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SL–R5: Olympiakos - PAOK (30-Sep-18, 20:30 EEST)


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3 hours ago, SydneyPAOK said:

Not playing well but winning and that's all that matters. Years ago if PAOK wasn't playing well we would be guaranteed to lose matches against olympiakos and aek.

Spot on.

It’s funny, last season in Athens we should’ve beaten them and we lost to a whatever goal.  Today the opposite happened.

The good thing is even playing quite average we are still hard to beat.  Having said that I don’t think this is sustainable to win the title.  We need to improve.

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Everyone points out that after the 0-1 Olympiakos was the only team trying to attack. I agree.

However, Olympiakos dominated the first 15' of the game. After that and until the 0-1 I don't think that anyone felt we were in danger. We were in control of the game and Olympiakos couldn't actually create problems besides the free kicks or the corner kicks they had.

Now, we we all tried to defend after the 0-1 that's another story. I didn't like it myself, but I cannot point out that the offside in Prijovic could have been the 0-2 and the end of the game.

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Polli swsta ta les yiankos

I too didn't like that once we took the lead we basically went full park the bus mode, we invited all that pressure and in the end were lucky they didn't make us pay. It doesn't take anything away from the win except we get to hear the gavs saying "21-4 telikes h megalih omada fanhke" Their saltiness is very sweet to me. 

I read that this is the first time since the Alpha ethniki started in 1959 we have won our first 5 league games. 2 other occasions we've started with 4 wins and a draw. 


EDIT: Something I forgot, for another game against a good team we saw Vieirinha isn't capable of playing as a full back. He was run ragged it by Poedence. I love Vieirinha and think he absoutlely has a spot in the team but in these sort of games derbies and against good european opponents he needs to be played as a winger. 

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I was actually hoping that when Tosca came on, that Vieirinha would be pushed forward. Especially since it looked like Biseswar might have been injured. Been pretty happy with Tosca, he's not Matos going forward but has been very solid.

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@paokarag4 agree about Vieirinha.  At least in the form he’s in lately.  Having said that the goal did come from his cross ha ha.

One thing that was concerning was all the headers we lost at set pieces.  I thought that with Matos, Varela, Crespo and Prijovic we’d be all right but apparently not.  Surprising and concerning.  Something we definitely have to work on.

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 The only time I worried was when they had a free kick or a corner. They did seem to have some considerable hight and size on us but still, runners were not picked up and too many either ball watching expecting someone else to deal with it or too busy watching ‘their man’ rather than the actual ball and then not dealing with either... basically we were brutal at defending set peices. 

 Paschalakis was outstanding last night and made some world class saves. He gets over excited sometimes and causes his own problems but if he didn’t have those blips/faults then he wouldn’t be at PAOK. His passion is really something to be admired and I love it! 

 One thing that did annoy me last night was how many times we were caught of side. So many attacks broke down due to it. 

Regardless of whether we were lucky or not, I couldn’t care less and to get any result last night was always going to be very difficult. Especially after the run of games we have had recently.

 I’m absalutley delighted and if we can go to Athens/Piraeus , not play well and get a win.. well that just shows how far this team has come in recent years. 

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4 hours ago, DunfermlineAthleticPAOK said:

 I’m absalutley delighted and if we can go to Athens/Piraeus , not play well and get a win.. well that just shows how far this team has come in recent years. 

Do you honestly believe that? I would be happy for the win too of course if I was you, but if you watched the game, I don't see where you saw signs that the team has made positive strides. Again, congrats for the win and it is a big one at that, but PAOK was outmatched badly in every metric, even in goals we outscored you, just put the ball in the wrong goal.....  ?

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Well, we will have to agree to disagree maybe. But I will say this, open bet to any and all PAOK fans for the title. I will take any bet I can cover from any poster for the month of October if there are any gamblers here that think PAOK is the real deal this season. You can reply here or by PM or pigeon courier wtv you like.

