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The Greek Economy Thread

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 At this point it's a joke what the troika is trying to implement. Tsipras needs to make the biggest decision in modern Greek history and exit the euro. Adopt a currency right now and fire up the printing presses. It's not going to be easy but its going to be well worth it in the long run. Germany is trying to create a 4th reich and Greece needs to be the country that stops that plan. Greece needs to become Germany's bitch so we can can build trust again? HAHAHAHAHAHH biggest joke I've ever heard. If Greece values its independence and its people they would be smart to tell the troika to get lost and we will be the first country to leave the euro with pride because at least we know we didn't bend over and take it again from the troika. 


I have to agree with you.  They might as well just bail right now.  This is too much.  Depositing $50 billion worth of collateral LOL.  Greece isn't even worth $50 Billion.

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I was for the Euro until today.  Greece should just bail right now.  This is too much.  We are idiots because we caused most of this because we cheat and lie but Germany is trying to take over the country.  Gianni and Maria can't have iPhones anymore but hey, life will go on.  

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Gyros USA will bail us out!!! We're going to make it. Think of all the Greeks from abroad that will visit Greece in the next 3 years....Giving our money and support....Billions of dollars will come back in....Germany you getting nothing because we're illegally kicked out by you....Plus you owe us 300 billion from the war crimes REMEMBER!!!


Stop it man.  USA is not bailing out Greece.  We will be in the poor house for years to come.  Greece already has record number of tourists.  We are screwed either way.  

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#Breaking Greece's Tsipras close to resigning, mulls asking president for transitional government, new election in autumn -- BILD


I'm not surprised.  The EU wanted them out and they will get their wish.  Where is Russia and their pipeline money...


Russia played us.

Germany played us.


We are a big joke.

Edited by gyros
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Greece should not accept any of the EU's humiliating measures. Tsipras should have just led Greece out of the Euro a long time ago, now it looks like the Germans may even force Greece out anyway. But I don't really care how Greece leaves, just as long as they break free from the Eurocrats.

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Honestly, I'm not handing over our islands or anything as collateral that is absolutely bullshit, after the world war when those cold mother Germans needed debt relief they got it at 60% or they would have been F***ed and mind you they had to put nothing up as collateral. I was so nervous about getting kicked out of the euro but now I want Tsipras to stand up and yell F*** you and walk out. I wish he would have had a back up plan and started to print some money and maybe he should have even contacted Russia and the States. I'll tell you one thing if the States sees Greece is ready to deal with Russia they will come in and offer Greece more, there is no way in hell that the U.S will allow Russia to be a part of one of the most crucial areas in the Mediterranean. I'm sick of these Germans, if we leave it will be horrible for the first few years but eventually we will be better in the long run. Think about how cheap it will be for tourists to go to Greece as our dolor will be worth so much more. At this point I want the Greeks to make history and walk out like soldiers and tell the EU to F*** off and we will make it with out you, you cold hearted bastards.

Edited by J1078
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The irony for me is that Tsipras won an election on the 'no more humiliation' ticket. However, in his short premiership, he has managed to humiliate Greece far more than his predecessors. What is worse is that he has also shown himself and many Greeks as stupid with his retarded opus 'The referendum' which managed to leave Greece in a far weaker position than last week.



Tsipras is a motherF***er. Hes to blame for his mickey mouse approach.  He ruined Greece in his 7 months in office. 

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Gyros USA will bail us out!!! We're going to make it. Think of all the Greeks from abroad that will visit Greece in the next 3 years....Giving our money and support....Billions of dollars will come back in....Germany you getting nothing because we're illegally kicked out by you....Plus you owe us 300 billion from the war crimes REMEMBER!!!



I take it your American jvc. But i got news for you. Your country will not bail out Greece.  The Americans will not step on German toes. There is bigger fish to fry than Greece. Like Russia, the Middle East, China.  Do you think the Americans want to anger Germany?? They need the Germans more than they need Greece. LMAO

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Good for Tsipras. Don't let the Euro-dudes get away with everything.


For what it's worth, Kevin O'Leary was on CFRB in Toronto this past week ( he is a self made billionaire) and he stated that Greece is better off in the longer term by leaving the Eurozone. He specifically said that Greece should tell Merkel and Company to go and pound sand and not give them any money.

Greece will go through a living hell and will need humanitarian relief but O'Leary stated that it's an opportunity for a country like Greece to reboot and get it right.

He also mentioned that once they go to the Drachma and it gets devalued than he and many others will start to buy property in Greece and that's one way to restart an economy. Heck I'm even sure many Germans would buy a villa on the islands.

Again, that's one billionaire's point of view who puts his money where his mouth is.


My own personal biggest fear is that whatever happens, in or out, recovery sooner or later, that the old guard like Papandreou and the other families come back into power and screw it all up again. The culprits started it all in the 1980s. This point cannot be diminished.

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Watching the Bloomberg channel they are running a special on the crisis in greece. Apparently tsipras was given 72 hours to accept ultimatum or forced out of EU. Now there is rift between France and Germany. Damn crap is out of control

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Watching the Bloomberg channel they are running a special on the crisis in greece. Apparently tsipras was given 72 hours to accept ultimatum or forced out of EU. Now there is rift between France and Germany. Damn crap is out of control

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^The USA cares more about territory, are you telling me if Russia decides to strike a deal with Greece and open up a port that the U.S wouldn't jump in there and try and strike a better deal. There is no way in hell the U.S would allow Russia to have any part of Greece. Greece is a prime location as far as the countries that surround them is concerned. Let's not forget Turkey is the U.S gateway to the Middle East and our borders divide Greece and Turkey.

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If I was an advisor to Tsipras right now here is what I would tell him:


"Prime Minister under no circumstances you give the country away!

The way this is going, is like giving the key of the country to those dogs of the north to come and create a colony out of our beloved ELLAS!

I sugest we get on the plane and leave Brussells and never come back!

The Greek people will never forgive you if you fall into their demands!

You do not even have to say good bye to them!

I will write a sing outside the plane stating" good bye Nazi asholes of Northern Europe"!

Edited by Lamiara ole
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I agree with France and Italy.  They are supporting Greece because they know they are next so they want to set a precedent when it comes time for their bailout.


I can't say that the "Euro" is a failed project.  I mean its fairly young and their are a lot of bumps when you create a new currency with different countries.  Right now I would rather be in the Euro then on the outside.  You don't really see any weak countries in Europe saying we don't want to be in the Euro.


The other problem with Greece is that nobody ever comes together.  Always fighting internally with everything.  Its ingrained in the culture.  During a time of crisis, we are still fighting like cats and dogs (We as in the elected government officials).  Too much hard ideology and nobody wants to compromise for the better of the country.  The government right now is in a mess and will have to be reshuffled or new elections must be held. Enough already. 


Agree with you on France and Italy.  They are worried that in time, they will be forced to cede control of their economies entirely.


As for the Euro project, I consider it a failure.  It doesn't have any way for a country to get out of trouble, other than through devaluation.  This has always been it's major weakness.  It can't work without a central authority, which countries were never willing to sign on to.  In simple terms, its too inflexible.


Greece is better off with out it.  Leaving the Euro will mean incredibly harsh times for the first 2 years or so.  Maybe in 5 years from now, we'll be where we are now economically, but from there onwards, especially 10+ years from now, Greece will be infinitely better off with its own currency.

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I want to know what is worth $50 billion Euro in Greece.  We don't have enough yogurt and Feta Cheese for that.


Only private property.  Maybe the Greek government can forcibly take ownership of everything, and everyone can pay rent to the new landlord of Germany. :)

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