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Flavio Conseicao at PAO...


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ahuh, arnt u the one that said "dnt belive the papers" because there written under Kokalis????

What a loud of crap i could see this coming from a mile away and i stated this alot in my past posts that pao would come up with a UNbeliveable excuse to why they dnt wanna sighn kostantinou.....

This is not something that the papers can twist around... It is a fact...

It is not like statements such as "Conseicao is 31 years old and will not perform", or "Brazilians are magicians" and all other crappy stuff and personal opinions of journalists that you tend to hear every day...

Michalaki was shugging Kyrastas's daughter and left her pregnant. Then he wouldn't recognise the kid.. SImple as that, but I will say it again, it is not the reason why he is leaving PAO... The most important reason is that he didn't perform throughout these 5 years according to money and expectations and that is how his name was established "PALTO"!!!! ;)

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you kmow theres somethign wrong with your carreer when you from being a chamoions league winner in RM in 2002 to galatasary to a greek team

oh well I guess he is also someone looking to bounce back in some way!


How Bitter! ;)

Comeon man! This, if it is 100% certain is a super tranfer! :)

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Another example of what I have been saying from the begining... PAO Fans are the worse!!!!! 

We bring Raguels and Kostadinidides, we complain, we bring Croats as free transfers we complain, we bring Kostadinou for 5bn dr, we complai, we get Flavio we complain again because we paid too much!!!! 

I mean I said it from the beginning... Whatever management does, there will always be people critisisng each and every move....

Now Drakos, get your figures straight... We did not pay 5mn +1.5 mn for 3 years!!! The transfer costed us 4.5 million in TOTAL!!!! Its less than what Palto is getting!!!!

Also we had a great move by showing the way out to lamoio... Also I don't know how Flavio will perform but I can guarantee you this.... HE WILL BE TEN TIMES BETTER THAN THE KLAPSA BASINA!!!!  At least he is a player who can PASS the ball in a two meter distance!!!

Now Kostadinou is probably history because of that issue with Kyrastas's daughter... For those who doesn't know let me know and I will put down the facts for you.. But Michalaki is history I tell you that!!!

Anyway get your facts straight people and let ALberto do his job.. Flavio should be good he is not old (just 31) but most importantly he has been playing constantly.. He has not been abscent from football for years!!!

I agree - 100%

PAO fans are the MOST FICKLE supporters ever and all Greeks in general are pretty much the same. However we are worse than the Gays at some times.

Vardinogiannis has just spent over 4 mill and everyone is complaining. Who did u expect him to bring - half of Chelsea's team or Zidane? This is PAO and not Man Utd or Real Madrid. We dont choose from the cream of the crop.

Whether or not Conceicao will live up to his price tag is a different story - i hope so, he does have the CV for it!

And whats more Maric and LAMOIO are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:nw: :nw:

As for Mihalakis I dont know what he was doing off the field but he should shave himself and at least not be linked with daughters of his former coaches and PAO legends. Anyways that is a contentious issue but we all knew his contract was very expensive and was ending this summer and he would be looking for European contracts elsewhere.

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you kmow theres somethign wrong with your carreer when you from being a chamoions league winner in RM in 2002 to galatasary to a greek team

oh well I guess he is also someone looking to bounce back in some way!


How Bitter! ;)

Comeon man! This, if it is 100% certain is a super tranfer! :)


but I seem to recall another brazilian that signed with us last year at the same age of 31 and the greens in here ripped him and the OSFP organization

and PAO is now doing the exact same thign and all the green here llove it now!!!

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This signing is more a marketing move than one which answers the needs of the team itself. PAO are playing at OAKA next season and there is potential to make a killing from gate receipts. A few full houses and a run in the Champions League will more than pay for the 4.5 m euro that they are paying this geezer over 3 years.

Gala have done the smart thing here and are the true winners. They have shifted an injury prone player and his wages to PAO. Did you ever wonder why Gala didn't demand a substantial transfer fee for Flavio? Didn't it seem odd to you that if he is as good and as exciting as they say, then why he came so cheaply? Gala were just glad to get rid of an expensive wage bill. Just like Real had to do when they shifted him onto Gala.

Anyway, the bigger problem still remains. namely that of the non-existent V family. They have been absent for 9 years when the team really needed them. Where were they during last season when the team needed protection from all the decisions being made against us and where were they when we neede a voice? Lat year's protathlima was a lucky break, thanks to luck and Manoli's 90th minute goals.

The fact is that the V family ahve raised their hands (and kolo) to kokalis the last 9 years. they are simply happy with revenues from Champions League. So don;t dream of another protathlima until they come out and actively support the team like they should do. like Kokalis supports his team in every way, not just expensive signings.

call me the worst fan in the world if you want I don't care. tou xronou kai pali ta idia xalia vlepoume... :tdown:

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you kmow theres somethign wrong with your carreer when you from being a chamoions league winner in RM in 2002 to galatasary to a greek team

oh well I guess he is also someone looking to bounce back in some way!