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10 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

Do you honestly believe that? I would be happy for the win too of course if I was you, but if you watched the game, I don't see where you saw signs that the team has made positive strides. Again, congrats for the win and it is a big one at that, but PAOK was outmatched badly in every metric, even in goals we outscored you, just put the ball in the wrong goal.....   ?

Yes, i honestly believe that.  We played Chelsea, AEK, Aris and Olympiakos in a short space of time and came away with 2 wins against the next two best teams in the league. You can comfort yourself that we played badly but that's the point, we didn't play well yet and we still won.

It's funny that other teams fans are trying to swing 2 wins for PAOK as a negative.. but that just highlights how desperate the other teams have become. We have maximum points from all our games and the best start to a league campaign since the 1950's ( correct me if I'm wrong).

If we can do all of this playing poorly and below our capabilities then you must be petrified at the thought of a PAOK on top form.

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17 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

Well, we will have to agree to disagree maybe. But I will say this, open bet to any and all PAOK fans for the title. I will take any bet I can cover from any poster for the month of October if there are any gamblers here that think PAOK is the real deal this season. You can reply here or by PM or pigeon courier wtv you like.

I am open to bets dude.

But seriously, you won Asteras at the 92'. A match you could have easily lost if the post of Asteras went in. You won Panionios in the extra time again and we all know how. You missed a hell lot of chances against PAOK and PAOK played poorly. But what does that mean? We lost by Benfica 1-4. If you watched the game it should be a 2-2 easily based on how both teams played and the chances.

Do you remember Varela scoring own goal in Karaiskakis? The tall center back you had last year scoring by accident? Djalma Campos missing clear cut chances? What does that mean? You still won those two games.

In my opinion, Olympiakos is a good team. Better than AEK. Fortounis can be great. Lazaros in his day can be very good. Toure and Natcho have amazing quality. Nonetheless, they are still benched and we didn't see them in a long run of matches. What is true is you lack a center forward that can put the ball in the net. And your center backs are shaky. 

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22 hours ago, Yiankos said:

I am open to bets dude.

I am all ears...


On 10/2/2018 at 8:20 AM, DunfermlineAthleticPAOK said:

you must be petrified at the thought of a PAOK on top form.

Clearly! :hysterical:

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13 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

Clearly! :hysterical:

That was probably the best you have played this season and that was us (possibly at our worst) playing well below what we can.. and yet we still beat you.

Interesting that in all the games with foreign officials, PAOK have a 100% record and no controversy... who'd have thought it?

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I'm just not sure if you're trolling or serious.  

My analogy to Olympiakos success is this.  If I rob a bank and then use the money to open a barber shop, I now have a legitimate business.  Then I rob another bank and use that money to open a restaurant, now I have another legitimate business.  Now I want to open a 3rd business, but the money from my 2 legitimated businesses isn't enough, so I supplement it by robbing another bank.  Now I have 3 businesses and I'm making money hand over fist.  I'm making legitimate money...

Olympiakos' success and organization is built on a foundation of corruption.  I'm not saying this as a PAOK fan, but as an observer.  Oly usually had the strongest roster, but there's been a ton of times when they got that extra push to make sure they get their CL money.  In the last 30 years theres been a few seasons when PAOK legitimately deserved to win the champions ship.  Along with AEK and PAO.  But there's always been that extra push for OLY.   OLY could not sustain itself without the CL money so it went to great lengths to keep getting it.

It reminds me of the Benfica fans this year.  They NEEDED to beat PAOK because if they didn't get their 40something million Euro's for UEFA, they knew that they would be selling off at least 4-5 of their top players immediately.  

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On 10/4/2018 at 4:16 PM, PAOTHEGREAT said:

The controversy is created within in Greece.  Greeks always blame someone else for their misfortunes,  and It has been this way for a century.  Blame the British,  CIA, Nixon, the list goes on.  There's no conspiracy my friend, Olympiakos has been the most successful team in Greece because they're run professionally,  and the only team that can be compared to other professional clubs outside Greece.   The rest are just starting to figure this out now. 

