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I don't understand why everyone is having a meltdown this weekend over this travel ban.  He said he was going to do it over and over and over during the election. He also said he's going to build a wall and deport Mexican criminals, rip up NAFTA, bomb ISIS, etc...  I'm sure he's going to go after China soon too and the huge trade deficit we have with them.

People voted for him because of these things so it's not like he is doing the complete opposite of what he was voted in for.  

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Well, yeah, you're right. He said those things during the campaign. But, I can also understand why people get upset when things they don't want actually materialize.

There's got to be a reasonable discussion about the effectiveness of proposed and implemented policies. Will the wall stop illegal immigration? In my opinion, no. As you know, when there's demand.... (same with drugs, alcohol, etc)

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A letter from a concerned citizen ( Greek-American as per name) published in the Salt Lake Tribune:

Fascism has come to the USA. The voters did not stop it. Many were willing to throw other victims of income inequality under the bus for the promises of returning jobs, made by a pathological liar.

The Democrats did not stop it, deserting working people to court Wall Street.

Republicans did not stop it. In the end embracing racism, sexism and "alternative facts" for another opportunity to rape the land, continue the genocide of Native Americans and steal money from the poor and elderly to give it to their rich donors.

The religious community did not stop it. Many endorsing an amoral, bullying con man without a conscience, in their effort to continue their persecution of the LGBT community — all in God's name.

Citizens need to begin asking themselves some difficult questions. Those of you who identify as Republicans must decide if there is a point where you can no longer give your tacit approval to tyranny. Only when we realize there is no "us and them," only us, can we be united. Only then will we realize that attacks on gays, women, immigrants, Muslims and minorities are attacks on all of us.

Steven L. Pappas

Salt Lake City

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5 hours ago, aek66 said:

i also know that a nation such as japan, excludes muslims as immigrants...while some nations on trump's 'ban-list', won't allow entry to those who have visited israel, let alone being a jew. the sob story fades rather quickly.

What does this have to do with anything? We live in the United States of America. Our values have always been fighting for human rights and freedoms.

I know you won't like this but it's people like you that F***ed up this country! What's the word? Ah, yes. Deplorables. For those unsure about the word, Merriam-Webster defines deplorable in the following way: “Very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust: deserving to be deplored” and “deserving censure or contempt.” Synonyms for the word deplorable are: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable and wretched.

It's like looking yourself in the mirror, right?

Edited by JimAdams
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I don't think the US has an obligation to take in people from other countries when we have our own problems here.  We have people in Flint drinking lead, we have inner cities that look like they are from one of those countries, and not to mention a host of other problems.  Most Americans feel that way at this time and the people protesting are the clueless who think Islam is the religion of peace.

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9 hours ago, gyros said:

Most Americans feel that way at this time and the people protesting are the clueless who think Islam is the religion of peace.

Who is 'most Americans'? You and your dog? Last I checked Trump lost the popular vote, and those that voted for Trump live in the middle of nowhere. The people that you see protesting is who the US is about.

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Please, Mr. Adams, Trump may be conducting US foreign policy based on where he has hotels, factories that make his products, and where his cronies have interests. But, I think you're trying to distract us with your liberal fact-checking. The answer to all these is....... (are you ready?) how about Hillary's emails and the Clinton foundation????!!!   


(I'm sure you're speechless now!)


By the way Zakaria is right about Trump's executive order banning people from certain countries (where he has hotels). Zakaria was one of the very first in mainstream media to actually call Trump a "bullshit artist"....   He was right. But in addition, Trump is also a con artist, because he uses his bullshit to con people into doing his bidding.

Edited by Hudson
Alternative weather...
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1 hour ago, JimAdams said:

What does this have to do with anything? We live in the United States of America. Our values have always been fighting for human rights and freedoms....

Yes, but there have been lots of cons and reactionaries who've been putting up wall to progress. Trump is their latest, and I think the last successful attempt to turn the country back to the dark ages (you know, when America was great...)

This is not a normal political debate. I could understand why someone could vote for McCain, Romney, Casich or Jeb Bush--all beneath my palatable taste, but within the margins of a political debate. Trump is a beast of an authoritarian (if not totalitarian) makeup and outside the normal political debate. Those who empowered Trump own his behavior and policies.  No excuse like, I'm here for the smores (delicious sandwich of marshmallows and melted chocolate) that people in white hoods are giving out while celebrating around the fire the lynching of American democracy.. or, worse.  

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1 hour ago, gyros said:

I don't think the US has an obligation to take in people from other countries when we have our own problems here.  We have people in Flint drinking lead, we have inner cities that look like they are from one of those countries, and not to mention a host of other problems.  Most Americans feel that way at this time and the people protesting are the clueless who think Islam is the religion of peace.

Friend, this is a different matter, and can be discussed on its own merits. Whether the US is full, or whether has benefited, or may still benefit from immigration, etc. Same with the "inner cities" problems.

