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Barcelona4 last won the day on January 5 2023

Barcelona4 had the most liked content!

About Barcelona4

  • Birthday 08/03/1991

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  • Location
    Barcelona, Spain

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  1. Only 1-0. They are lucky even when they lose.
  2. The absolute decay of the Greek state: Here is the... anonymous complaint that mobilized the EEA against PAOK! To laugh or to cry with the practices of directed state apparatuses? See the document that EEA included as... reliable in the file to call PAOK PAOK to apologize. SDNA reveals. https://www.sdna.gr/podosfairo/1027057_i-apolyti-xeftila-toy-kratoys-idoy-i-anonymi-kataggelia-poy-kinitopoiise-tin-eea
  3. The Guardian about Mitsotakis, Marinakis, involving the corruption of Olympiakos as well! What is happening in our country is taking on international dimensions with surveillance and public threats against the government. In today's article, the Guardian explains what happened with Olympiakos and how it developed into a political power game between Marinakis and Mitsotakis. With an op-ed in today's Guardian, which is even signed by the internationally renowned Alexander Clapp (finalist in 2020 for the Pulitzer Prize), the surveillance scandal in our country and the threats against the government come to the fore. What is even more remarkable is that extensive reference is made to Vangelis Marinakis and Kyriakos Mitsotakis, with Olympiakos firmly in the... plan! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/21/oligarch-prime-minister-greece-spyware-allegations https://www.sdna.gr/politiko-deltio/ellada/1027028_kolafos-o-guardian-gia-mitsotaki-marinaki-emplekontas-kai-ton
  4. PAOK FC club statement The moment we were all waiting for… The Professional Sports Committe (EEA), of Tzoulakis and Arkoudis, the favorite tool of Lefteris Avgenakis, has sought to find its moment to attempt to take revenge on PAOK for their international humiliation at the Court of Arbritration for Sport (CAS) regarding the so-called multi-ownership scheme in the case that they tried to set up against the club. Today, the trustees of the Professional Sports Comiittee (EEA) have called PAOK to provide explanations regarding the personal case of Giorgos Savvidis, something that PAOK knows absolutely nothing about. In any case, the outcome for them will be the same, however, we draw attention once again to Lefteris Avgenakis, who chooses a vendetta with PAOK. PAOK proved to you that it is both morally and legally protected, in order not to allow you to try and carry out your pre-election initiatives. Now, it is a matter of honor for us your political punishment and your definitive departure from the country’s sporting scene, as the most spiteful and dangerous deputy minister of sports in history. Already your tenure in your position causes us great surprise and dissatisfaction with the government, which allows you to ridicule equality, the institutions and unfortunately also your birthplace. https://www.paokfc.gr/en/news/20221117-anakoinosi-pae-paok/
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