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Giorgos Samaras ‒ (retired)


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I don't think you can really compare Samaras and Lymbe.

First of all, neither player is currently in their prime (so far as we know). Second of all, their styles are completely different.

Lymbe is the statue striker--basically feed him the ball and he'll put it in the net, 9 times out of ten. Unfortunately, he's useless as a passer or as a defender, plus he's got limited mobility, so he's slightly less useless than Charisteas, who works about as much but produces much less.

Samaras is over 10 years younger, and if he was really all that, we'd have seen it by now. As it stands, I think if he gets enough playing time and plays with the right team, he's only going to improve. Lymbe is static, he'll only get worse with age.

Samaras is a much harder worker, and has a nice first-time touch on the ball, but he's not as adept at headers or set pieces. Lymbe is deadly in the air and amazingly accurate.

I'd be curious to see them team up in the 1-1-4-4 formation we used so often with Nikolaidis and Charisteas, with the younger guy in behind.

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Joey Barton, the little prick, gave this interview to Skysports. I agree Samaras has been poor this year but you dont come out and give an interview like this. You discuss it in the changing room and try and find solutions. Mind you, this is why the little F***er will never get a shot at the England NT.

Barton: We need more quality

By Mark Buckingham - Created on 23 Apr 2007

A largely disappointing season for City has seen manager Stuart Pearce bemoan the lack of money available for new signings.

Though results have picked up in recent weeks, the plain-spoken Barton insists the club can not keep gambling on budget buys.

"There is no way Reading have spent more than us and no way Everton have either, but they seem to have over-achieved," Barton told BBC Radio Manchester.

"Bolton have not spent big either. I know they paid a lot of money for Nicolas Anelka, but we paid a lot for Georgios Samaras.

"You have to face facts. We have not brought quality in. One or two have done all right, but not enough to take them onto the next level.

"There has to be a plan. Everyone seems to have one in place, but at the moment it just feels this club is praying to get the right players in the summer.

"We can't gamble on players who have scored six goals in six games in the Pontins League or in Belgium."

And, with the team failing to score a Premiership goal at The City of Manchester Stadium since New Year's Day, Barton accepts home fans have not got value for money this season.

He added: "I have to be brutally honest, if I was a fan I wouldn't have paid to watch us at home this season.

"I know a lot of the supporters are umming and ahhing about whether to buy their season tickets.

"They go out and work hard. It is a lot of money to buy a season ticket at our place and they are not getting value for money."

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barton is out of order but what do you expect from a racist thug, him and richard dunne(irish) both came out and publicly blamed the foreign players for man city's poor season dunne has to look closer to home since when has irish become british he's also foreign. as for samaras he gets brought on for the last 10 mins of matches he's hardly played. perhaps comments from barton and dunne(irish) may influence team selection and are certainly not helping a young player's confidence and not good for team spirit. i'm sure samaras will do well at a different club under a manager who gets the best out of his players like allardyce at bolton

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samaras plays a really horrible season BUT still at the end of the day he is citys best striker and alongside barton has the most scorerpoints with 6 goals and 6 assists. doesnt really speak for the rest of the team does it?


if samaras leaves city, i believe he could do better. but to be honest, this season he hasnt shown his worth. still citys most productive player...ts ts...

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city have a problem with servicing their strikers..samaras cant score unless he receives soom good balls from the midfield...citys midfield with the excpetion of barton is poor...when they serve him, he has scored..he is probabaly one of the brightest talents on the team but unless he has some decent players around him, what is he to do?? the kid is promising but i think moving to city was a bad idea..lucky he is still young and has the potential to develop even further..from what i hear he is an eager learner which is good for a kid his age...city is putting too much pressure on their strikers to produce goals but dont realize that they have no one that can provide..

as aekros said..he statistically is still on the top of the man city points chart even as he is getting all this slack...

barton is just frsutrated..he has the potential to be at a big club but is playing for poor ol city witha bunch of mediocre players..he has worked hard but has very little to show for it..not to mention his inabitlity to break into the national side...i wouldnt look too much into it..samaras is a talented youngster and will develop just fine...

he would have been better off going to arsenal when they were calling for him...wenger has his way with young talent and i could see samaras gaining alot of expereince at arsenal, even if they loaned him out for a season or twso i think arsenal could have been a better choice for him...when they were looking at him they didnt have the striker force they have now, so it is too late in my opinion, but it might have been a better move for him at the tme....just a thought though

Edited by pao123
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Agree w/you PAO. Samaras is a finisher but without any lead in passes it is a problem. That said, Samaras needs to be more convincing when he gets the chance, he's missed a few that should have gone in. Lack of concentration, or whatever, he needs to make them.

As for Barton, Dunne et al, they are just punks who find it easier to blame others when things don't go their way.

Samaras needs to move on to a coach who will fine-tune that goal scoring acumen that he has. Arsenal may not be the right place, I was thinking more the Spanish league..

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I agree with all of your points

City is a disgusting team to watch - very choppy in their service

Plus Samaras is their best performing forward even this year- look at the stats he has outscored all of them in much less time on the pitch - Corradi and Vassel

Also he leads the team in assists according to ESPN (I know this a weird stat and very American but nonetheless he must have set up a few

Comparing Anelka to Giorgios is unfair also - agian Anelka has played many more minutes

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Manchester City suspend Barton for rest of season

LONDON, May 1 (Reuters) - Manchester City have suspended midfielder Joey Barton for the rest of the season after a training ground incident, British media said on Tuesday.

