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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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interestingly if you look at our euro 2004 side, majority were playing in Greek league. 8/23 were not. nowdays seems the opposite.



last example being world cup 2014 14/23


our world cup 2016 and 2018 campaigns I'd wager was even higher if it was a 23 man squad.

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only a few more days till nations league kickoff for the patrida. sept 8th!

I'd do this right now


pelkas fortounis lazaros

      mantalos zeca 

??? sokratis  manolas   bakakis


why i like this line up

zeca mantalos = hard working duo.

lazaros/bakakis have good chem on the right hand side and are both in form

pelkas/fortounis = very good form

subs if chasing a goal

karelis for mitro

donis for pelkas

fetfa for lazaros or fortounis



only position i'm not sure of is LB right now. Holebas is no brainer but that's not gunna happen. Stafylidis next in line is injurd. Retsos i injured. Tzavellas's team just got pumped by Galatasaray 6-0. Tsimikas looks good but unproven. Since imo the rest of the lineup above seems fairly established I'd take a shot on Tsimikas. Skibbe will probably put Tzavellas or Torosidis which I don't hate the notion either I just hate more that Holebas one of the most in form Greek players atm is not starting. We don't and shouldn't have the luxury of leaving players of his quality out of the line up.

karnezis auto starting spot is also in question as a bunch of greek keepers are looking great. imo pasxalakis is the best greek keeper right now but karnezis hasn't done enough to lose his starting spot and I don't think we boot people out too easily or we'll have another Ranieri scenario. If Karnezis has one bad game for the NT though, he has to lose his spot now.

Edited by georgelaz
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Would like to see us give Vlaxodimos a chance, has settled in as Benfica's starting keeper, keep an eye on him in the play off against Paok tomorrow. We need to make sure we cap him in a competitive game soon to make sure he can't play for Germany, just as a precaution. Although, I would be happy with any one of him, Karnezis or Pashalakis as the starting keeper though, all are good keepers.

The LB spot seems to be an issue, I would be totally fine with Stafylidis if he was fit though. What about Lykogiannis? Haven't heard much about him lately, but apparently he is playing in Italy now.

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17 hours ago, Dean97 said:

How were the keftedes @ausgreek? I need to tell my yiayia to make some lol.

The right taste and colour, although they are always soaked in red wine and I J walk from the dining table to the lounge chair...

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pasxalakis was very poor vs. benfica today. poor decision making to give away first pen and ate 4 goals.

vlacho hasnt had any true challenges yet.

after today i'm feeling Barkas but Karnezis like we mentioned above hasn't done anything to warrant losing his spot

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vlachodimos should be our starting keeper going to the euros but skibbe has proved he's brainless enough to overlook him. i hope it won't happen once again for these games. vlachodimos-karnezis-mparkas is a good trio. 

lykogiannis can take the LB spot with stafylidis injured. torosidis can be his back up. sokratis and manolas the cb duo with mpakakis being the starting rb.

regarding the midfield samaris is out of favor in benfica and it would be unfair to start him. i think kourmpelis will start next to zeca who's a lock, since galanopoulos will be with the u21 team. bouchalakis might be the 4th option for these games as it seems really risky to play mantalos as an "8" because he doesn't put any effort on defense and we'd lose the midfield battle easily.

lazaros has had a good start for olympiakos so he's a lock as well for the RW, with donis being the favorite to start in the LW. he seems to be out of favour under the new scum coach in stuttgart but he's quality. fortounis is on fire at the moment but pelkas is also playing quite well. personally i'd start fortounis and bring pelkas as a sub in the second half. 

mitroglou to start up front and karelis as a back up.


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6 hours ago, Boxou said:

vlachodimos should be our starting keeper going to the euros but skibbe has proved he's brainless enough to overlook him. i hope it won't happen once again for these games. vlachodimos-karnezis-mparkas is a good trio. 



You re wrong Vlachodimos has been pretty shaky even tho he s definately deserving a call up right now.

I would go with Karnezis.

Manolas Sokratis are locks and with Stafylidis injured I can expect Lykogiannis to start or Tsimikas

RB is an issue I would suppose with Toro being "not in form" Bakakis should integrade in the team. We re playing vs Estonias and Hungarys so I don't think we ll have much of an issue defensively at least. Torosidis creativity is definately needed after 60-70 but I say give the man a rest, he is 33.
Zeka is a lock in the midfield as he is the only one with so far rhythm.

Kourbelis should be starting too I believe but well I ain't Skibbe. Ensude with 6 players that we don't concede and let the other 4 put a goal or two.

Maybe Samaris too? He is been training and participatingi n Benfica missions in UCL and the USA Friendlies but not much playtime.

Fortounis Lazaro (even if this saddens me a lot) and Mitroglou are locks. Marseiile fans begging for Germain to be dropped and Mitroglou to start. Maybe LW Donis? Pelkas will definately play either on the wings or a 10. Probably sub. And I expect Limnios to also be called up.
I think we shold realistically, now that the team has synced under Skibbe, to get minimum 4points in the 2 first games. They are both away and I believe both opponents might possibly try to win us , giving us the opportunity to score, since they wont be parking it.


In my humble opinion no anxiety will be around the team since not many things are played for in this tournament and it's just it's first year.

Definately want to do well for prestige though.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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so the call ups are announced, samaris, karelis and vlachodimos have been left out, tziolis is in.

i am done with this circus and the corruption that surrounds federation along with skibbe being a special kind of puppet, make me wanna vomit. 

see you in a couple of months, maybe when skibbe gets fired.

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Seriously?? WTF is wrong with this incompetent piece of garbage... I mean Samaris has not looked the greates for us but he deserves a call up so much more than  Tziolis... I want this guy fired based on his selections alone.. I don't think a coach has made me more angry with his selections then this clown has..



