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SL–R10: AEK - PAOK (05 Nov 17, 19:30 EET)


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What a no-show today. I know championships are not won in the derbies but lost against the likes of Levadiakos, Apollon Smyrni and AEL like we did, but is it too much asked to get a result, even a draw, against a fellow-contender for a bonuspoint????

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The problems are very simple.


The coach is a joke.  An absolute pathetic joke.  You don't chase a championship by shopping for coaches in the middle of the table of your current league.  NOMOS

Prijovic is proving to be an absolute worthless sack of crap.  Worse than Klaus.  He completely missed the ball twice, like a rookie.  He has zero presence in a match and his only claim to fame is getting a perfectly crossed ball, and heading it.  Very Klaus-esque, because he has no other skills, he's prone for droughts.

Besides Pelkas, Vieirinha, Biseswar and Matos (and Mauricio, but only the last couple matches) we have zero talent or personality on this team.  I would say Zambrano too, but he showed his lack of maturity or professionalism today.

The team is in really rough shape with little to no chance of any worthy improvements in the near future.

AEK has shown that they deserve the Championship more than us so far.  It's going to be funny that AEK came up from Gamma Ethniki and wins a cup, a Championship and goes to the groups satges (and with a little luck even further) while we sat for 5 years and did nothing but waste money, and stroke each others ego. 

The team has had no identity since Savvidis took over.  No consistency, no passion, and no balls.  The last 2 USED to be what we stood for, but now we're just a bunch of chumps who switch our entire roster every 2 years and coaches every 4 months. 


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Who would of thought sacking a coach 1 week out from the start of the season wouldn't end well? Lucescu isn't good enough, I think most knew this. He is a small team manager who can frustrate big teams, doesn't have the ability to coach a team that needs to play football and not foul and get in the faces of the opposition. 

I've said it before writing has been on the wall since we sacked Stanojevic, probably even further back when Ivic decided to leave. What makes it worse is that this season has opened right up with olymapiko's struggles early days and we've done nothing to take advantage. Extremely disappointing, it's like watching the same bad movie every year over and over. 

There is still time, but I can't see Lucescu turning it around. Forget winning derbies away from home we need to start by beating Smyrini and Larissa.  

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Why does Lucescu have to go so early ?  Wasn't Ivic just as bad or worse last season ?  He didn't get the team clicking until after Christmas.

This game went as expected.  If you were going to put money on which PAOK player would get a red card, we all know who we would put our money on.  A dour game with few chances.  What a surprise.

The biggest mistake Lucescu is making is playing Vieirinha and El Khaddouri regardless of their form, but I think he's stuck there.  He can't tell Savvidis "sorry mate, your super signings aren't that great".  Not that they're terrible players or won't come good, but in today's game you play Campos and Biseswar all the way.  This was always going to be a game where you need more brawn than finesse and Campos is better than Vieirinha at that.  He can take the kicks.

Add to that a Lucescu who is instinctively defensive and a squad that's still a bit all over the place and this result is far from surprising.  Disappointing yes, but not surprising.

Get a new manager at the end of the season if someone better than Lucescu is available, but for now, I see no point in getting rid of him.

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There is a slight difference, Ivic had a brand new squad. Lucescu has inherited a squad that only finished 3 points off the pace last season. Regardless I agree with you bananas, sacking another coach isn't the answer. Personally I don't think Lucescu will last beyond this season, if he even sees it out. But instability isn't the answer. 

It starts at the top, you appoint a manager in the summer you must give him time. And if he was so bad, then do your due diligence and appoint someone who is somewhat proven. 


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Yes and no.  He inherited a lot of the old squad but the new signings are enough to make the old core not the new core.  Core players from last season that have not played much this season include Crespo, Canas, Shakhov, Biseswar and Campos.  That is half the team!

Up front Vieirinha, El Khaddouri and Pelkas are the new attacking midfielders.  Last season it was Campos, Biseswar, Rodrigues and after Rodrigues was sold it was Henrique (who I think we are idiots for loaning).  Pelkas and Mystakidis got some game time here and there.  If you take any team and replace 3 of their attackers with new players you have a completely different dynamic.  Heck, replacing one player can change the dynamic of a team.

All I'm saying is that this idea of it being the same core ... not quite.  Rey, Zambrano, Mauricio, Vieirinha, El Khaddouri and Pelkas are now core.  Last season they were not.

