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Klaous last won the day on March 11 2018

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  1. If that's the case then hello AJAX or Basel.
  2. Some interesting detail: Nobody dared to argue with the referee. That's how you do it the right way. If somebody argues with the referee, he gets booked, simple as that. Κομίνη; Το είδες;
  3. Nobody blames AEX 2014 for leaving the pitch and laughing into the cameras like little kids that got away with stealing candy. As I said, μαγκιά τους. However, I am absolutely sure that they will get a very clear and decisive answer for their actions in the following seasons. I am already looking forward to the day PAOK encounters them and their friends from Pireus again. The cup final yesterday was only the beginning of our retaliation campaign. PAOK is not a small club anymore, we do not have to wait +25 years for a lucky punch to happen just to get a title. We are contenders for the championship and the cup in the next seasons, and I am absolutely sure that the μπαλαδόφατσες and the bookmakers will see it the same way.
  4. Probably arrogance. And maybe they know that the bricklayer wants to leave because Scrooge McDuck does not want to pay him more money.
  5. AEX 2014: Πρώταθληματα στη γ' και στη β', σύν ένα κύπελλο και ένα χάρτινο. MVP οι δικαστές και ο Κομίνης. Μαγκιά τους.
  6. I think Canias and Shakov are good players for the bench. That's why I said we need an 6-ari and 8-ari. Of course they should be better than those two we already have. About El Kaddouri: Yeah, I forgot. We should get rid of him too. My problem with Mauricio is that he is the player with the highest paycheck (?) but still average at best. We can get better midfielders for less money. Not to mention his very bad positioning mistakes in Tripolis and Toumpa, contributing to the loss of the championship. I expected much more of him for the money he gets.
  7. Seeing how things are right now, I guess our possible opponents in the second round will be one of the following clubs: AJAX, Basel or Fenerbahce. I think AJAX is the weakest of those teams (Dutch football in general is facing a decline in the last years). But personally I'd prefer Basel just to have an opponent that we did not have in the past.
  8. Players PAOK should get rid off: Mauricio, Mauricio and Mauricio. He is the biggest disappointment to me this season. Get an 6-ari and an 8-ari, as well as a right back and left back. Don't take the buy-out option for Mak. We will find another winger. We were always lucky to find good players at this position. Sell Prijovic for +10-12€ Million and buy Pedro Conde from PAS Giannina. We cannot allow that this player plays for any of the Athenian clubs. Get also another striker for the bench since Koulouris is not good enough. If the management makes the right moves I see us as the νταμπλούχος 2018/19. AEK will not be as lucky as they were this season. It would also not suprise me if the actual champions of Greece get into the group stage while the χάρτινοι will crumble just as they did today. I also doubt that Marinakis will try to spend much money on his team, he rather prefers to keep the money in his pockets. In other words: Olympiakos is done as long as he keeps being their president. I am confident that our team has the highest potential for the next season. Stop the own goals by our management (and fans) and Athens will kneel before us just as they did today.