I don't disagree that there is a lot of 'the blame game' in Greece (much of which is justified to be fair). However, Corruption has been rife and to try and sweep it under the carpet and pass it off as paranoia and 'Greeks love to blame someone else' is just ridiculous. After decades of corruption, bias and match fixing is it any wonder there is no trust?

I was not trying to say that PAOK are now the best team in Greece because of 3 games with foreign officials, I was simply stating that it's interesting that we have won all three and there has been no controversy in either. After the shambles of Greek officiating over the years, surely you agree that its been a breath of fresh air?

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17 hours ago, PAOTHEGREAT said:

I think we need VAR,  that would be a breath of fresh air.  It's a matter of time before a foreign ref makes a mistake,  cost 1 of the big 4 points,  and the blame game will start.  To the conspiracy theorists what's the difference between paying off a Greek ref with a foreign one?    That being said I agree there has been corruption in Greek football.    What I'm saying is,   Olympiakos has been successful because they run a top notch football club,   while we were running popcorn stands for years on end.   PAOK seems to be running a good ship these days,  AEK is debt free and progressing steadily,   and PAO will need a couple more years to get organized.    We should focus first on doing the right things,   and if there's corruption we deal with it.   Looking at this season,  PAOK is the front runner,   found a way to win in Kareskaki something that doesn't happen often,  so looking forward PAOK is controlling their own destiny.    Should win the championship this season,   and not because Savidis stopped the corruption in Greek football....because they would be the better team.   That's the way I see things.


I totally disagree, i think everyone has already seen the benefits from the foreign referees and i believe there is a trust that if they make a mistake then it will be an honest one. The history of cheating, intimidation, corruption, mistrust and incompetence is so deep rooted that i think for now the only way forward is with foreign referees. ask yourself whey they're are not constant accusations of cheating officials in European games involving Greek teams? Mistakes are made but the reactions are measured and not laced with conspiracy or mistrust.

You just have to look at the game against AEK last season where the officials seemed to enjoy and actually revel in the drama and controversy. It was a joke and frankly embarrassing for every one connected to Greek football other than AEK apparently.

Also the fact you have referees that support Oly and and a member of Gate 7 being allowed anywhere near a game involving PAOK (never mind PAOKv Oly) then it really will never improve. It's an absolute disgrace this is allowed.

You keep saying that Olympiakos are so will run and that everyone should aspire to be like them but they have a long history of corruption, bribery, match fixing etc.. The owners have been a disgrace and the previous one banned from involvement in football. How can you say they have been run well when they have constantly cheated and screwed over others to get to where they are and to stay at the top?  As has previously been pointed out, Stockholm syndrome is my explanation for your admiration towards them.

Money is the difference. Mainly from the champions league and they have used every dirty trick in the book to make sure they keep getting it.

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@PAOTHEGREAT The foreign officials have already made a mistake. In this game, the linesman flagged Prijovic offside when he was clearly on, he was through one on one. 
The reason there hasn't been a huge fuss about it is because 

1. It was PAOK. If it happened to Olympiakos or AEK bet your bottom dollar Theodorids, Karapappas and whoever AEK wheel out, would be all over it having a field day. 

2. It didn't affect the result, thankfully so naturally people forget about it. 

I never remember watching such calm derbies over the last 10 years, foreign refs have been brilliant and for the most part they get the calls right. They don't give into the crowd yelling for a pen or the bench running onto the pitch demanding a card.
The players treat each other with respect and don't kick the s%$#! out of each other and look to start a push and shove every chance they get. 
Why? Because they know it won't fly, they'll be carded and sent off. You can get away with mangies with a Greek ref. This in turn keeps the benches and the crowd come and reduces the chance of something happening off the pitch. 

Edited by paokarag4
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Well said @paokarag4.  It’s amazing how well behaved the players and officials are with foreign referees. Put a Greek referee in there and watch it all fall to pieces.  Kind of like when you got emergency teachers in school.  At least, that’s what my school was like.  But I was a good boy. ?

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