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Ex-Syriza Leader Alavanos To Launch 'plan B'


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Former SYRIZA leader Alekos Alavanos has announced plans to launch a movement that will campaign for Greece to leave the euro. "All countries have a Plan B for Greece, only Greece does not have a Plan B should it have to leave the euro," Alavanos told Skai television on Tuesday.


Should Greece have a Plan-B? Will this be the end of the euro? How much more patience do Greeks have when it comes to sticking with Plan-A?

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Ofcourse Greece should have a Plan B and kudos to Mr.Alavanos for dong so, as for Greece or any other member state leaving the Euro ... The European Central Bank legal study from 2009 argues that while voluntary withdrawal is legally not possible, expulsion remains "conceivable".

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Most definitely Greece should have a Plan B. And a Plan C and Plan D for that matter. And while it's nice to bring up the subject, I have not yet heard a cohesive plan coming from anywhere or anyone. A philosophical evaluation (like the one Mr. Alavanos suggests) on the overall values and lifestyle that the Greeks have chosen, takes years to formulate and sink into the psyche of people. Greece doesn't have the luxury of time, but unfortunately does not seem to have the political leaders either.

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I want PLAN X from planet Z.


Though, it's nice to know the particulars.


Look, no euro no worries, unless you still need to import almost everything you need for daily life, because then everything would be even more expensive as the devalued national currency would buy you squat in foreign markets. But if you can sustain yourself with what the country produces in goods and services, then it's not a big problem.


Secondly, I'd like to know whether the euro exit would also stop the foreign lending. Again, if you have enough to pay for running the state and the church then no problem, you don't need more lending.


Thirdly, does the exit mean declaring bankruptcy, like not servicing the foreign (and domestic) debt? With bankruptcy lending stops for a long while.....

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i like what iceland did, where the crisis started with icesave back in 2008, they didn't bail out the their banks because the people quite rightly pointed out they were private institutions the currency of iceland went down by about 50% and there was some short term pain however they are now on the road to recovery, i realise greece are in a straight jacket by being in the euro but the banks should have been allowed to fail.

brilliant short interview with icelands president at davos recently:




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