  9. Next season we need to totally dominate Greek football, just as we did today. No excuses.
  10. In a normal country PAOK would get punished, yes. However, in a normal country we would have some good referees to begin with and not those clowns who are surrounded by AEK officials and players for 5 minutes and don't do anything about it like sending them off the field. In a normal country the guys from this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Greek_football_scandal, especially Marinakis to name just one, would have faced a very high punishment, but we all know that Marinakis et al. got away with it. Moreover, since this is Greece, I am baffled as to why you are so confident about PAOK getting punished. You are forgeting how corrupt Greece actually is. It might turn out that Savvidis gets punished as an individual with a heavy monetary fine (in order to tell UEFA/FIFA that the situation has been dealt with) while AEK loses the game on paper for refusing to restart the game. Also do not forget how badly written the Greek law is, everything is possible in this case. It is undeniable that Savvidis has good relations with SYRIZA and the police as well as with the president of the EPO. Not to mention the fact that Greece is a weak country facing a deep economical crisis for years now. I wouldn't be too sure that Greece actually screws someone who invests millions of Euro in this corrupt sh**hole. Savvidis investments (in football as well as in other sectors) are worth millions of taxpayer money, he is a goldmine for the bankrupt Greek economy. Oh and since I heard from AEKtzides that the FIFA will come to aide them. Are we talking about the same FIFA that decided to have the world championship in Russia and Qatar? The FIFA I know has even more corruption scandals going on than Olympiakos, and AEK expects them for help? I am not convinced that they can expect some real help here, but we shall see. Listen to what Raptopoulos says if you want a realistic view about the μπουρδέλο Greece actually is: Now is the time we will truely see if Savvidis is actually a χαλίφης. Isn't it ironic? Those who accused Savvidis of being a χαλίφης for months now must fear that their own accusations are not actually true. Haha I like that. Oh and since no one talked about the football we saw, here are a few words: The two best teams in Greece played against each other, and instead of having an interesting match with box to box offensives, all we saw were two mediocre teams who were afraid to make a mistake. Honestly, Lucescu showed in this particular game that he is everything but a genius, waiting far too long to throw Biseswar in, while his Limnios experiment has not worked out and he wasted a complete half-time for this. Seriously, we would have not this discussion right now if Biseswar had started at the beginning of the second half since he alone improved PAOK's offensive massively. But I guess I should switch to the Premier League, La Liga or the Bundesliga to see some real football. Greece is only interesting if you like to see chaos and anarchy, mixed with screw ups and corruption from all sides, oh and don't forget the gruesome football. Greek football really is a sh**show.
  11. So to sum it up: The referee first awarded the goal to PAOK, then AEK put pressure on the linesman and on the referee for 5 minutes. Then they decided first to not give the goal, but somehow they changed their minds while at the same time Savvidis approached, saying to his own team to leave, which the PAOK players refused to do. Michel also said to Kominis that "he is done". After that Savvidis left while there was again some discussion and then AEK left claiming that they are afraid of Savvidis. Well, okay then. If you ask me, all three sides made a mess out of this game and should get punished for that. This has nothing to do with football anymore. From all sides just embarrassment. "No, it was offside!" "No, it was a regular goal!" "But Savvidis had a weapon!" "But he didn't use it!" "AEK left because we would have won 1-0!" "Savvidis put pressure on the referee so that's why Kominis gave PAOK the goal!" It's just an "if I cannot win then you should not either"-mentality. The whole thing has become so messed up and I do not like anything of this. It just shows how toxic Greek society is and I really wonder why I should waste my time and follow the Greek Soupa League any longer. It's so exhausting. Miserable football mixed with fan violence and referees who act like amateurs along with clubs who are trying everything to win and derbies which are decided at the courts. Elladistan at its best. Honestly, Greece will never stop to be a Zougla. This country is ultimately lost.
  12. No, AEK did not lose on paper 1-0. According to what I heard on ERT Kominis finally decided to award the goal to PAOK and because of this AEK refused to end the game, claming that Savvidis is responsible for this and threatened the referee. Now everything will depend on what the match report actually states. If it is favoring PAOK then AEK will lose on paper 3-0 and 3 points will be deducted from AEK. If it is favoring AEK then PAOK will get a 3 point deduction and AEK wins on paper 3-0. If it does not favor anyone, both clubs will be punished because the game could not end. Welcome to Elladistan.
  13. You still have not shown me the paragraph.
  14. I do not know. We will see what will happen. I cannot believe that Savvidis is the new Marinakis. The scenario that PAOK wins on paper and you probably lose the championship while PAOK does not get punished for anything... I cannot imagine so much αλητεία coming from Savvidis.
  15. One can only guess why Kominis decided to award the goal to PAOK. But regardless, I do not like anything of this. This is a whole new level of embarrassment for Greek football. Reminds me a bit of the cup final between Olympiakos and Tripolis. Has Savvidis really become today the new Marinakis? I did not expect that to happen.
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