in my opinion. 

I don’t really blame JVS for us not having the ball enough because some of our players are not top quality. Mantalos has a bad touch, Bouchalakis is too slow to make things happen and Siopis runs around but gets no where. Androutsos has a great touch, maybe if he played in his natural position which is midfield then we might’ve looked a little better.

Spain have too much quality and it looked easy for them but I got annoyed at the many times these Spaniards were playing dirty and wasting time. You can keep the ball all you want but if you don’t score, you will not win. They got a lucky penalty.

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48 minutes ago, Alphonse said:

My thoughts to that - 

My thoughts on this,

One of the reasons I was for JVS initially was the style of play he HAD us playing but file, I really feel he has fallen back from this advancement, look at nearly all our games this campaign, its been shambles... 

The only time we have played ball was in the last 30 mins vs Sweden in Athens and the first half in Sweden, we have shown so little outside of that and it got us nowhere but for the lucky win over Georgia.

For the most part we have almost expected the win to happen without really playing any nice football, the exciting football was played was when he came in and we played wingers like Limnios and had Fortounis in the middle but now he is set on Bakasetas who slows that dynamic down too. 

We got some good talent but he is making a meal of that too, taking off Masouras today was a bad move, starting Pavlidis who has been pretty poor of late with his play... I am just seen constant mistakes and poor management, I was defending him for some time too but all I am seen is mix and matching players, and poor tactics with Tsimikas,Giannoulis, Alexandropoulos, Bouchalakis, Baka, Pav, Androutsos etc... 

Today for me was the icing on the cake, ive had enough of the mistakes.

J1078 I hear you on constantly changing coaches that it doesn’t help us. JVS has had 2 years now he started of well and I liked how he had the team playing in the Euro qualifiers even the way we played in a loss at Italy the eventual European champions. Since then in the NL and Wcup qualifying there have been to many puzzling moves and lack lustre performances aside from what Alphonse stated with the couple half’s Greece outplayed Sweden. 

I was listening to Gate 7 podcast (listen if you get a chance too) & Kostas from Greece said JVS is a good coach to have if you want to have if you are a club looking to avoid relegation just picking up enough results vs crappy teams to keep a float. Another good point he brought up was when JVS took over the Ethniki he had a plethora of CBs too choose from and now we are so thin in that department due to him banning our 3 best CBs for what? This ultimately cost us qualification in the draws vs Georgia & especially Kosovo as well in Sweden in conceding stupid goals. Tzavellas stepped up admirably this whole campaign I must say but had we had those missing guys our point total would be higher and I think we keep more than 1 clean sheet.

I think if Donis is available EPO should hire him as he can work with the players currently in the squad and others who JVS has abandoned. 

Bottom line is I don’t trust JVS for Euro qualification I could see him continuing with his stubborn ways, crazy player selections etc..and we can’t miss yet another tournament. It’s been way too long a wait.. Anyways that’s my opinion..

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1 hour ago, Ellada2004 said:

J1078 I hear you on constantly changing coaches that it doesn’t help us. JVS has had 2 years now he started of well and I liked how he had the team playing in the Euro qualifiers even the way we played in a loss at Italy the eventual European champions. Since then in the NL and Wcup qualifying there have been to many puzzling moves and lack lustre performances aside from what Alphonse stated with the couple half’s Greece outplayed Sweden. 

I was listening to Gate 7 podcast (listen if you get a chance too) & Kostas from Greece said JVS is a good coach to have if you want to have if you are a club looking to avoid relegation just picking up enough results vs crappy teams to keep a float. Another good point he brought up was when JVS took over the Ethniki he had a plethora of CBs too choose from and now we are so thin in that department due to him banning our 3 best CBs for what? This ultimately cost us qualification in the draws vs Georgia & especially Kosovo as well in Sweden in conceding stupid goals. Tzavellas stepped up admirably this whole campaign I must say but had we had those missing guys our point total would be higher and I think we keep more than 1 clean sheet.

I think if Donis is available EPO should hire him as he can work with the players currently in the squad and others who JVS has abandoned. 

Bottom line is I don’t trust JVS for Euro qualification I could see him continuing with his stubborn ways, crazy player selections etc..and we can’t miss yet another tournament. It’s been way too long a wait.. Anyways that’s my opinion..

He wasn’t the only coach to exclude these players. Bouchalakis is terrible in my opinion I’m surprised he played the whole game 

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Looks like if Spain lose to Sweden the group's extra playoff space (as Spain are already in the playoffs, thanks to the Nation's League) would goto some other team in the Nation's League.


Tbh I think this is BS, it should go to the next team in the group (us), not some random team in the crappy Nations League.

Edited by Chris Tsamados
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JVS is no good. To sit back like that against one of the best passing sides in the world when we needed a win was just rubbish. The guy has no a*****a.


Pavlidis is also complete s%$#! please if you are big, slow and skilless like that you at least need to have some sort of aerial presence.


Credit to Masouras who at least makes dangerous runs and poses an attacking threat but he only finishes when he's offside.


Another tournament without the Ethniki cannot believe it. ?

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You are too harsh. Pavlidis is not s@#t, and he is skillful. He is 22 and will have plenty of time to make a mark with NT. It's good to have more than one option at the Striker position. 

JVS has made progress with the NT that was in a shambles when he took over. However, lose or draw with Kosovo then it may be his last. He has not been helped by injuries and suspensions to key players in this campaign and that may ultimately work in his favor. The biggest compliment came from the Spain coach, who said "η Ελλάδα είναι μια καλοδουλεμένη ομάδα από τον προπονητή της και αυτό φάνηκε στο δεύτερο μέρος που μας δημιούργησε προβλήματα".


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