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Just thought I would share an outsiders point of view on the Greek National Soccer Team.

I friend of mine who played professionally in Sweden and on the Iranian National Soccer Team watches a lot of Greek football (due to his friends being Greek) and know more about Greek teams than many Greeks do, told me today some of his thoughts on Greek football.

Here is a quick summary as a mini dissertation is not needed.

*The corruption at the top is too strong.

*Coaches are getting fired for not playing players that the owners want to play.

*Not promoting within. Trying to get a quick fix from different nations.

Which lead to his comment on the National Team. He saw the game and he cannot believe that a good coach like OTO is making these moves. To have Basinas, Karagounis and Katsouranis on the field at the same time is suicide. Keep on of those guys and promote a couple of young guys. He uses Beckham as an example. Beckham is still a way better player than any of those 3 mentioned, yet he plays less on the national team than those 3 Greeks. He said Basinas and Karagounis are 35 minute players at the National level.

He also said the the Greeks play scared. Only after the get scored on and fall behind in the game do they try to play offensive soccer. When they play offensive soccer they look good in his opinion.

Just some of the thoughts a 44 year old ex-national Iranian player has on Greek football and the National team.

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Ya, your friend is right about somethings for sure. Its a shame that out siders have these kinds of views agasnt us. But I still think Karagounis should be playing 90 minutes. He is the only player on the ethniki who can create anything.

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Wooopee we got some Iranian guys opinion on the NT which is no more significant than Kermit the Frogs. Karagounis can play a full '90; give me a break. Beckham better than Basinas? Are you kidding? Why because he appears in ads? Because he lives in Hollywood? Because he's married to a self absorbed stick figure w/ plastic tits? Basinas at his best is much better than over hyped Beckham. And I don't think he's a "way better" player than Kats or Kara for that matter.

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Wooopee we got some Iranian guys opinion on the NT which is no more significant than Kermit the Frogs. Karagounis can play a full '90; give me a break. Beckham better than Basinas? Are you kidding? Why because he appears in ads? Because he lives in Hollywood? Because he's married to a self absorbed stick figure w/ plastic tits? Basinas at his best is much better than over hyped Beckham. And I don't think he's a "way better" player than Kats or Kara for that matter.


that is funny. basinas better than beckham

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  • 3 weeks later...

He also said the the Greeks play scared. Only after the get scored on and fall behind in the game do they try to play offensive soccer. When they play offensive soccer they look good in his opinion.

I don't know about Karagounis being only a 35 minute player. Basinas might be true though.

Katsouranis should definitely play imho.

But I agree 100% with the quote above from your friend.

Perfect example: our game vs. Spain at Euro 2008. The only game we looked good in because we knew it was all over.

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Just thought I would share an outsiders point of view on the Greek National Soccer Team.

I friend of mine who played professionally in Sweden and on the Iranian National Soccer Team watches a lot of Greek football (due to his friends being Greek) and know more about Greek teams than many Greeks do, told me today some of his thoughts on Greek football.

Here is a quick summary as a mini dissertation is not needed.

*The corruption at the top is too strong.

I dont really understand.......what would an Iranian Swede know of corruption in Greece exactly???? :blink:
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I dont really understand.......what would an Iranian Swede know of corruption in Greece exactly???? :blink:

He flirted with AEK before he tore his knee up. He is a huge AEK supporter and watches Greek League soccer with my father every weekend via satellite. He hears the game in Greek and fully understands everything.
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ok......that still says really nothing. Being trialed or courted by AEK doesnt give you inside knowledge of corruption at the top.....

This is getting a bit off topic, but unless you hear it first hand you cannot comment. I understand that.

I personally know two players that were involved with the top teams in Greece (AEK and OSFP) Ballas that played for Olympiakos and my friend have both informed me of the way things go down. I'm not here to try and pursuade you as I don't have that much time.

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This is getting a bit off topic, but unless you hear it first hand you cannot comment. I understand that.

I personally know two players that were involved with the top teams in Greece (AEK and OSFP) Ballas that played for Olympiakos and my friend have both informed me of the way things go down. I'm not here to try and pursuade you as I don't have that much time.

That's very interesting.

But how do things go down? Because I really want to know! :)

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  • 4 months later...

This is Greece's current roster

G 1 Kostas Chalkias

G 12 Alexandros Tzorvas

D 5 Traianos Dellas

D 16 Sotirios Kyrgiakos

D 13 Evangelos Moras

D 18 Avraam Papadopoulos

D 11 Socratis Papaststhopoulos

D 3 Christos Patsatzoglou

D 2 Giourkas Seitaridis

D 4 Nikos Spyropoulos

D 15 Vassilis Torosidis

D Loukas Vyntra

M 6 Angelos Basinas

M 10 Giorgos Karagounis

M 8 Kostas Katsouranis

M Vassilis Koutsianikoulis

M Grigoris Makos

M Alexis Tziolis

ST 9 Angelos Charisteas

ST Yiannis Amanatidis

ST 17 Theofanis Gekas

ST 14 Dimitrios Salpigidis

ST 7 Georgios Samaras

ST Evangelis Mantzios

The ones I highlighted in bold are players who we're on the EURO 2004 winning squad. Greece did indeed got a bit younger, it's only a matter of when will Otto call up for more youth or to play them more.

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You can easely say that a player who was a regular both at Manchester United and Real Madrid and who is going to play for Milan AC is much better than a random Greek player.

yet that player has NO euro or WC medal !!!!!!!!!!!!


england will NEVER win again hahahahahahaha


I love how everyone one hates greek football after we won the euro in 04

Edited by PAO_OR_DEATH
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  • 7 years later...
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  • 7 months later...

Mitroglou entered the top ten off alltime topscorers for the Ethniki after his goal against Belgium:

1. Ν. Αναστόπουλος 29
2. Αγγ. Χαριστέας 25
3. Φ. Γκέκας 24
4. Δ. Σαραβάκος 22
5. Μ. Παπαϊωάννου 20
6. Ν. Μαχλάς 18
7. Ντ. Νικολαϊδης 17
8. Π. Τσαλουχίδης 16
9. Γ. Σιδέρης 14
10. Κ. Μήτρογλου 13
11. Δ. Σαλπιγγίδης 13
12. Ν. Λυμπερόπουλος 13
13. Θ. Μαύρος 12
14. Β. Τσιάρτας 12
15. Στ. Γιαννακόπουλος 12
16. Γ.Χ. Γεωργιάδης 11
17. Κ. Κατσουράνης 10
18. Αλ. Αλεξανδρής 10
19. Β. Τοροσίδης 9
20. Γ. Σαμαράς 9

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