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Giorgos Samaras ‒ (retired)


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He can sign for a club until September 11.



Are you sure about this? I did a bit of googling and it says that free agents can be signed out of the Transfer Window:







BTW Samaras has found a team the Best Free Transfer XI



Edited by Chris Tsamados
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Recently married (and divorced I think?) to Foureira. Samaras has had a long line of top-grade WAGs. I think another poster noted that his grandfather died after the cup, which may have affected him pretty seriously.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Ronaldo is a great example. Messi may have more talent, but Ronaldo's physically on another planet. It's very obvious that he works at this (as if the many stories and reports didn't make that clear).


But Sammy has nice hair tho

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I think this story is over, great potential, no hard work etc we get it, it's done. Not sure why we are still making cute quips about someone who is likely done at anything to do with top level soccer.

Since this is now a past tense story here is a clip of his 13(!) European goals for Celtic. I was surprised that many are target man goals - something we didn't see much of in the NT.


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  • 2 weeks later...

he would be great for AEK right now.


I remember watching a video where I believe his father told him to never play in the Greek league.

So he has a stigma against it.


But honestly dude, Saudi Arabia and not AEK? Let's be real.

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This whole thing with Sammy kind reminds me of this scene.




... make a comeback. Go into the mountains of Herakilon Crete and train it up, like you never have. Just have another crack at the top level. Once retired, you stay retired a long time. Do it for yourself, no excuses, no regrets 

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^^^ that would be nice. I used to be one of the people who thought he got a tough time around here, but as an earlier poster correctly noted the lack of application has caught up with him. He's certainly had some career high points (how many and how important is a matter of 60 odd pages of discussion here) but an elite athlete shouldn't be failing a medical for a Serie A club at the age of 30.

A five minute search on Instagram shows a guy who seems to be hanging out in NYC posing for pictures at events with the Omogenia - not a guy who is training his ass off to get fit.

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Interesting about Frosinone. Hopefully if it works out I'll take it all back about him being washed up at 30. :-)

Come back Sami, your mazy runs up the left side that usually end up going nowhere are better than all the side passing and no running we now have on the NT. At least you are willing to take on defenders and sometimes those runs end up in a killer through ball that sets up a chance.

Now some Twitter talk about Barcelona interest. All nonsense of course but what a difference a day makes.

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