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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2020


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Why would we ship Augusto? He is a decent midfielder with a good shot. Would be a good back up on the bench. If Tsiggaras refuses to sign a contract extension as he is doing right now he might be history. Ninua is here to stay. You don't spend 800K just to ship him right away to another team.

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They're going to quickly be reminded of how mediocre Augusto is. Wasn't impressive before he got hurt, and I doubt he's going to come roaring back.

Ninua looks good for Georgia. I'm sure as time passes, they'll realize he's not good enough for PAOK. If we only blew 800k on him, it would still not crack our top-10 biggest flops.  Hopefully both players can prove me wrong though.

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As a fan I'm happy he's staying, awesome we get to keep our captain (even if he won't officially have that title this year) and our heart and soul of the club. 

PAE has frustrated me with all their flip flopping this summer though, Matos wasn't in the coaches plans then he's a starter and one of the captains. We didn't want Mauricio then ended up offering him a contract. I know PAOK never closed the Vieirinha door, it was he who posted his farewell and said he wouldn't be returning but still. He's basically been sitting there for 2-3 months, it just wreaks of amateur hour the whole summer and our dealings with these 3 guys specifically. 

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paokarag4 has nailed it with the clubs dealings with exisiting players.  Not a good look - straight from kafeneio 101.  As for Vieirinha don’t write a long goodbye and then 3 weeks later you “changed your mind”.  That looks just as bad.

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Let's be honest....we haven't had a good clear cut Transfer window in years, if ever.  Not once have we ended a season and made the proper signings that would A.) Improve positions that were lacking the previous season B.) Improve to a level to  compete in whichever stage of European Competition we were faced with and C.) Renewed existing contracts or Selling unwanted players, in a timely fashion.  A couple years ago, although we had a successful season, we KNEW that we needed to beef up the midfield with more speed/creativity and what do we do? Let go of Sakhov and Canas, and borught in WHO, exactly?  We switch Technical directors and Coaches every year so there is NEVER a solid long term plan in the workings.  It's basically a revolving door of 1.New Coachh 2. New players for that coaches system 3. New TD to get those players 4. Coach leaves in a year 5. Scramble for New coach 6. Get Rid of players we just signed for the previous coach 7. Find NEW players for the new coach 8. Hire a new TD to get those players and round and round we go.  Every Signing we make is a BAM that turns out to be Pew To Mauro Pistoli.  It's honestly exhausting.  So far Colac and Weiger (or however you spell their names) have been absolute duds (I know it's still early to tell).....In Traditional PAOK fashion we're dropping points left and right, and before we know it we're battling for 2nd or 3rd place by the 6th Week of the season.  


This off-season we knew we were keeping the coach.  We knew that Akpom wanted to leave (per the TD press conference).  We KNEW that we had issues in the midfield.  We KNEW we needed a solid CF to go into CL.  We knew Matos wasn't in the plans (and now he's back).  We knew, we knew, we knew and still we got kourades, and last minute signings that are the equivalent of when you're the last one to get to the supermarket and have to pick from the crappy produce that's left over.


I know everyone likes to talk about Marinaki and Melissanindi, but make no mistakes.  Savvidis is a Mafioso.  You don't go from squalor to becoming a multi billionaire in Russia by being an upstanding citizen.  Just the fact that he's held high positions in the Russin govt proves that.  Even if his intentions may be genuine, and he may love his Greek roots, and is proud of his Pontian heritage, and a champion of the Greek church/faith...it's all about the Rubles in the end.  Did he buy the team to keep his mildly retarded son occupied and out of his hair? Maybe.  60-100 Million Euro's is a small price to pay to keep a Neanderthal, loser son out of the limelight (Current political events in US prove that point)... BUT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE AT LEAST GET SOME COMPETENT PEOPLE TO RUN THE BUSINESS!!!  All this PAOK TV, PAOK Youtube channel, and heavy improvements in Social Media presence is basically like putting a Gucci belt on a pig...Sure, now you have a fancy pig...but it's still a pig.  


"...But, Boston....we won 3 Cups and had an undefeated season and made history!!"  Let's clear things up....did the team WOW you on the field at all that season, with a few exceptions?  Did we win or did everybody else just lose?

Ok, that's probably the longest post I've ever written here...I'll just be like Bill Murray in Groundhog's Day and watch the match today...if we win I'll be jumping up and down screaming "PAOK S'AGAPW, PAOK EISAI O ENAS" and if we lose, I'll blame luck and fate or whatever other excuse I can find.

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5 hours ago, Athens4 said:

Vasco da Gama swooping in for Matos apparently. I would let him go.

You say that about everyone ha ha.  Is there any player you wouldn’t want to be sold ?  I’d be ok with this if we had an equivalent player but we don’t.  He’s been our best RB since probably Borbokis.  Not easy to find a quality full back.  We can’t buy a goal to save our lives and we get rid of a full back that you know will score you 5 goals a season and drives the team.  And we just made him a “captain” ... kafeneio 101 kafeneio 102.

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Soares is more than adequate. It's probably wash as far as wages are concerned (with Vieirinha coming in). I doubt we'll get any money for this but even a small amount will help chip away at our deficit.

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1 hour ago, Bananas said:

You say that about everyone ha ha.  Is there any player you wouldn’t want to be sold ?  I’d be ok with this if we had an equivalent player but we don’t.  He’s been our best RB since probably Borbokis.  Not easy to find a quality full back.  We can’t buy a goal to save our lives and we get rid of a full back that you know will score you 5 goals a season and drives the team.  And we just made him a “captain” ... kafeneio 101 kafeneio 102.

I am not denying his quality but he is 34. Now I think of it, the whole situation was badly handled. He should have been our left back against Krasnodar.

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He would have torn them up. I absolutely do not buy that an 8-day absence meant he "fell behind" in a system he'd been playing in for like a year at that point. I don't think they're lying about him having personal reasons for being in Brazil, but it's also clear that Ferreira was being stubborn about his involvement. Just imagine how much pressure he could have taken off of Giannoulis to produce in those games.

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6 hours ago, pash said:

Soares is more than adequate. It's probably wash as far as wages are concerned (with Vieirinha coming in). I doubt we'll get any money for this but even a small amount will help chip away at our deficit.

Soares adequate, hmm, he’s half the player Matos is.  Anyway what’s done is done.  The way we send off players that served the club well, that’s kafeneio 103.  Who knows, maybe he’ll be back in 3 weeks.

Deficit ?  Do we still have one ?  Anyone have some figures.

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I think whatshisface said 7mm during the press conference last week. Or maybe it was a guess by a reporter asking a question.

I don't think Matos is twice as good as Soares. But certainly is a better player. Soares started to look pretty damn good leading up to his injury, however.

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