As far as Islam is or is not "a religion of peace".... no religion is of peace, except one--Jainism. (in that religion, the more extreme you are, the more peaceful you are).  Wherever there's a theocracy, brutality is the norm. Yes, some Islamists are hell bent on violent jihadism. But, we have Xtian terrorists aplenty here.

When people are indoctrinated into believing God is on their side, then they think everything is possible and permissible.


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2 hours ago, Hudson said:

Friend, this is a different matter, and can be discussed on its own merits. Whether the US is full, or whether has benefited, or may still benefit from immigration, etc. Same with the "inner cities" problems.

As far as Islam is or is not "a religion of peace".... no religion is of peace, except one--Jainism. (in that religion, the more extreme you are, the more peaceful you are).  Wherever there's a theocracy, brutality is the norm. Yes, some Islamists are hell bent on violent jihadism. But, we have Xtian terrorists aplenty here.

When people are indoctrinated into believing God is on their side, then they think everything is possible and permissible.


I've had this argument 100 times on here but Islam does not mesh with western culture.  These people don't belong here and frankly I don't want them.  In the last 15 months, we've had the Nice, France attack, the guy that ran over everyone at the Christmas market in Germany, the Paris Massacre, the Belgium airport bombing, the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Minnesota mall shooting, the Ohio State stabber, the NYC pressure cooker bomber... It is so ignorant to say we don't have a problem and constantly burying your head in the sand and comparing this with crusades or abortion bombers.  

Come on, you're smarter than that.  These people are a problem.  I was watching 60 minutes tonight and they let in 2 iraqi refugees back in 2009 and they tried to buy stinger missiles in the US to shoot down airplanes.  The people protesting at the airports are clowns.  I don't want the US to turn into France or Germany.  Lets control the problem and fix our own crap in house.  Not allow a bunch of people who want to pray on a rug 5 times a day and despise western culture.  Stay home.  The leftists are turning our country into s****

Edited by gyros
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5 hours ago, JimAdams said:

Who the f_ck is 'most Americans'? You and your dog? Last I checked Trump lost the popular vote, and those that voted for Trump live in the middle of nowhere. The people that you see protesting is who the US is about.

Time to brew up a pot of herbal tea and relax a little.  I won't issue another warning since you got one for an earlier post.


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9 hours ago, JimAdams said:

Only then will we realize that attacks on gays, women, immigrants, Muslims and minorities are attacks on all of us.

Steven L. Pappas

Salt Lake City


Well said by Mr. Pappas, bravo tou.

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4 hours ago, gyros said:

I've had this argument 100 times on here but Islam does not mesh with western culture.  These people don't belong here and frankly I don't want them.  In the last 15 months, we've had the Nice, France attack, the guy that ran over everyone at the Christmas market in Germany, the Paris Massacre, the Belgium airport bombing, the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Minnesota mall shooting, the Ohio State stabber, the NYC pressure cooker bomber... It is so ignorant to say we don't have a problem and constantly burying your head in the sand and comparing this with crusades or abortion bombers.  

Come on, you're smarter than that.  These people are a problem.  I was watching 60 minutes tonight and they let in 2 iraqi refugees back in 2009 and they tried to buy stinger missiles in the US to shoot down airplanes.  The people protesting at the airports are clowns.  I don't want the US to turn into France or Germany.  Lets control the problem and fix our own crap in house.  Not allow a bunch of people who want to pray on a rug 5 times a day and despise western culture.  Stay home.  The leftists are turning our country into s****


This line of thinking will get us no where. It is overly simplistic, and does not offer anything positive. All it does is reinforce people's prejudices and alienates moderates, while ignoring the real root causes of terrorism.

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23 hours ago, gyros said:

I don't understand why everyone is having a meltdown this weekend over this travel ban.  He said he was going to do it over and over and over during the election. He also said he's going to build a wall and deport Mexican criminals, rip up NAFTA, bomb ISIS, etc...  I'm sure he's going to go after China soon too and the huge trade deficit we have with them.

People voted for him because of these things so it's not like he is doing the complete opposite of what he was voted in for.  

Cause people want to complain over and over about trump just to complain. Attention whores. This crap is getting old. It's life, you don't get whatever you want. Deal with it!

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So I get a warning for point out alt-facts? When @gk2033 call those who complain "attention whores" that's just dandy? Somehow I sense double standards in here. Is it that the squeaking wheel gets the grease? I can squeak real good.



You let the alt-right people post fake facts call us "attention whores" and "libturds"? I get a warning for saying "who the F*** is most Americans" when somebody clearly misrepresents the facts?    Is the warning because I called aek66 'deplorable'? Or because I think that people with his political orientation have F***ed up the USA?

You want squeaking? You'll get squeaking. Let me see that grease pouring in.

I'm an easy target. Let's see what you have.

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A lot of them? Probably closer to 1 in a 100k refugees end up committing atrocities.Additionally a lot of the attacks in Europe have been by people born/raised in Europe. The fact is there are bad eggs everywhere.  What you will find through is this type of attack gets more profile.

