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On 2/2/2017 at 10:10 PM, gyros said:


I guess sometimes when we feel a certain way our mind can play tricks on us, and we fail to see things for what they really are, instead we think that Obama has a Muslim "fetish" like you say.


In a way it is like an optical illusion.





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I can never understand your need to constantly post pictures or videos instead of replying with your opinion.  Now you post a picture of Obama that is upside down and I'm supposed to be manipulated to change my stance that Obama was soft on Muslims and never used the term Islamic terrorism although it was Islamic terrorism.  Come on man, your turning these boards into pinterest.

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On 2/3/2017 at 1:10 PM, gyros said:

That deal that Obama made with Australia was a dumb deal and mind boggling.  I'm starting to think he was really Muslim.  Hey, lets take future terrorists that Australia doesn't want.  But I'm not surprised, Obama had a fetish with Muslims and never said Islamic terrorism even though it was Islamic terrorism.

If they're terrorists they're not very clever.

These are people who got on packed, overcrowded rickety boats knowing that the policy of the Australian Government was to detain them on Manus Island or Naura indefinitely.  I guess they were hoping that eventually the Australian Government would either quietly let them into Australia or just give up as it's a humanitarian issue.  Hasn't worked out that way.  It's a political hot potato in Australia as any government that "gives up" and grants them residency will be seen as weak.  They've been stuck in limbo on those islands for years.

I can't see how a terrorist would have a "master" plan that can only be performed at some unknown date.  If the terrorist knew anything of the political situation in Australia he'd know 100% that he'd be in the camp for a long time, possibly years.  So this plan would require the Australian Government to relent (political death) and let them in.  Already a bad plan and unlikely to happen.  But to make it worse ASIO would have years to investigate the people in these camps so this terrorist would have to hope he/she isn't discovered either.  Doesn't sound like much of a plan.  Maybe it's more likely the people are refugees who rolled the dice and it didn't work out for them.

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They are not refugees, they are economic migrants who from what I've read, destroyed their documentation so nobody knows who they are.  The second problem is that these people will come into your country and they will be parasites, have 6 children, leach the generous government system, and then who knows if "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" will kick in and they start going crazy.  There are no positives to bringing them in, only negatives.

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People should have the right to move about freely as they wish, unless it can be proven that they pose a threat to others. You're upset about the $$ your gov spends giving them benefits, personally I would be more upset with all the wasted money that goes to the military and the foreign invasions, but that is just me.

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14 minutes ago, Tzatziki said:

People should have the right to move about freely as they wish, unless it can be proven that they pose a threat to others. You're upset about the $$ your gov spends giving them benefits, personally I would be more upset with all the wasted money that goes to the military and the foreign invasions, but that is just me.

Τα είπες ολα.

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The LGBT community which votes democratic has actually been very upset with all the protests from the so called liberals who advocate Islam and ignore the fact that 6 out of the 7 countries on that list have the death penalty if you're gay.  They are terrified at the idiot protestors allowing all these bigots to pour in the country and also alarmed at the fact that the liberal community turned its back on the massacre in Orlando where an Islamic terrorist scum killed everyone because they were gay.  The Republicans seem to be the party of gay rights lately.  Shame on all of you who support Islam and the way they treat women, gays, pets, etc... It says a lot about you to think so lowly on LGBT rights and freedom and supporting of people like this



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2 hours ago, gyros said:

Shame on all of you who support Islam and the way they treat women, gays, pets, etc... It says a lot about you to think so lowly on LGBT rights and freedom and supporting of people like this

To those that keep missing the point. The US Constitution supports people having a choice to choose their religion or sexuality. There's nothing about how religions run their business unless they infringe upon the rights or others. Nothing about whether a person's sexuality is good or bad. It's not the USA's business what Muslims in Yemen do. They can disagree or not support their Human Rights record - according to international standards - but other than that, not their business.

In the USA that I have known, people can agree or disagree with somebody else's lifestyle. But they can't violently impose their beliefs on others which is what the current government and Republic party are doing. 

Maybe it's time to change the party from 'The Republican Party' to 'The US Taliban Party' ? It sounds more appropriate. 

