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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2022


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The interwebs are also claiming Narey's transfer might be completed in the next 24 hours, but they've said that multiple times already.

I'm guessing the Colak replacement won't be Balde?

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Seems the rumors about teams wanting Kurtic won't die. New one is about Parma being willing to offer him a three year deal with a pay increase. The websites are saying we'd get 80% of any sale (who knows where that comes from). But honestly...take it, you fools. Use the money to extend Augusto. This gives all the more space for Tsiggaras and Dantas, as well.

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2 minutes ago, pash said:

The websites are saying we'd get 80% of any sale (who knows where that comes from). But honestly...take it, you fools. Use the money to extend Augusto. This gives all the more space for Tsiggaras and Dantas, as well.

He isn't even ours so how would we get money?

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1 hour ago, Athens4 said:

He isn't even ours so how would we get money?

I would guess that because we have a contract with him, they'd need to compensate us in order to break it. Similar to how there were rumors that we'd have to pay to break Giannouli's loan a few years back. But who knows 

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9 hours ago, kolokotronis99tripoli said:

Can anyone recap what new players we’ve actually signed this window ? 

Sastre (Loan deal made permanent) Rafa Soares (left back), Gianni Karagas(Center back), Nicolas Quagliata (winger/attacking mid), Tiago Dantas (Midfielder on loan from Benfica), Dominik Kortarski (keeper), Andre Ricardo (Winger, signed for the B team initially?) and although not officially announced, reports for weeks have said Ivan Nasberg is a done deal from Valarenga. PAOK is just waiting for his contract to expire at the end of July. Apparently Norway has different contracts that end in July and not June. 


Others that are apparently almost done are Khaled Narey and now Brandon Thomas, but nothing official on those guys just yet. 

Edited by paokarag4
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All of the signings seem a bit meh.  The season Michel was TD nearly every player he brought in was a clear upgrade.  This bunch ... I dunno.  Smart move from the club selling Colak without having a replacement now that Oliveira is injured.  Feeling positive ha ha.

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Really? You thought all of them were a clear upgrade before they had even played? I think you might be looking at it with a bit too much hindsight there. I remember Shakhov being completely overwhelmed for like six months (he was even pulled from the starting lineup for a while). We were confused why a LB (Matos) was brought in to play on the right side. Crespo had washed out after a reportedly terrible spell at Aston Villa. Djalma Campos was being openly s%$#!-talked about in press conferences by reporters (I clearly remember someone telling Ivic to his face that Campos was the problem with the team). Biseswar came to us fat and after having played unimpressively for mid-tier teams in Turkey. The only one I can think of that seemed to be highly rated was Varela, who Steaua's owner really didn't want to let leave.

There's also another thing that should be noted - Michel's philosophy created the foundation for a fantastic team that was ready to win titles very quickly. That is a great thing. However, it also laid the groundwork for us nearly going broke, as we mortgaged our future to overpay a group of people in their prime, and then continue paying them when they were not in their prime.

Boto's moves could all pan out to be terrible, it's true. But the fact of the matter is, the team needs to create a much more sustainable model going forward. Whether or not we can emulate Benfica's model really depends on just how good of a scout Boto and Co. really are. At the moment, the only signing I find truly annoying is that Brandon Thomas guy. But perhaps after shadowing the senior team for three years, Koutsias will finally take his chances?

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Giannina may be looking to grab Tzimas on loan. It sounded like Lucescu wants to convert Tzimas to a right-back (because us already having two is obviously not enough??), so him being loaned out might be his last chance to make a case out of keeping him at his current position, assuming he is partial to that idea.

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@pash I guess time will tell.  No I didn't think of them as upgrades before the season had started but it was fairly obvious early into the season.  You make a valid point about the financial problems it created - not sure how we can seriously consider title challenges without raising the club's overall revenue.  It's a conundrum.

If you look at https://www.transfermarkt.com/paok-thessaloniki/alletransfers/verein/1091 and look at the Arrivals for each season starting from 21/22 and scroll down (22/23 we'll have to judge in a few months!) we have the following which I would consider "good" signings.

21/22: Oliveira (who is fast becoming the new El Khaddouri) and Kurtic.

