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In times like these, when I am trying to make sense of it all, I turn to the wisdom and guidance of entertainers. Don't worry folks see below:

Waka Flocka Flame says coronavirus is “fake” and “minorities can’t catch it”



What a relief....


BTW where are all my tin foil hat posters? Have they all moved on to more paranoid pastures? 

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Why is the city of Houston going to re-open all of there schools at the beginning of April? What the hell? 
Just because our corona virus case number is low doesn't mean you have to open public schools and universities so soon. CDC advised closure for all public and private schools in the U.S. for at least 8 weeks to 10. 

Edited by Molon Lave
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300 cases here in Australia.  The numbers are increasing steadily and now the question remains are the measures taken so far going to be enough to stop the country going into lock down.  The worst case scenario for the government is having the hospital system overwhelmed so they are definitely (but grudgingly) trying to make sure that doesn't happen.  I guess we'll know more in the coming days and weeks.

I leave you with an article that could've come from the middle ages.  What can you say.



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3 hours ago, Bananas said:

I leave you with an article that could've come from the middle ages.  What can you say.

It speaks volumes about the people that continue to congregate there.

I think I will take my show to the road:  "eat beans - you might fart a lot, but aromatic gases will keep the virus from spreading". I sound like a preacher - no?

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If it's good enough for my yiayia, who am I to argue?


Σιόβας: «Σας παρακαλώ να καταλάβετε τη σοβαρότητα του προβλήματος»


«Να μείνετε σπίτι! Μη γίνετε όπως στην Ιταλία και όπως εδώ στην Ισπανία. Με στενοχωρεί αυτό που βλέπω στην Ελλάδα, ο κόσμος να πηγαίνει στις παραλίες», δήλωσε ο διεθνής στόπερ της Λεγανές.

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19 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

If it's good enough for my yiayia, who am I to argue?




I find this totally disgusting.  Plus, if anyone else was doing this kind of thing to willfully expose people to disease, they'd be locked up. It's sad that we make allowances for utter stupidity and superstition...  [it's magic, so it's safe!?]

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Guys, working for a health service in Australia, and can I tell you that they are doing the best they can.


Even so, things are going to get out of hand very quickly everywhere regarding this.


Its simply a matter of inputs vs outputs.   The inputs are greater than the outputs, which is going to have very bad results.


Stay healthy and you'll be ok.  Im preparing to spend Easter and the majority of this year completely removed from my mum, and my sister.  I cannot risk going anywhere whilst I still go to work.

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Stay safe everyone, ride this thing out and check in on your loved ones. Our grandma has issues with asma and she is taking the whole thing way too lightly going out several times a day. We're trying to tell her that we will run her errands (she has 6 grandkids here with cars and ready to help). Hope the crazy old bat gets the message, but she is showing signs of having not a single f**k to spare.

Hopefully the internet doesn't crash, if it does it is zombie apocalypse time.

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Yep.  I think its peoples coping mechanism, so try and be gentle with her.


Something Ive learned about the elderly.  Often, although they enjoy their lives, they are marking time.  The older they get, the more of their friends they have lost.  The more of themselves they lose.  They aren't what they used to be, and any attempt to stop them is met with resistance.  This resilience you're facing is often the reason they are living longer lives, so rather than fight it, assist them to take some precautions and continue as best they can.



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The situation in Texas is OK for now, our overall case number is 1,400. In Houston (Harris County) it's around 130. Dallas County (where Dallas metro is) has the worst in any counties in Texas with 304. If anybody from New Orleans, the East Coast (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Mass., etc.) thinking about coming to Texas, good luck because if you enter the state border either by plane or any other vehicles, you will be put in self-quarantine for 14 days in specific locations. Failure to do so will get you fined $1,000 and jail sentence for up to 180 days. The governor is planning to issue the same state legislation for people coming from California and Washington. 

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Trump is a fraud; always been so. He's the most ignorant person who also believes he has the best opinion than anyone else. He's incompetent, and the presidency should NOT be the first gov office for anyone, but that's what the Repubs gave us. I'm more upset with the people who have been supporting this buffoon, though gross violations of the consitution, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and incompetence that results in many deaths.  

No decent person would be acting and saying stuff like this man has.  And, when it comes to being an elected leader, what decent leader would say don't let this cruise ship come to port with sick Americans becuase "my numbers will look bad"???!!!




I hope everyone here is safe and well.

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He is definitely not the type of leader that would make me feel the most safe in trusting that he will consider all the info and act based on the best advice of health care professionals and experts. God help us, it is up to the people to take the appropriate steps to keep one another safe, this guy is dangerous.

If you have symptoms self isolate, if you have no real urge to be out and about, enjoy the time to stay in and work on that thing you been putting off, read a book, get your rest and use this time for anything that can make you better/happier/not putting yourself or others at risk. Use facetime if you need to see our pals, skype, wtv...

The scary part is for me, that we are just at the start of this problem, if this drags on for more than a month or two things will get very ugly very fast I fear...be safe, be nice to each other and pray (coming from an agnostic).

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I'm based in London and its getting bad here. I envisage the UK overtaking Italy and Spain with its number of deaths, very soon. I think we're peak at 1500 deaths a day. Mainly because our lunatic government instead of following the World Health Organisations and pretty much everyone elses advise to lockdown, test and trace, decided to go with the Herd Immunity model (I think the US also went with this idea to begin with). For a month or so we did nothing and the only advice was to wash your hands and catch and bin a sneeze in a tissue. Our Prime Minister and his two crazy Medical and Scientific Advisors actively wanted 60% of the population to get Covid-19 so we'd build up a Herd Immunity to the virus, any fool could see it was playing a deadly game of Russian roulette as Covid-19 has a mortality rate of 1 to 3%:

60% of the UK population is 39.6 million and 1% of that is 396,000 so that’s roughly how many would have died. It took the Royal Colleague of London to point this out to Boris Johnsons two muppet advisors before they finally saw sense and went into lock down, unfortunately the damage was already done and Covid-19 had spread massively into the population. To top it all now Boris and one of the advisors has Covid-19 so, so much for their expert advice. 

Things will get very grim soon and I can see the NHS getting to the point of collapse as they are so massively underfunded, civil unrest is already starting to brew. I'm a keyworker so have to work through this nightmare, driving in you can feel the tension people driving like lunatics, smashed up cars littering the streets. In Shepherds Bush where I work gangs have been looting our local supermarket for weeks and last night one of them stabbed a security guard. In certain areas many arn't bothering to stay at home or social distance and often cram into parks or high streets. I think the Governement will have to get the army out on the streets soon to try and get some order. 



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Chris, I'm sorry to hear that you and your fellow British citizens are paying the price for such indifference from conservative politicians  to the value of human life. We are paying a similar price on our side of the pond.

While the situation in the state where I live is not as bad yet, we certainly expect it to get worse. In Pennsylvania we have 11,500 cases with a death toll of 150. New York State is reeling!

The USA is going to buckle as a result of this pandemic, as is the rest of the world. All I can say is hang in there  and take care of yourselves and families. It is going to be a while before life resembles anything close to what we've come to know as normal.

Stay safe, stay healthy!

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