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I dont know the actuall total number. 

But all weve heard from press is were not.paying big wages, this guys wage was halved, this guy needs to go and all the replacements have been cheap. 

I was wondering if we had real figured anywhere. 

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2 hours ago, PAOKSYD said:

I dont know the actuall total number. 

But all weve heard from press is were not.paying big wages, this guys wage was halved, this guy needs to go and all the replacements have been cheap. 

I was wondering if we had real figured anywhere. 

I don't imagine we would ever know. It's not the [relative] open book that it is in some places where all contracts have to be registered with the governing body. I wonder if the FFP books were public anywhere. That would be your only shot I reckon.

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If you really want to know the numbers, why don't send your job application to the PAE PAOK accounting department. I am sure Maria Gontcharova is looking for expert accountants.

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@PAOKSYDyou would think this information would be available to the public but it doesn't appear to be.  I think the best you can do is guesstimate by patching together what you know of player contracts at the time.  I remember doing this the year we won the title and I think the figure was around 20 million (not including tax but who pays tax in Greece anyway).  So in summary, a painful process and at best a ball park figure.

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My gut says our current budget is circa 10m! 

I think the reporters of paok are all on the payroll of the PAE teasing us now with the signing of Narey for over 3 weeks! 

This is another joke of a transfer period with our best signing so far being Kargas!!!!! 


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It is what it is.  If that is what the club can spend due to FFP rules what can you do ?  I think it's fair to say Savvidis wants to spend more but is restricted.  He tried once and we got into trouble with the FFP rules.  In principle I agree with the FFP concept but in practise it's a bit of a joke.

Your best bet would be to look through the squad list and see what you can find on this forum, articles on the internet and even Football Manager player profiles to give you a rough idea.  You'll probably be within +/- 10%.  The tricky part is to decipher whether the figures quoted are including or excluding tax.

The key thing for the club moving forward is to find a way to increase revenues that don't rely solely on UEFA prize money.  I guess this is where the new stadium could come into it.  It's due to be built sometime this century.

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6 hours ago, Bananas said:

It is what it is.  If that is what the club can spend due to FFP rules what can you do ?  I think it's fair to say Savvidis wants to spend more but is restricted.  He tried once and we got into trouble with the FFP rules.  In principle I agree with the FFP concept but in practise it's a bit of a joke.

Your best bet would be to look through the squad list and see what you can find on this forum, articles on the internet and even Football Manager player profiles to give you a rough idea.  You'll probably be within +/- 10%.  The tricky part is to decipher whether the figures quoted are including or excluding tax.

The key thing for the club moving forward is to find a way to increase revenues that don't rely solely on UEFA prize money.  I guess this is where the new stadium could come into it.  It's due to be built sometime this century.

Yea usually football manager is right on point. 

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PAOK has been losing money every season for as long as I can remember. During the Savvidis reign the biggest loss was the season after we won the championship. We were in a hole around 20 mil and that's why we had big issues with FFP.

There was a big improvement the last accounting period, where we were down only around 5 mil. All you have to do is watch how much is the Capital Share Increase after each annual shareholders meeting. At the last one it was 5 mil.

Since Savvidis is the majority shareholder, he is the one that forks out the money. It's been a losing proposition for him and I am not surprised he has been trying to reverse that. Specially after seeing where the current trend in Greek football is heading.

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4 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

PAOK has been losing money every season for as long as I can remember. During the Savvidis reign the biggest loss was the season after we won the championship. We were in a hole around 20 mil and that's why we had big issues with FFP.

There was a big improvement the last accounting period, where we were down only around 5 mil. All you have to do is watch how much is the Capital Share Increase after each annual shareholders meeting. At the last one it was 5 mil.

Since Savvidis is the majority shareholder, he is the one that forks out the money. It's been a losing proposition for him and I am not surprised he has been trying to reverse that. Specially after seeing where the current trend in Greek football is heading.

Not good - that is why it's so important the club becomes sustainable on its own. By sustainable I mean they have enough money to break even season and actually compete for the title.  Can't expect for an owner to forever be forking out his own money indefinitely.  It is just plain dangerous.  Look what happened to Panathinaikos once the old guard of the Vardinogiannis clan retired and the new guard took over.

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I dont buy it.

I have never meet a Russian or China man who is an honest businessman noe you might say who is? These ppl are generally full of s%$#!.

Paok making a big deal about signing players from german second division is a joke

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You can't expect a someone to keep losing money.  The club needs to be viable.  The focus should be to develop the youth teams and bridge the gap until they are ready by spending on more experienced players.  

That hasn't worked out that way.

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How do we know hes losing money? 

Based on information his workers put out to the press they control. 

One thing we know 100% is since his arrival he is plus 16m euro's in paoks favour in terms transfer balance. 

We also know he paid off PAOKs 10m euro debt to the greek govt and no players are owed monies. 

But in terms of income from europe , tickets sales etc versus expenses no one really knows the truth. 

But what I can see is year on year our player budget annually is being downgraded by 30% per annum last 3 seasons..

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Do you have any clue on how to run a professional football team or any business for that matter?

There are detailed annual shareholders releases on the income/expanses. For starters they have to be reported to the government for taxing purposes. If you really want the numbers so badly you need to search for them. They are available. However in your case it makes no difference, since your main goal is to discredit anything that is happening at PAOK.

Can you also enlighten us on which press he controls? 

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5 hours ago, PAOKSYD said:

How do we know hes losing money? 

He's definitely losing money.  Every so often you'll see articles about a "shareholder capital increase" which is a fancy way of saying the club doesn't have enough money to break even and Savvidis has to top it up.  Anyway, I count myself lucky a crazy Pontio did well for himself financially and happened to want to buy our team.  If Savvidis was to leave the team we would see joy from the ultras and then a fast decline back to the bad old days.

What you want ... just isn't realistic.

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Vrakas going back on loan to Levadiakos for another season. He helped them win the second division last season (4 goals 1 assist). It seems he may have pushed for this vs being loaned elsewhere.

Is his contract up next year? I haven't heard anything about an extension, so if this is true then it seems the team is cutting ties.

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If you believe the bullshit stories that come out of the sports press of the xwrio that is thessaloniki then i dont know what to say. 

But if someone actually added up how much money was apparently pumoed into the club by Savvids in those articles it would probably add up to 300m euros. 

Brandon Thomas signed a 1 year contract this guy probably was on 200k euros in Spain dont tell me we lose 10m euros a year its all white lies. 

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40 minutes ago, PAOKSYD said:

If you believe the bullshit stories that come out of the sports press of the xwrio that is thessaloniki then i dont know what to say. 

But if someone actually added up how much money was apparently pumoed into the club by Savvids in those articles it would probably add up to 300m euros. 

Brandon Thomas signed a 1 year contract this guy probably was on 200k euros in Spain dont tell me we lose 10m euros a year its all white lies. 

Your number one mistake is that you read the Greek sports press and actually use what they write to form an opinion.

From the shareholders reports it can be determined that he put around 160 mil Euro in the years that he is in charge of PAOK. As Bananas points out, we should be grateful that we have Savvidis in charge, because without him we would be in very bad shape. Probably gone through couple relegations to 3rd division.

Let's face it the team belongs to Savvidis and he can do whatever he wants with it. Seeing the relentless attacks on him by outside (and inside) forces leads me to believe that he is doing something right.


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