20/21: Zivkovic, Schwab and I guess Tzolis.

19/20: Augusto.

18/19: Ingason.  Swiderski was ok I guess.

17/18: El Khaddouri, Limnios, Vieirinha.

And then we have the 16/17 season.

16/17: Prijovic, Varela, Djalma, Shakhov (agree he was probably the weakest of the lot), Matos, Biseswar, Crespo, Canas.  Like wow, what a successful transfer season.

I'm not arguing we should (or even can) do the same.  Maybe it was just an anomoly.  Maybe Michel actually has no idea and just got lucky.  But there's a lot more average than good signings in recent years.  Most of our transfers aren't "bad" in recent years, they're just meh.

Sidenote: Canas was a huge upgrade and he solidified that oh so shaky midfield we had almost instantly.  Crespo too who I always thought was better than Varela (except for the season we won the title when Varela was superb) was underappreciated.

Onwards and upwards.

Edited by Bananas
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I agree Crespo was underrated. I also think Michel was truly a GREAT scout. He knew what he was doing.


@PAOKSYDwell we might actually have a record number of Greeks in the senior team this season, so perhaps we'll see just that.


Anyway, the new rumor is this guy (LW): https://www.transfermarkt.us/yeferson-soteldo/profil/spieler/312294


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I guess this Soteldo guy would be a replacement for Biseswar, who is apparently now not resigning with us.

We are definitively in a rebuilding mode right now. Might be 2 to 3 years before we are title contenders again. 

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Its clear Savidis is not putting money into PAOK always excuses every transfer season always a distraction now we are trying to use the stadium... 

If you to transfermarket and check each seasons transfer balance income v expenses from season 11/22 until 22/23 we are + 16m euros! 

Not sure where this apparent monies Ivan has put in is going as the last 3 seasons the transfers made have been an absolute joke and the overwall wage bill drops 30% year on year! 

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8 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

I guess this Soteldo guy would be a replacement for Biseswar, who is apparently now not resigning with us.

We are definitively in a rebuilding mode right now. Might be 2 to 3 years before we are title contenders again. 

Biseswar did re-sign. Perhaps he's a replacement for either Narey or El Kaddouri, who some websites are saying we're trying to give the boot to.

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48 minutes ago, PAOKSYD said:

Its clear Savidis is not putting money into PAOK always excuses every transfer season always a distraction now we are trying to use the stadium... 

If you to transfermarket and check each seasons transfer balance income v expenses from season 11/22 until 22/23 we are + 16m euros! 

Not sure where this apparent monies Ivan has put in is going as the last 3 seasons the transfers made have been an absolute joke and the overwall wage bill drops 30% year on year! 

You just complained that we are not using our youth, now you're complaining that we're not spending enough on other players. Which is it? Or is this all just a (not very elaborate) troll?

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PAOKSYD unless you missed it, Savvidis clearly said that he wants the team to be self sufficient and that he will not be throwing money down the toilet every year. After almost going bankrupt (FFP) following the championship season the team has been following that path. With Boto at the helm you can expect that trend to continue.  

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Its simple we want to use our youth & buy quality foreigners a good mix the way Ajax does.  

With regards to Ivan....to much smoke. 

Too many lies over the years and too many stories.

If the club is 16m euro infront financially from transfers since he took over how did we actually go broke? 

The club never releasied financials all we have to say on the matter are these statements by clowns like stavros kolkas... 

If a real deap analysis waa down on paoks financials I would not be suprised if Ivan has pocketed cash since taking over PAOK. 

The wages bill the last 3 seasons has not been large at all! 

Edited by PAOKSYD
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So every other team in Europe is hemorrhaging money but PAOK actually makes boatloads of secret monies that Ivan is stuffing into suitcases and squirreling away in Siberia?


Anyway, the Yeferson Soteldo rumors continue. Seems the sell price is in the 3-4mm EUR range. He's not in the plans of the current administration/coach, seemingly because he did some dumb party-boy antics around his birthday (and it looks like he may have trashed his car). I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong! We might be getting him on a one-year loan, with a mandatory purchase option in six months (???).

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