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Pepito last won the day on May 5 2020

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About Pepito

  • Birthday 11/13/1962

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    Chihuahua, Mexico
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    Beans and siesta

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  1. On Late Night, Seth Meyers tallied the many upsides to a Joe Biden presidency: “in addition to preserving what’s left of our democracy, reversing four years of malicious racism, savagery and criminal neglect, getting rid of Trump is just a quality of life issue,” he said
  2. Stephen Is Ecstatic About The Biden-Harris Win, But Says We Can Not Be Complacent
  3. Jimmy Kimmel: People took to the streets across the country to celebrate Joe Biden & Kamala Harris winning the election, our first ever edition of Drunk Kamala Harris, Trump refuses to accept that he lost and claims the election was stolen from him, we put together some past concession speeches to give Trump some inspiration,
  4. And from Stephen Colbert: Stephen Rips Up The Monologue And Starts Over After Trump's Heartbreaking Thursday Night Lie Fest
  5. From Seth Meyers: Trump Is Losing the Election, So He's Trying to Destroy Democracy: A Closer Look
  6. From Jimmy Kimmel Live: Trump is Losing, Lying & Tearing Democracy Down with Him
  7. Of course it all starts with Fox News, the disgraced orange man's propaganda network.
  8. Trump Covid post deleted by Facebook and hidden by Twitter Facebook has deleted a post in which President Trump had claimed Covid-19 was "less lethal" than the flu. It's about f***ing time!!!!!!
  9. Sarcasm? What freaking planet are you on? The world exceeded 1 million dead and you think it's funny?
  10. Yet once again, selectively using half-baked science innuendos to back a political propaganda position. How come you missed large crowd gatherings for Trump rallies? Just emphasizing protests and riots because it suits your political conservative positions? Solo otro mentiroso. Virus spreading is rampant in large crowds. Large gatherings are mostly considered super-spreader events in the Covid-19 fighting community. That's why scientists advise people to avoid them. If you really want to educate yourself, read responsible writers and articles on the subject. From NPR: Parties — Not Protests — Are Causing Spikes In Coronavirus. Misinformation and political misdirection does not contribute to fending off the pandemic, Instead in perpetuates ignorance and it results in further spreading. Covid-19 is no joke or conspiracy theory. To moderators: Why are posts like the above tolerated? Why isn't his guy kicked out or his account suspended for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories?
  11. Ρε @Athens4, η ιστορία της χώρας των γονιών σου είναι γεμάτη απο ήρωες - ανθρώπους που έδωσαν την ζωή τους, για να ζήσεις εσύ μιά ζωή ελεύθερη και να σπαταλάς τα λεφτά του μπαμπά. Κι εσύ σαν οπαδός του Τραμπ, σαν μαθητευόμενος ναρκισιστής, ισοπεδώνεις τα πάντα και τα φέρνεις στο χαμηλώτερο δυνατόν επίπεδο. Υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που πιστεύουν ότι υπάρχουν πράγματα για τα οποία αξίζει κανείς να παλέψει και (δυστυχώς) μερικοί άλλοι που πιστεύουν στον βούρκο και το κενό της ζωής τους. Ας πάρουμε θέσεις όλοι μας και ας υπερασπιστούμε τα πιστεύω μας ή ας πούμε στον μπαμπάκα μας να στείλει κανένα-δυό χιλιάρικα ακόμη. Tengo a satanás detrás de mi
  12. Trump has $421million in outstanding loans that will become due within the next few years. Will the Russians come after him, or will he con US taxpayers into footing the bill? This guy is a crook.
  13. Good to see that Biden is standing up to Trump's fear mongering strategy and pushing for violence. Good speech by Biden. He made his points and slammed Trump for his 'all I care is about me' approach to governing.
  14. On the actual topic we are discussing, Biden said after his speech in Wilmington on Tuesday that he will choose his vice presidential running mate next week. Who would be a good running mate for Biden? My choice would be Susan Rice followed by Val Demings. I think Susan Rice is the most qualified but might the most polarizing figure. I would like Val Demings as a choice. Politico has a list featuring possible candidates.
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