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ausgreek last won the day on November 14 2023

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    football ethniki, roos and womens tennis

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  1. Fortounis retired from the Ethniki. This reminds me all over again, about the potential returns of Sokratis, Manolas, Siovas & some creative mids a number of years ago. Like the words in that movie Frozen say, 'let it go.' This is now a new era. Bring on the likes of Konstantelias & Alexandropoulos.
  2. That report tells me that Gus Poyet is a bonehead. Evidence for this are team selections. Also, Ethniki are not Euro class as well.
  3. Thats true but now the gaffer hopefully has learn't to finally trust the players that are all ahead of Tzavellas. He can be brought in as an assistant coach if he is that great off the pitch, not to take a playing position. That means someone else missed an opportunity to represent they're country.
  4. I can understand the team having experienced warriors around the team when they are preparing for matches. Having Tzavellas in the squad taking up an actual playing spot is going too far. If the gaffer picks the likes of Tzavellas going forward from here when there is no injury crisis, that is clear evidence that he has not got enough trust in his players and he can say whatever rubbish he wants, 'it does not compute.' Having experience around the squad is important and can be in the form of ex players or certain coaching staff, not in the form of a player taking up a playing position in the natonal team squad. He was never going to play in any of these two matches.
  5. No manager was willing to give Mantalos a chance as a central mid. Finally, Gus did that, not straight away either and with Petros' speed and smarts handles the position with ease. This new dynamic benefits the Ethniki with more speed in the middle of the park, especially as it seems that the likes of Galanopoulos and Alexandropoulos have gone to an outerspace journey.
  6. Lineup for Friendly 4 1 4 1 / 4 3 3 : Athanasiades Rota Mavro Hatzi Giannoulis Siopis Bakasetas. Fortounis Chatzigiovanis Limnios Pavlidis
  7. Bakasetas is the main outlet of goals being scored, and from outside the box. He has grown into his role. He is very durable, not injury prone either, like others. Undroppable at the moment.
  8. I'll walk down Matoyianni Street in Mykonos in all my glory, if Bakasetas doesn't play this match. Fortounis will get bench, we all know that.
  9. Argentina, Chile, Paraguay Uruguay I don't know why..
  10. And so they should. F.I. are a superpower, they beat our sleepy ass twice.
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