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Maybe this is a stupid question, but....why is a quarantine necessary if people can be tested? I was under the impression that the tests would show results even if you're asymptomatic. If you want to be extra-careful, why not cut the quarantine in half and test a person on days 3 and 7?

Also, is Spain increasing in cases again? Hmmmm ME NO LIKE

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That's a great question.

According to the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, "Effectiveness of quarantine during a viral outbreak relies on the timing and accuracy of the quarantine period, as well as the ability of individuals and health care providers to follow quarantine procedures. Current evidence to inform quarantine is limited, and COVID-19 infection trends raise critical questions about implementation effectiveness."  ... "Quarantine is different from isolation, which is the separation of ill or infected persons from others to prevent the spread of infection or contamination. Introducing quarantine, according to the WHO: “aims to delay the introduction of the disease to a country or area or may delay the peak of an epidemic in an area where local transmission is ongoing, or both”."

An opinion - on the subject of travelers - featured on Bloomberg reads: Britain’s Coronavirus Quarantine Won’t Fly : The U.K.’s quarantine for inbound travelers will inflict economic damage on its $182.5 billion tourism market, and it may not be enforceable. 

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Hah so....it's just posturing, it seems.

Another good quote from the article:


For the most part, police here haven’t even tried to get people to comply with the new number limits on gatherings in outdoor spaces, breaking up only large groups. As for policing homes (where presumably people would quarantine), forget it — unless the government plans to ape Bahrain, where quarantines are backed up by electronic bracelets and threats of huge fines and prison terms.


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I have some good news for my hometown 
Harris County active cases dropped from 48,132 to 29,413 (19,890 alone in Houston). 
Hospitalizations have slightly decreased, this trend must continue to slow the spread of the virus. 

Edited by Molon Lave
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It seems like the only good thing that came of this late wave in the south, is that we learned enough lessons from what happened in the first hard-hit states to save more lives in the here and now. It's unfortunate that this is being used as "proof" that the disease isn't deadly. Should instead be mournful that it took 30k+ deaths just in NY to learn how to fight this thing...

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The death toll in Harris County shows 780, but they feared over 1,200 may have died from COVID-19. There were reports people were dying from their homes when not getting reached for emergency calls. ? 

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Update on Melbourne Australia.  The rest of the country is doing ok although New South Wales is beginning to be a worry.

Melbourne was been getting 300+ cases in the last fortnight or so.  Then it spiked to 500+ cases in the last week or so.  Melbourne is now in stage 4 lockdown as of last night.  This includes curfews from 8pm to 5am, travel restricted to no more than 5 kms from residence, and others.

More details here :-



In addition, there will be some new annoucements today concerning specific business industries.  Some will be mothballed or restricted.  The stage 4 lockdown at this point is for 6 weeks.

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12 hours ago, Bananas said:

The stage 4 lockdown at this point is for 6 weeks.

It's unfortunate that cases have spiked, but good to hear that the governor of Victoria is determined on taking drastic actions. Let's hope you guys manage to keep things under control and that we will look at you as another success story.

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Here's an interesting article. It sounds alarmist at first (especially considering the headline) but the point is just to say that this will eventually be considered similarly to other particularly virulent strains of the common cold. Vaccines will come, and better therapies will absolutely be developed.



As a digression, while I despise the right-wing argument that this virus is nothing but a political ploy of some sort, I've noticed that on places like Reddit that any claim that this isn't the end of the world is immediately downvoted into oblivion. There are people across my state who think we should still be in lockdown, and our rate of positive tests going up from 1.7% to 2.0% is an unmitigated disaster. Ultimately, a strict lockdown that will go on for years will both destroy many people's lives and fail to control the disease.

Remember, all: the lockdowns so far have only existed to "flatten the curve." These were never intended to wipe out the virus, and going by the above article it seems it'll be around forever. Trust in science to eventually open the doors to a return to normalcy through a combination of vaccines and therapies. These are coming, I guarantee you. Anyone who has an extremist outlook on this is thinking emotionally, not logically.



In other news, Brazil has hit 100,000 deaths, as they failed to enact the basic steps needed to control this (much like most of the United States). Obviously that's a place that needs to actually act like adults and lock down, like much of the south here in the US.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here in Melbourne we are down to 81 new cases as of today. Stage 4 lockdown has been extended for two weeks.

I am in between the stages of marvelling at what incredible little humans my kids are and wanting to rip their arms off and beat them over the head with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

200,000 dead of Covid-19 in US (CNN)

The death toll has surpassed the number of American combat deaths in the country's five most recent wars combined.

Remember this when you vote on Nov. 3. Hold your politicians responsible for the role they played in this terrible chapter in the history of this country.

It didn't have to be this way!


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Greece is getting worse by the weeks. Got a record 453 cases yesterday (243 from migrates in Lesvos). 

Here is the latest figures 
15,928 confirmed cases 
352 deaths 
10,441 recovered 
77 severe-critical (Intubated) 

So their active cases is over 5,000 at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, Lazarus said:

200,000 dead of Covid-19 in US (CNN)

The death toll has surpassed the number of American combat deaths in the country's five most recent wars combined.

Remember this when you vote on Nov. 3. Hold your politicians responsible for the role they played in this terrible chapter in the history of this country.

It didn't have to be this way!


This is indeed the worst crisis America will ever see in there lifetime. 

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13 hours ago, Athens4 said:

Covid-19 has no effect on large crowds that gather to protest or riot.

Yet once again, selectively using half-baked science innuendos to back a political propaganda position. How come you missed large crowd gatherings for Trump rallies? Just emphasizing protests and riots because it suits your political conservative positions?  Solo otro mentiroso.

Virus spreading is rampant in large crowds. Large gatherings are mostly considered super-spreader events in the Covid-19 fighting community. That's why scientists advise people to avoid them.

If you really want to educate yourself, read responsible writers and articles on the subject. From NPR: Parties — Not Protests — Are Causing Spikes In Coronavirus.

Misinformation and political misdirection does not contribute to fending off the pandemic, Instead in perpetuates ignorance and it results in further spreading.

Covid-19 is no joke or conspiracy theory. 

To moderators: Why are posts like the above tolerated? Why isn't his guy kicked out or his account suspended for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories?

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@Pepito why is it that anybody who challenges you is a Trump supporter? ?

I have told you before that the result of this debate means nothing to me. I do not support neither Trump nor Biden.

For someone who wants to go into politics, you really do have a lot to learn. All you do is go into ultra-defensive mode before proceeding with an all-out attack on people that includes things like “daddy” references ?

You’re actually no different than the far-right who avoid any sort of debate when it comes to their beliefs. Learn how to have an open conversation hermano, instead of insulting people and trying to put them down.

With regards to conspiracy theories, nobody on here said that COVID doesn’t exist. If you re-read my post I said that it has no effect on large gatherings or protests. That goes for any protest. To be honest, I’m not sure that you realised that my post was actually one of sarcasm.

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