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You are right there, there have been changes but were they really needed? I think everyone can agree Bisewar should be starting.  Pelka was part of the team and played a fair bit, so can't really say he's new, but I understand what you are saying he is now a starter when last season he was a rotation player. 
A keeper doesn't take a huge amount of time to gel with a defence, and regardless we haven't really conceded a goal from poor communication (perhaps v olympiako but imo zambrano should have been more aware) 

Do you think Lucescu is the answer for us? 

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We cannot continuously change managers. In the end nobody will dare come to us as they know that they will be given three months to perform miracles. The problem with PAOK is behind the scenes with the like of Vukic and Koutsoliakos. Unfortunately Savvidis may well be a good business but he has no idea about football.

The biggest mistake we made was getting rid of Ivic. Hiring Stanojevic then replacing him with someone we could have got in the first place was an absolute farce. We will not win anything this season.

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I have always said, and still say, that we need a manager that can instill the winner mentality into us. Also have the guts to go out and win a natch.  I'm not up with injuries so please correct me, but if Canas and Mauricio aren't better than cimirot and shakov... Are we serious? Pelka? Spare me... Why did we bother getting Mak? Wasting another season. Still plenty to play for but we need to be more enterprising. 

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6 hours ago, paokarag4 said:

Do you think Lucescu is the answer for us? 

I think right now he is the best we can get.

The idea of getting a really good manager has been discussed a lot.  The simple answer is a very good manager will *not* come to PAOK.  Now maybe if Savvidis is willing to spend over 1 million in wages he might tempt someone but even then I'm not sure it would work out.

As for Lucescu I was relieved we signed him after Stoogeovic.  Lucescu knows the Greek league and the teams which is a plus.  He's also got a decent record with Xanthi which is another plus.  But we don't know how he'll cope with the job of managing a big club.  On the plus side we are playing decent overall.  By that I mean it's not like any team is playing us off the park.  Our two failures in the derbies were to teams that played ultra conservative and ultra defensive.  Who would've that Olympiakos or AEK would be afraid of us ?  And yet they are.  It shows in their game plan.  Where we lack is in the ability to penetrate their defences.  This is stuff we all know.  It is what it is and hopefully with time the team can overcome this.

I think tactically he's making some decisions I can't understand, but I don't really know what's happening in training.  Why is he persisting with El Khaddouri ?  Why is he playing Vieirinha (why did we even buy him) ?  I can't understand why Mak didn't start this match.  AEK play with 3 at the back so there would've been space on the flanks if you instruct Mak to hug the line.  I don't think the combination of Pelkas, El Khaddouri and Vieirinha has enough goal scoring power.  Technically they're solid but as a combination ... not enough penetration.  Biseswar needs to start more but again here there is politics and fear.

As far as his relationship with the players they seem to like him which is good.  But I'm not sure if they're afraid of him or their position in the pecking order.  Overall, I'm not impressed with Lucescu but I'm willing to give him a shot seeing as he had a shitty or no pre season and realistically we can't find a replacement for him.

So the answer to your question is ... maybe.  In other words, I'm not entirely convinced ... yet ... that Lucescu is the wrong man for the job. :)

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I disagree with the statement that we're playing decent.  I haven't seen a decent game yet.  Some of the obvious mistakes Lucescu has made is:

1. Not starting Biseswar.  Everyone and teir grandmother can see the impact he makes the second he steps on the pitch.  We all know he can't last 90 minutes but he should be there for the first 70, to set the pace and organize the game with the starters while they're fresh.  Not for the last 20 minutes when everyone is already tired and frustrated.  Instead, he jams El Kaddouri down our throats when he is obviously not ready or able to perform the role we need.  

2. Highly questionable substitutions.  I won't get into specifics, but leaving Zambrano in yesterday is just the most recent....but he makes bonehead moves in almost every match.

3. Not playing Pelkas more.  The kid is showing improvement and passion, which is seriously lacking in the team right now.

4.  Sticking with Leovac.  The guy is clearly not in the form he was in last year, and there's a hungry youngster just waiting to get in there and prove himself, and has performed in almost every chance he's gotten.  

I blame the general passive attitude of the team on the manager as well.  If a manager can't get the best out of his players, it's on him.  You can't just dump that all on the players.  If you have the most talented roster in the league (allegedly) and are losing points from the worse teams in the league, then you're not utilizing the tools you have properly.  

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Deligiannidis should be getting so much more playing time. Leovac has one foot out the door at this point as well.

Surely by now Leveque is in shape?? If they're that afraid of playing Deligiannidis, then at least give Leovac some competition.

I 100% agree with Bananas, as usual.

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