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SL–R23: PAOK - Olympiakos (25 Feb 18, 19:30 EET)


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7 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

You guys realize we just lost the game and the title right.

I know Christo. This can not be true. This just only happens in Greece. Our fans were police themselves and somehow they found something to screw us. Don’t know who threw it or if the paper did not open. But they took the advantage immediately.

Edited by Dutch Eagle
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I decided to watch a paok game for the first time in years and this happened. I now remember why I stopped watching. 

The most infuriating part is the commentators. None have mentioned how ridiculous the injury sounds. A roll of paper, that has unwound, does not have the power to injure someone no matter how hard its thrown. By the time it unravels and reaches the target nearly all momentum is lost. No one has the balls to call it how it is? 


Edited by PAOK17
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I am lost for words. Out of all the paper that was thrown how the f*&^ did one roll manage to hit that spanish c*nt?

What is also annoying is the Vazelia comparing this to what happened last year. If we lose the league because of this then I will never again watch Greek football.

Edited by Athens4
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If anyone here has seen the series House of Cards they will see a similarity. In the last episodes of the last series there is the election between Underwood (Spacey) and Conway and it seems that Underwood is finally going down. He then hatches a plan to delay the final vote and put himself back in prime position. Exactly the same has happened here.

I am sick and tired of it all. I hope their plane falls out the sky.

Edited by Athens4
Obviously I don't mean for the plane to fall out of the sky for real.
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I dont follow this league much these days.   Who is this Garcia guy? Is he the coach?  I can understand if it was a player for the match to be abandoned but for someone on the coaching staff, come on the game can go on.   I find it surprising also that the stands where the teams come out are usually the best behaved and never have hooligans.   So how this was thrown from that part of Toumba is shocking.

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