How Bitter! ;)

Comeon man! This, if it is 100% certain is a super tranfer! :)


but I seem to recall another brazilian that signed with us last year at the same age of 31 and the greens in here ripped him and the OSFP organization

and PAO is now doing the exact same thign and all the green here llove it now!!!

rivaldo was like 33 though

but i agree.....rivaldo for 2/million a year and free transfer is way better than conceicao at 1.5 + 5 million transfer........good player NOT WORTH THE MONEY. :tdown:

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but i agree.....rivaldo for 2/million a year and free transfer is way better than conceicao at 1.5 + 5 million transfer........good player NOT WORTH THE MONEY. 

Drakos13, the transfer fee is 500000 Euro, not 5 million Euro. It'll be worth 5 million Euro total after the 3 years of his contract. I think it'll turn out to be a decent signing, though I don't like this transfer simply because we could have re-signed some of our other players we have (Konstantinou, Munch, Olisidebe) or have had (Seiteridis, Karagounis, Fyssas, Lymberopolous etc.) with the money put into this deal. Granted, Konstantinou should've taken some sort of a pay cut (small) but I was hoping he'd ultimeatly re-sign, as his timely goals have bailed us out a ton this year (in the Greek League at least)

Oh yeah, getting Malesani for 2 years was a great move, as with him having control with who he brings to play best in his systems, I thinkn we'll eventually start making some serious (CL soccer after the group stage) runs, and the Greek League.

Can anyone confirm (preferably with English language articles) about Munch and Basinas signing contracts w/ other teams? Anyword on that Croat midfielder (saric) from Lazio (good/bad? wing, defensive, offensive midfielder)?

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you kmow theres somethign wrong with your carreer when you from being a chamoions league winner in RM in 2002 to galatasary to a greek team

oh well I guess he is also someone looking to bounce back in some way!


How Bitter! ;)

Comeon man! This, if it is 100% certain is a super tranfer! :)


but I seem to recall another brazilian that signed with us last year at the same age of 31 and the greens in here ripped him and the OSFP organization

and PAO is now doing the exact same thign and all the green here llove it now!!!

rivaldo was like 33 though

but i agree.....rivaldo for 2/million a year and free transfer is way better than conceicao at 1.5 + 5 million transfer........good player NOT WORTH THE MONEY. :tdown:

u have all been screaming for someone good!

now that we have one of the best in the world at this position it is not enough?

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u have all been screaming for someone good!

now that we have one of the best in the world at this position it is not enough?

I wouldnt say his the best at DM in the world. Or one of them.

Look at the quality at the moment with Viera and Keane and Makelele and even Zagorakis and Gerrard.

There all the cream of the crop DMs at the moment. Not saying Conceicao is bad but not best in the world at DM.

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To all of those misinformed people out there...

Flavio did not cost 5mn + 1,5mn a year for 3 years!!!

5mn was the TOTAL cost of the transfer... Galatasaray did NOT get ANY money due to a clause in his contract that if GALA did not go to the CL he had the ption to leave...

Now all this bullshit about injuries etc etc, Gala not wanting to get paid for him, PAO giving 8mn for an injured player are all propaganda from the press.... They have nothing to do weith reality...

And for those who compared Rivaldo's coming last year, this is not the same. Rivaldo not only was 32 at the time, but he has been unemployed for a year and sweeping the bench of Milan in the previous year so it is not comparable with Flavio... Flavio was not absent from football before his arrival at PAO...

Of course I agree that we will have to wait and see. I am only sure about one thing!!! HE CAN'T BE WORSE THAN BASINAS!!!!!! :angry:

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reaaaally? then that might be a good signing......but where is your source on that?

Yes it's really. Conseicao is average player. Not good from Basinas. Conseicao cannot fill with Basinas...
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Some Turkish Newspaper (I do not know which one) has reported that apparently Conseicao wants more money then the 1.5 a year. If this is true I would not want them to pay more because it is not worth it. Hopefully it is just rumors.

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Some Turkish Newspaper (I do not know which one) has reported that apparently Conseicao wants more money then the 1.5 a year. If this is true I would not want them to pay more because it is not worth it. Hopefully it is just rumors.

Conseicao has earn 1,5 million euro in one year. That's high cost for Galatasaray. This reason Gala's, send out from team Conse...
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yea gala just owes him some money and he is trying to get it back, but as he said dont listen to the turkish reporters, everything is settled, 500,000 for galatasary, and 1.5 million a year for him for 3 years

i hope this deal is not a bust :tdown: :tdown:

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