This policy is letting the terrorists win. When you stop going about your everyday life in the same pattern and change policy in such draconian fashion you have lost. The terrorists have succeeded in changing your values and now influence what you do on a daily basis. Trump behaving like a loser... Who would've thought.

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4 hours ago, JimAdams said:

So I get a warning for point out alt-facts? When @gk2033 call those who complain "attention whores" that's just dandy? Somehow I sense double standards in here. Is it that the squeaking wheel gets the grease? I can squeak real good.

You let the alt-right people post fake facts call us "attention whores" and "libturds"? I get a warning for saying "who the F*** is most Americans" when somebody clearly misrepresents the facts?    Is the warning because I called aek66 'deplorable'? Or because I think that people with his political orientation have F***ed up the USA?

You want squeaking? You'll get squeaking. Let me see that grease pouring in.

I'm an easy target. Let's see what you have.

You got a warning, by me, because you said "I know you won't like this but it's people like you that F***ed up this country!".

That is not a point of fact.  And besides, others probably think the same thing about you and your beliefs.

These sort of posts are the type of posts that lead to slanging matches which are fun for those participating (I've been in a few and LOVED them) but just degrade the quality of the thread overall and turn people away.

If you really think someone is ruining the country maybe word it better and explain how.  Who knows, you may even win a convert one day.

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46 minutes ago, Bananas said:

That is not a point of fact.

Really? In a forum that ''cherishes' opinions, tolerates alt-facts, I get a warning because I think that people that voted for Trump screwed up this country? You gotta be kidding me! Here we are talking about a constitutional crisis in the US of A, and I get warned because I chastise those that brought Trump into power? 

You skillfully brush off my question "You let the alt-right people post fake facts call us "attention whores" and "libturds"? 

Sorry buddy. What or who are you afraid off? Poor old me? I don't have any power. I just try to stand up to racists and bigots. It seems like you preferr to ignore them, or worst yet, cover up for them. Do you really think you are contributing to this thread by isolating me as the problem child?

Edited by JimAdams
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26 minutes ago, JimAdams said:

Really? In a forum that ''cherishes' opinions, tolerates alt-facts, I get a warning because I think that people that voted for Trump screwed up this country? You gotta be kidding me! Here we are talking about a constitutional crisis in the US of A, and I get warned because I chastise those that brought Trump into power? 

You skillfully brush off my question "You let the alt-right people post fake facts call us "attention whores" and "libturds"? 

Regarding the toleration of alt-facts, it's not the place of anyone here to edit such.  People can post what they want regarding what they think are facts, and others can dispute them.  Lord knows I've read lots of crazy facts in this thread and others.

If you really think your warning was not deserved, take it up with Supermods, athinaios or pash, or Lazarus.

Regarding expressions like "libturds", yeah, they're not ideal.  But remember, not every word and every sentence is monitored on this forum.  Just what we come across or what is reported.  So, you know ... help me to help you and all that.  "attention whores" is just slang, are we really going to start barring that expression ?

34 minutes ago, JimAdams said:

Sorry buddy. What or who are you afraid off? Poor old me? I don't have any power. I just try to stand up to racists and bigots. It seems like you preferr to ignore them, or worst yet, cover up for them. Do you really think you are contributing to this thread by isolating me as the problem child?

Afraid ?  No, just trying to help make the "discussion" in this thread a little more civil, if such a thing is even possible.  You say you're trying to stand up to racists and bigots.  Cool!  I concur!  Just make sure you can actually identify a racist first because I'm beginning to doubt your ability to.  Apparently, I'm covering up for racists which would make me a racist.  Yep, sure, cool.

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1 hour ago, Bananas said:

Apparently, I'm covering up for racists which would make me a racist. 

Your words.

1 hour ago, Amorgos said:

Stop calling people names and provoking re, your long overdue a warning so cut the shit out and get on with it without attacking and provoking people.

I guess he's your compatriot from down under, so it's cool for him to jump in


1 hour ago, Amorgos said:

calling people racists and pigots is your repeated behaviour,

I call the beast by its name: 666

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3 hours ago, King_Katsouranis said:

A lot of them? Probably closer to 1 in a 100k refugees end up committing atrocities.Additionally a lot of the attacks in Europe have been by people born/raised in Europe. The fact is there are bad eggs everywhere.  What you will find through is this type of attack gets more profile.

This policy is letting the terrorists win. When you stop going about your everyday life in the same pattern and change policy in such draconian fashion you have lost. The terrorists have succeeded in changing your values and now influence what you do on a daily basis. Trump behaving like a loser... Who would've thought.

This is such a cop-out and typical of the do nothing approach and keep on getting massacred.  Lets keep the same policy and bury our head in the sands and when a massacre occurs, lets change pictures of social media to a flag and light up the eiffel tower at night and stand together.  If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck.   


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