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On 7/6/2020 at 10:03 PM, pash said:

Is your Lieutenant Governor still saying he'd die for the economy?

Yes, and he is an a**hole!!! Your typical rich, right-wing Republican. 

Edited by Molon Lave
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10,028 cases in Texas yesterday, I wonder how many we will have today? 
9,268 Texans are hospitalized with the novel coronavirus. 

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I am planning to move to either Rhode Island or Massachusetts when my auto repair shop is purchased and and telecommunication tower as well. It will take time. 

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On 7/6/2020 at 11:03 PM, pash said:

Is your Lieutenant Governor still saying he'd die for the economy?

We have something to compare now....  Sweden, which has had a very lax COVID19 response...   So, you'd think its economy did much better since they didn't have the massive shutdowns other countries did. But, according to this NYT article, Sweden paid a big price in human lives with little, if any, economic benefit. NYT article: In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains.

COVID19 never left us, we are still in those waves.... I'm afraid that in about a month when schools open there will be a bigger wave.  If we don't maintain social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks, etc, this epidemic will be battering our shores, until a vaccine or a cure.

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Athinaios, it has always struck me as pretty silly that everyone seems to give Sweden the benefit of the doubt when they do dumb things. The Swedes decide to not address this virus, and everyone thinks they're just data-driven intellectuals. It's almost as if they're as fallible as us mortals, who'd'a thunk it?



I am hopeful that we won't see a second wave here, but I wouldn't be surprised if we do. My state's manged an under-2% 7-day average of infections for a while now, but it remains to be seen how this works as more businesses reopen and schools start up in the fall (we all know children are filthy). I'm in grad school and it was announced that professors would have the option to do 100% of their classes online (and people who are on campus must wear a mask *at all times*).






Molon Lave, allow me to be the first to wave the flag of New England at you as you enter:



Though we're so fractious that we can't even agree on one flag:



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Melbourne, Australia has gone back into lock down for 6 weeks.  There has been a spike in the last 2 weeks or so and numbers started climbing little by little hitting over 100 new cases per day.  Lock down begins Monday 11th.  And then I look at figures from Texas, Florida and think, are those numbers real ?  That can't be right.  Just crazy.

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Like actively in hospitals? Grim. Google's tracker tells me you have 258,000 confirmed cases in total now (though 130k have already recovered).

Florida broke a new record today with nearly 15,300 new cases in a single day. For comparison, Australia has had fewer than 10,000 confirmed cases in total, the vast majority of whom have already recovered.

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One of our local pharmas here in the Boston area (Moderna) released the results of their first human vaccine trials last night. It seems that they worked on all 45 tested people, at all dosages (there were high- medium- and low-dose trials). It looks like they're moving forward with the medium dosage in a 30,000-person trial that will begin this month, with results to be collected by end of November. Don't go kissing strangers yet but this is great news.

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The race is on! But realistically, none of these companies will be able to scale up production enough to cover the world. Having three or four vaccines, however, will spread the load (to say nothing of safeguarding against disaster, if one of those vaccines goes the polio route).

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77k new illnesses announced today (so as of yesterday's #s). I think this is the second consecutive day of records broken as a whole in the US.

Brazil's death rate vs number of infections is also catching up to the US's. They might be more hard-hit when all is said and done, on a proportional basis (210mm vs 330mm populations).

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Greece now has 4,007 confirmed cases with 194 deaths. The country still haven't updated on recoveries as it still stands at 1,374. I read 90 people in Greece are hospitalized (13 of them in serious conditions). 124 who were on ICU were discharged since the beginning of the pandemic. 

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4 dead in Greece from coronavirus in the past 24 hours, 6 dead overall in the past 48 hours, brings the death total to 201. ?

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On 7/22/2020 at 11:58 AM, Molon Lave said:

4 dead in Greece from coronavirus in the past 24 hours, 6 dead overall in the past 48 hours, brings the death total to 201. ?

Do we know how many might have been tourists? A lot of people (I know I do) like to drink on vacation and let loose. Alcohol=poor decision making when you have had too much. Drunk people def going to forget all about social distancing and preventative measures real quick. The whole idea of having bars or clubs open during the pandemic is just a disaster waiting to happen. People do not have any mind to take the right measures when they are sober, these people should not be on the sauce unless they are home.

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On 7/23/2020 at 6:19 PM, Tzatziki said:

People do not have any mind to take the right measures when they are sober, these people should not be on the sauce unless they are home.

Unfortunately that is part of the definition of the word 'vacation'. A place and some time where you can let your guard down. For the generation of young people that means 'party time'

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Sorry, the only youtube video I can bring myself to watch these past two months is Konstantinos Argyros' "Athina Mou." In these trying times, it's the only thing anyone should be watching.

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