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Iv said all along the League has become a game of 2 egos between Meli and Marinakis and the only ones suffering are the fans.


Tzatziki why wouldn't we love him for it though he's actually showing balls and has been the only one to stand up to Marinakis, no other owners were doing this before Meli took over AEK.


Its just posturing and pandering imo. There is no substance there. I know you won't agree but that is how I see it at this point, if things change I'll take some humble pie, edo eimaste.

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The worst thing about these kinds of headlines is that we have no knowledge of what, if anything, is actually actionable. We don't know if anyone has any proof of anything, any intention to find proof, any intention to prosecute, anything at all. That's why I'm predicting we'll end up with a forfeited cup run + a 6 point deduction on our SL points totals. And of course a 150k EUR fine and a 5-match fan ban. And next year, back to the same.

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Michel (and Savvidis via teleconference) , Melissanidis and Alafouzos held a meeting earlier today to discuss their next steps in the battle against EPO.


Their initial main goal is for Girtzikis to step down from EPO.


They are also preparing for the proposed meeting among all the Superleague owners set for Tuesday as called for by Xanthi owner Panopoulos.. Let's see if everyone shows up.

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there would be quite a simple way to remove marinakis from the equation if everyone had the stones to do it.


if the other 3 were to break away and make a 'premier league' separate from the rest of the greek system and drag connected teams [even if they are in B ethniki] just like the top flight english clubs did. Just don't extend an invite to marinakis


EPO would eventually fall into line


and yes I realise that that is asking for a hell of a lot of common sense and logic from everyone involved, but you can only hope

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I do agree that might work but as you say neabafra it would be tricky to manufacture. With us PAO and AEK if you could get Larissa, Aris from the lower divisons and any other willing teams to come join. The problem is UEFA would still recoginze the Superleague as the official league and European spots would remain in that league. So that would deter any "neutral" teams to maybe break away and take a stand. 


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Tomorrow all the Superleague team owners are meeting in Athens to discuss the future of Greek soccer. For the first time Savvidis will take part in person. Onthe other hand it was reported that Marinakis will not be attending.

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Yes, he is not to be involved with Greek soccer.  :lol:


And one day before the meeting the Undersecretary of Sport is now calling for the owners of the Big 4 to sit down together and work things out among themselves. Never mind that there are 12 other teams that take part in the competition.

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It's because it's in Marinaki's best interest for PAOK to make the playoffs.  If we make the playoffs, we'll be less of a headache for him....if we don't make the playoffs, we'll be a nightmare for him....at least that's what the old guy at the kafenio who talks to his komboloi said........to his glass of water.

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As long as this keeps Asteras firmly on our side when it comes to restructuring this league, I don't care the motivations behind the "fix". 


And don't discount Xanthi's argument. I think that's the way to solve this problem, rally about 10-12 teams to form an alternate league, get certified and leave Olympiakos out of it until they shape up. It should be very feasible especially if the government grants the new league a license. 


I would love to mimic the Belgian Pro League. They only have 10 teams, but the shorter schedule makes playoffs (both for championship and relegation) less onerous, and more interesting. Their league is better top to bottom as a result. Top 4 go to the championship playoffs and the bottom 4 go to a relegation playoff. 

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It's because it's in Marinaki's best interest for PAOK to make the playoffs.  


It sure is. Besides Olympiakos, PAOK is the only other Greek team that brought in any substantial points to the UEFA's coefficient. Without those points, the 12th position in the UEFA standings would have disappeared much sooner. Also PAOK in European competitions has quite a good points coefficient, which means we get easier draws and thus acquire more points for the overall standings easier. That's something AEK, Panionios, Tripoli, Giannina can't do.


As for the 12 smaller teams, half of those teams are in Marinakis's corner, and even with PAOK, AEk and Panathinaikos joining forces, there are not enough votes to overturn the "red" majority in the Superleague.

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Xanthi want a league without the top four teams though^^


No they don't.... How much would the rights to televise THAT league sell for?  How many tickets will they sell to their games?  LOL.... It will truly be an amateur league.  The stadiums are already worse than most high school football fields in America.

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