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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Pelkas has more goals than Fetfatzidis in the Greek League. Plus Fetfatzidis played more games than Pelkas overall. They are practically the same kind of player, (fast, good vision and technical dribblers)  but one is younger than the other and one is more ambitious than the other. 

Edited by Dean97
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Fetfatzidis is overrated. I said Pelkas has more flash over substance, but let me tell you, Fetfa is only flash. And when Pelkas reaches 25, I doubt he'll opt for early retirement.

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I know you think Mystakidis is a better player than Pelkas can i ask why Mystakidis has not been called up but Pelkas has.


He made more of a bang at the beginning of the season.

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Pelkas in one word, unreliable. Pelkas can often disappear during a game for many minutes. His A-game you could say is better than Mystakidis but not by much. Mystakidis on the other hand is consistent. I have not seen him drift in and out of games the way Pelkas does. He also has a tendency to score goals during tough games or when the team really needs a goal, whereas Pelkas tends to play at his best when the pressure isn't on.

All this sounds like I don't rate Pelkas. I do, but he has a long way to go. He's still a boy. Mistakidis is far more developed in my eyes even if he isn't as technically gifted.

As for Fetfa, I can't take him seriously for the NT. He's 25 years of age and he's spent more minutes in his career on the bench than on the pitch. Don't be seduced by the flicks and tricks. There's a reason why he's been riding the bench most of his career.

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My god what has happened to this team....The talent level keeps on dropping, Pelkas? On the NT team lol. The players coming up are a joke!!! I see us sinking even lower during this campaign, by the time we start the next Euro qualifiers we'll be sitting ranked around 50! I can count 5 to 7 players that have talent and we know who they're....The rest GARBAGE.

Let's say this is true that there is only 5-7 players that have talent, This still doesn't make sense why we've been so bad, because if you look at the teams we played against in the EQ NON of those teams had 5-7 players on the field with Talent, so by that logic we still should have topped our group. If you can play a system with a team that has 5-7 talented players on the field you should be able to stay and compete in most games and you shouldn't lose to Fisherman or Shitty Northern Ireland/Finland and so on. I believe this team does have talent, I think the problem is getting them to buy into a system that works and finding the right leader on the field to lead this group, someone vocal and someone that guys respect.

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Aide lets get Fetfa to Popovic's Western Sydney, Lazaros to Adelaide, Tziolis to Perth, Moras to Sydney FC and Kone to Melbourne City. Make it happen FFA/EPO!! Get in before China does.

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I ve heard Fetfa has had problems with lifestyle. From Olympiakos already he had been seen going out clubbing and drinking with whores. Im pretty sure he got bigger money in Genoa and of course in his Arab team, so why would he not continue ? No dicipline makes him unfit for his team. EPO might have someone to contact to his teams to ask about Fetfatzidis. If their man say he is unfit why bother and useh im ? Did he even play at the Australian friendlies ? How could he lose a starter spot in 2 games with all our good offensive players missing ?

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Aide lets get Fetfa to Popovic's Western Sydney, Lazaros to Adelaide, Tziolis to Perth, Moras to Sydney FC and Kone to Melbourne City. Make it happen FFA/EPO!! Get in before China does.



he is being paid more than the entire WSW salary cap to play in Qatar....why would he come to ALeague?



And why would any Greek soccer fan want Greece NT players playing in  the A League...??


Moras aside who is 35 and no longer should be an NT player...he also fits the age demographic for A League imports..


I would be devastated if Kone, Fetfa, Lazaros played here before they turned 33...

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I think 3 at the back is the only way to go. Either 3-5-2 or 3-5-1-1. Our best position is CB. Allows all 3 of papastathopoulos, manolas and kpaps to play. Also allows holebas to play as a wingback which is probably the best spot for him.













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We're a 3-4-1-2 team in my book. I know I've said it many times, but after seeing Italy-Belgium, how much more obvious can it get?

Samaris and Maniatis are not starting material for Greece. Ireland had a similarly uninspiring CM duo at Euro 2012 with Glenn Whelan and Keith Andrews. I think Skibbe though favours these two to start, maybe even Tziolis too.


I've never been a fan of Samaris.  Whenever I've watched him I shake my head and wonder why Benfica paid so much for him.  But I'll tell you what, his performance in the second game against Australia was nothing short of superb.  He was in the middle of the park and played more like a traditional number 8 (a very underrated position).  He wasn't sitting deep in the DM role which I believe does not suit him.  If you're going to get the best out of him, he needs to be a bit further up the pitch.  The grunt work of being the DM doesn't suit him.

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Maybe play Kyriakos as DM and Samaris as no. 8, Kyriakos passing range, is it up to scrath (& sniff) though? If not Kyri, then Petsos? Or the 65 min mark specialist, Tzioli!

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Kpaps isn't a DM, and isn't fit to start...at all. Holebas may make a good wingback while he still has legs, but Torosidis does not. A 3-5-whatever does not play to our real-life strengths, only hypotheticals.

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Would it not be best to put Taxi into DM, his passing range is great and if he can close down attacking raids towards the fullbacks, well.. Sorry to draw this parallel again, is he no slower than Jedinak but with superior vision perhaps? Should be trusted there then. Samaris can then play as a natural 8.

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1789  1789 AND 1789, not picking Samaris and picking Mavrias! Some experienced posters on this site are going to have a coronary. Sherriff, Akri, Ellas, Banana, Laz, Nick say something!! Good point on Toro, although he looked very sharp to me. (I'll put my specs on next time.) Samaris plays best as an 8.

Edited by ausgreek
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1789  1789 AND 1789, not picking Samaris and picking Mavrias! Some experienced posters on this site are going to have a coronary. Sherriff, Akri, Ellas, Banana, Laz, Nick say something!! Good point on Toro, although he looked very sharp to me. (I'll put my specs on next time.) Samaris plays best as an 8.



i saw that and shook my head....


I actually back Mavrias to be the next RM if he finds his feet.....In the same way I think Bouchalakis could be our next DM...

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