City confirmed on their Web site (www.mcfc.co.uk) that a player had been suspended but did not reveal his identity.

"We can confirm that a player has been suspended until the end of the season, pending an internal investigation into a training incident at the Carrington complex," the Premier League club said in a statement.

"The club will be making no further comment at this time."

The BBC reported that Barton and French midfielder Ousmane Dabo were involved in a fight at training and that Dabo had gone to hospital with mouth injuries.

big mouth

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Georgios Samaras could be heading to Lens as the French club start planning for the possible departure of striker Daniel Cousin.

Cousin has handed in a transfer request and publicly stated that he is keen on a move to SPL club Rangers.

Now Manchester City forward Samaras has emerged as a target for Lens coach Guy Roux, according to French newspaper L'Equipe.

Samaras has failed to settle at Eastlands since joining City from Heerenveen 18 months ago, scoring just four times in 36 appearances last season.

The arrival of marksman Rolando Bianchi from Reggina has increased the possibility of an exit for the Greece international.

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i read today that SAMARAS will probably join .....

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the only thing that makes me mad with "coach" sven is that he said that all the transfers he makes is from dvd!! :box:

so i believe samaras should give him a dvd if he wants to play for city!!

They had an article today that Ericson welcomed a player by saying:Welcome to Man UTD and the whole room went crazy.Also that many of the transfers some of his FRIENDS :blink: saw on dvds and told him that they are good and that some the scouts of city. :blink: :blink: :blink:
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i read today that SAMARAS will probably join .....

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the only thing that makes me mad with "coach" sven is that he said that all the transfers he makes is from dvd!! :box:

so i believe samaras should give him a dvd  if he wants to play for city!!

They had an article today that Ericson welcomed a player by saying:Welcome to Man UTD and the whole room went crazy.Also that many of the transfers some of his FRIENDS :blink: saw on dvds and told him that they are good and that some the scouts of city. :blink: :blink: :blink:
To be fair he has signed some good players though... Elano is a paihtara and Geovanni is talented. Bianchi is experienced too, etc. So it doesnt matter how he knows them as long as he knows them. I've never seen Ronaldo play in real life but I know he's quality ;)

As for Samaras, he should go. He's too lazy and too weak to ever fit into the Prem. Imo he'll fail in France too and either end up back in Holland or in Greece. He's def got some talent but he isnt effective.

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Man City are playing their first game of the season under the guidance of Sven Goran Erikssen. Samaras isn't in the team, not even on the bench. And with Middlesborough withdrawing their interest it looks like his time in England is over.
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Man City are playing their first game of the season under the guidance of Sven Goran Erikssen. Samaras isn't in the team, not even on the bench. And with Middlesborough withdrawing their interest it looks like his time in England is over.

I agree with your view. The guy can be a world class striker. He certainly possesses all the physical attributes, but he seems easily distracted and lazy.

I wonder where his career goes from here. His time at Man City is surely over now.

Sven has started his revolution and it appears he has no plans for Samaras.

I hope he goes to a team in Spain, France, Germany or Netherlands and maybe they can turn him into a true professional.

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Given his playing time at Man City, he didn't do bad. The next couple of years will tell which way this guys carrer will go. Let's hope we don't have a Choutos on our hands.

I disagree file, he did perform badly and deserves to be on his out. Look at the difference between Samaras' performance and Mpenza's, Bianchi now they've signed him. He was too lazy, too slow and too weak and that is why the City fans don't like him any more.

Many people in football consider talent/skill the most important thing, if that was the case though Denilson would have been the greatest player ever! "Effectiveness" is what's inportant and Samaras isn't effective. Games roll by and its like he isnt on the pitch. I mean what attributes does he actually have? He's weak, slow, lazy, misses too many chances, his movement isn't great and he is poor in the air for his height. Diladi ti prosfairi se mia omada? I've been saying this for ages, and I've been mocked by some of the posters here, now he's no longer in the Greece starting 11 and is a 5th or 6th choice striker for a mid-table English team.

He'll end up in Greece or Holland unless he ups his workrate, strength, and improves on his finishing.

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I agree dude...

Did any of u hear about Valrie Bojinov is out four 5 monthes now... du u guys think maybee samaras can get some playing time?? Personaly i dont but i just wanna here some opinions...

Edited by paxiotis7
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I agree dude...

Did any of u hear about Valrie Bojinov is out four 5 monthes now... du u guys think maybee samaras can get some playing time?? Personaly i dont but i just wanna here some opinions...

probably not, sven doesn't seem to like him mpenza is ahead of him and mpenza's not even first choice, also i think vassell is still there and corradi too. he may play in the carling cup. when middlesborough were linked with him man city wanted 4million pounds for him thus pricing him out of a move
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I agree dude...

Did any of u hear about Valrie Bojinov is out four 5 monthes now... du u guys think maybee samaras can get some playing time?? Personaly i dont but i just wanna here some opinions...

probably not, sven doesn't seem to like him mpenza is ahead of him and mpenza's not even first choice, also i think vassell is still there and corradi too. he may play in the carling cup. when middlesborough were linked with him man city wanted 4million pounds for him thus pricing him out of a move
That's right, and that actually confuses me. If they really don't want him why did they price him out of a move. Surely they don't really value him at
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He gave an interview for sportime and he said that he is going nowhere and that he will show his real abilities really soon as he will try herder to prove himself.I hope so because he got talent that if he works on it he could become so much more.


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