Ignorance is not a virtue.

Edited by JimAdams
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45 minutes ago, aek66 said:

so, where's the violence the govt. is using to impose their beliefs upon americans? 



The Executive undermining the Judiciary is belligerence. Undermining the constitution and attempting to circumvent process is no different to violence.  When Hitler decided to undermine the German constitution i'm sure he had plenty of rhetoric too. 

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That's not violence.  Stop it.  All your Jihadists are being allowed in so they can have 6 kids and start petitioning that we all must hear the "call to prayer".  Got to love "liberals" and their love for a religion that advocates killing gays.

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This is the problem with extreme conservatives. Anyone who doesn't agree with you becomes a liberal. No one has advocated any of that,  but of course thats where you move the debate. The real elephant in the room is you can talk about advocating killing gays being exclusive to Islam, but really it's a fundamental value of the republican party. How else would you keep the bible thumpers on side? 

So I assume you Gyros are okay with gay marriage rights? 

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Obama didn't do Twitter diplomacy like Donald did.  The thing with circumventing constitutions  is it's plain wrong. But when you're doing it to make a point, rather than policy it is reckless. 

You really must be bitter.  There is a difference between accepting globalisation and the changes in racial make up to circumventing constitutions to persecute minorities.  If you can't see that difference it explains a lot of things about you. 

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59 minutes ago, King_Katsouranis said:

This is the problem with extreme conservatives. Anyone who doesn't agree with you becomes a liberal. No one has advocated any of that,  but of course thats where you move the debate. The real elephant in the room is you can talk about advocating killing gays being exclusive to Islam, but really it's a fundamental value of the republican party. How else would you keep the bible thumpers on side? 

So I assume you Gyros are okay with gay marriage rights? 


The funny thing is that you think I'm some sort of right winger because I think Islam is a disease like cancer.  I'm liberal and for gay rights, marriage, adoption etc...  On the other hand, people who love Islam and defend it to death... I have no idea what the hell you area.  Definitely not a believer in gay and women's right and other liberal values.  Gay people are scared.  You want to ignore the massacre in Orlando like its not big deal.

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I'm sorry AEK66 I compete with far more immigrants than you do for work. You don't have 500 million who can legally compete with you for work, I do.  But I know, given I sell into as many markets as I do, I can't have it both ways.  You are naive if you think illegal immigrants have had such an effect on your life. 

Gyros,  surely you must have the same view of Christianity? 

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3 hours ago, ELLAS75 said:

Such a class act VP Pence and President Trump in the way they take care of the troops unlike the previous administration.

How did the previous admin treat the troops exactly? Did they do like Bush/Harper did? Cutting benefits and post service care for our brave men and women?

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Yep, it's true. Nobody loves the troops more than Trump. Maybe he doesn't love the generals as much, because he knows more about ..everything than them. OK, maybe not that Gold Star family (Muslims:devil-785870: ).  OK. OK, not McCain.. what a loser for being shot down over Vietnam and tortured.  

Did you hear that Trump actually used several deferrals to avoid serving in the armed forces, because it was a ploy. He enlisted as an undercover agent who helped win the war in Vietnam (don't believe the fake media that say we lost that war), and later sabotaged the Soviet system, ending the Cold War and destroying the Soviet Union.   I also have reliable info that Osama bin Laden isn't dead but captured by Trump who used this to blackmail Obama and will use obtained intel (by waterboarding Osama himself) to defeat ISIS.

Then Trump will give lots more benefits to the veterans. And, he will not send current troops on crazy missions like taking Iraqi oil.

Must obey, must obey, must obey the supreme leader...


Edited by Hudson
the bizarre world of the cult of Trump
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Have you noticed that the worst chicken hawks are the ones who never served?

As to the dance around the issues, some people are conservative first. The rest is finding ways to attack their opponents. If you are a conservative, you are religious; you have archaic ideas about gender roles; you're uptight about anything sexual; you don't like individual choice if it's not what you do; you place law and order above fairness, tolerance and diversity.  And, and you believe in myths,from religion to the American dream that everyone has equal access to opportunity, and that blacks had it better under slavery.

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