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On 7/27/2018 at 6:14 AM, AchillesHeel said:

Stavrothanasopoulos? Is he a relative of yours? That's some bench you chose there....an interesting mix of has beens and forgotten talent. How did you arrive at this selection?

Stavrothanaopoulos like most greeks is probably related to me somewhere down the track. All the players i chose do not play in the Greek League, turkey or the middle east including my relative. They are part of euro comps including bundersleaguea, serie a, la liga, epl, dutch league, portugal, belgium, denmark, sweden [where cousin stav plays and has scored a goal or 2] add to the mix now Kapino and Dimitriou ( could also be a relative but signed by by basel a team in swiss league). As i mentioned in my previous post this wont happen - no chance - unrealistic - as when national squads are chosen there is always an element of public relations so a percentage of the lads will always be playing in the greek league. Also most managers pick their mates.

Selections where based on above motivations and I try to follow the progress of Greek lads around the euro leagues. Am no expert on which are the best. Selected alot of defenders but its based on where they are playing. Holebas may be a hasbeen and called it a day with the NT but it sucks that there is an issue with him and Skibbe. IMO he is still a very good fullback and plays regularly in the EPL not picked just because i am probably his uncle.

How about you Koubare, give us your squad and an understanding of why you picked who you picked.

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Why has Siovas not made this squad? Would only have Manola and Sokrati ahead of him. No Retsos either. Alot of players picked from the greek league including our middle east mid maestro and our turkish full back dynamo. Players in the portugese dutch and belgium leagues dont rate. Based on selections we obviously have this group covered. Now with Kone going to serie a and Charisis remaining in belgium i would have picked them unless injured. This would have been the squad i would have gone for baring injured players Mavropanos, Papastathopoulos, Holebas, Siovas, Manolas, Kone, Lykogiannis, Karnezis, Donis, Retsos, Stafylidis, Kapino, Mitroglou, Vlachodimos, Lambrou, Hatzidiakos, Kolovos, Galitsios, Katranis, Marinos, Karelis, Charisis, Zeca, Samaris, Stavrothanasopoulos, Dimitriou

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Guys I like the list of players chosen to be honest save for two. Tzavellas and Tziolis. I'm perplexed, I don't understand his obsession with these two. They are both nothing special and we have way better. Is his hand being forced to keep calling these players to the NT? I read Samaris wans't picked as he is out of favour at Benefica and not playing much. How do you pick Tzavellas? I believe he hasn't played at all and was released along with Maniatis from their Turkish team. Tziolis? Come on man we need this guy to slow down the game with Estonia and Hungary? Are you freakin serious? We have Holebas killing it at first place Watford and he chooses Tzavellas. Idiot.



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Siovas not getting a call is criminal. Especially with Retsos and Kyriako injured. 

I felt Pasxalakis deserved a call up, despite his error v Benfica. Maybe I'm biased. 

Man are we thin at centre forward, Kolouris as our no.2 at the senior level? It's pretty bad, hopefully Karelis finally leaves Genk today and gets some mins. 


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I expect this lineup


Toro Manolas Sokratis Lykogiannis

Kourbelis Zeka*

Lazaros** Fortounis Donis



Karelis out is and Samaris were obvious he was getting no time and we probably dont need much of a defensive player vs these two puny nations footballwise.

*I hope this is the duo in the midfield. Even tho Tziolis is gonna be beasty for corners and set pieces. Kourbelis is a captain at pao at 23-24 and has decided to stay instead of going to italy in these hard moments. Shows mature enough to me to be given a shot vs Estonias and Hungarys (aka easy 4 points / 2 matches theoretically).
**You all know I ve been a bit of a Lazaros hater but yes. 4 goals in 4 matches in EUrope (or 5 I can't remember) are quite much. Pelkas is gonna be used as a sub saddly even tho he (equally to Kourbelis) is a captain in a big Greek side.

Mitroglou and no other CF?I suppose Skibbe is hoping to have the match done by 70-80 when Mitroglou gets tired and he can sub him off for a more defensive player. If it don't work tho we ll have an issue. I don't blame skibbe tho. Who else deserved a call up as CF and has had playtime?

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so, to sum up, skibbe decided to cut down karelis and samaris because they had no games under their belt. fair enough, reasonable explanation. what this guy seems to forget, however, is that we played our most important game of the WC qualification with tziolis, tzavellas and maniatis starting in the game while they were INACTIVE as well. vellios and diamantakos were constantly called up despite being INACTIVE. i don't want us to get massacred in these nations league because it's a good chance to advance to the euros but if that happens i know skibbe will be fired. and that's what im hoping for ever since last summer.

btw if anyone noticed he called up koulouris from u21 team. fckver. you either call up every youngster that deserves to be a senior, or you let all of them finish the u21 campaign. at the moment galanopoulos who's a regular starter for aek since last year deserves to be a part of this team hands down, with our drought at the midfield. hatzidiakos is also starting for alkmaar since last season and considering retsos is injured he deserves a call up as well. not even mentioning his complex with siovas and vlachodimos. limnios same thing. but no. he called up koulouris who will probably play garbage time instead of calling up players that play in vital positions for us.  

this pshyco needs to get fired asap.

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I’ve been waiting for this guy to get fired for a while now and part of me wants this F***er to fail now In the Nationas league so we get a new coach before the Euro campaign starts. I’ve never hated a coach more then I do this guy..  He continues to prove over and over again that he is clueless or just plain incompetent.. he also showed us what kind of a moron he is in our biggest game against Croatia regardless if we had guys injured or suspended, and to top it all off in the 2nd game he went with a defensive line up when we needed goals.. anyways I’m pretty sure the majority of us want him gone but he’s probably going to do just enough in the Nations League to keep his job safe... 

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