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2 hours ago, jvc said:


The terrorists are winning....Smart people come together are figure out solutions.   Unfortunately none of our politicians have thought of constructive ideas to combat this huge problem,  that's changing our way of life!


Here is one, how about we stop bombing their countries, putting troops in their nation, and undermining their governments by installing puppet leaders who oppress them and sell them out to foreign invaders.

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Trump should be impeached for conflicts of interest and for running the country as his business. He should also be investigated about the Russian connection.

Who knows what else he's hiding.

And, by the way, he has never produced his birth certificate and Melania's papers!


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9 hours ago, aek66 said:

i asked you to prove that i'm a republican, a conservative, a trump supporter or voted for trump. you can't.

you are the #1 fascist in here. anyone that doesn't subscribe to your take on all issues is a this and that. you slander everyone in here who doesn't agree with hot-sauce hillary on every issue. take a minute and review your posts. you are more than over exuberant or excited to be a democrat, you are a zealot.

Oh, seriously? He doesn't have to prove you're a Republican (if that's what you mean, because being a republican is a different thing.... maybe you're confused yourself about this).

You don't have to be a member of the KKK or the brown shirts, but if you vote, support and promote vile people and policies, it no difference than the card-carrying members.

Nobody has to be a Democrat to see what an asshole Trump is. Same shit with his policies, and same with people who empower this bovine excrement (or worse). If anyone has any integrity, they would be calling an ass for what he is.  I would do so even if that asshole was a member of my own family.

But, what's new?.... You have lost any sense of proportion and dare say decency of thought. Someone abuses the inhabitants, then burns downs a house and you excuse this by saying something totally inane, like ...but Hillary scratched the car! 


Just to be proactive: Dear mods, if you think I'm too abrasive, please consider that what I'm saying and the way I'm saying it, it's equivalent to someone who said to me: "you're smarter than that"  I took this as a grave offense. Thank you.

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On 1/29/2017 at 9:05 PM, gyros said:

I've had this argument 100 times on here but Islam does not mesh with western culture.  These people don't belong here and frankly I don't want them.  In the last 15 months, we've had the Nice, France attack, the guy that ran over everyone at the Christmas market in Germany, the Paris Massacre, the Belgium airport bombing, the Orlando nightclub massacre, the Minnesota mall shooting, the Ohio State stabber, the NYC pressure cooker bomber... It is so ignorant to say we don't have a problem and constantly burying your head in the sand and comparing this with crusades or abortion bombers.  

Come on, you're smarter than that.  These people are a problem.  I was watching 60 minutes tonight and they let in 2 iraqi refugees back in 2009 and they tried to buy stinger missiles in the US to shoot down airplanes.  The people protesting at the airports are clowns.  I don't want the US to turn into France or Germany.  Lets control the problem and fix our own crap in house.  Not allow a bunch of people who want to pray on a rug 5 times a day and despise western culture.  Stay home.  The leftists are turning our country into s****

Integration means appropriate numbers that can be absorbed into the greater society and adapt and adopt the fundamentals of this country. But, if you want to talk about numbers, pulled out of someone's ass, then I say: get rid of a 10-20 millions of Americans who believe in theocracy, in Somalian libertarianism (Ayn Rand cult), and the hard-core cons who want to turn this country back to the dark ages.

What the "leftists" (liberals?) have done for you?... Really?!  Let me tell you: a modern, tolerant society, with consumer protection, free expression and democratic process, access to opportunity for more than the elites (even if this access is constantly undermined by the cons), social safety net (including Soc Sec, Medicare), science, a better environment for healthier lives, women's liberation, civil liberties, etc, etc.... Need I go on?

You and all the other naggers here or in the country are the problem as you constantly put up walls to progress. Brag how this country is good and it's because of the progressives not because of the cons and con artists.

Sorry, but enough with this bullshit. I'm usually a more accommodating person but I've had enough with people who try to normalize the bizarre, the ridiculous, the vile, and alternative reality.


Just to be proactive: Dear mods, if you think I'm too abrasive, please consider that what I'm saying and the way I'm saying it, it's equivalent to someone who said to me: "you're smarter than that"  I took this as a grave offense. Thank you.


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13 hours ago, jvc said:

^^Gyros those are not religious beliefs....religion is used as a front.  Extremists in all religions are fascist,  and have the same beliefs....so it's matter if you're Muslim, Christian or extreme Orthodox Jews,  at the end of the day,  you're against women's rights, gay rights, imigration, the list goes on....all the same.

That cartoon I posted sums you up perfectly.

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14 hours ago, aek66 said:

not at all. you find everything counter to mtv philosophies to be simplistic and not helpful...whether terrorism or race.

how many more christian women and children need to be sexually assaulted by muslim refugees to prove how tolerant we are?

Please do not do my thinking for me or put words into my mouth. We can disagree and discuss all you like for starters what the flipmode is MTV Philosophy? I am not familiar...Second, raping or sexually assaulting people is not a Muslim thing exclusively, I know you know this already, so why do you need to be so blatantly disingenuous with your posts and arguments like that? Don't you feel some kind of way typing these kinds of "atakes" that you know are 100% bull? Honestly I would love to know.

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On 30/01/2017 at 9:51 AM, gk2033 said:

Illegal means not legal. End of story, come to the country legal, by not doing this you have no respect for the laws from the start. What other laws will an ""illegal break next. 

I suppose since you say what you do, that you have never broken any law no matter the circumstances...bravo sou file.



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Yeah in some cases though your vote really is just an illusion of choice, or at best a choice between two poop sandwiches that each have diff dressing.I'm not saying abolish all laws, but there are times where laws are wrong.

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On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 2:10 PM, JimAdams said:

So I get a warning for point out alt-facts? When @gk2033 call those who complain "attention whores" that's just dandy? Somehow I sense double standards in here. Is it that the squeaking wheel gets the grease? I can squeak real good.



You let the alt-right people post fake facts call us "attention whores" and "libturds"? I get a warning for saying "who the F*** is most Americans" when somebody clearly misrepresents the facts?    Is the warning because I called aek66 'deplorable'? Or because I think that people with his political orientation have F***ed up the USA?

You want squeaking? You'll get squeaking. Let me see that grease pouring in.

I'm an easy target. Let's see what you have.

if you think that term bothers you sorry to offend you. "NOT" ! deal with it its life, if it bothers you grow a bigger skin! sickening that you would mention my name that shows what's the matter with this world and whats wrong with the usa.  Rats like yourself have no place in society.  

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9 hours ago, Tzatziki said:

I suppose since you say what you do, that you have never broken any law no matter the circumstances...bravo sou file.



wow categorizing everything in one. cleaver but sadly pathetic.  there's a difference between legal and illegal. in every sense of the meaning. looking for anything to nit pick is comical and shows how your sensitive due to Hillary loosing. keep the socialism spirit alive. you fake democrats have destroyed the party that I am affiliated too. turning it into a socialism society with expectations of free handouts and if one doesn't get it they scream and shout like little children. sadly your parents must have cuddled way too much.

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On 31/01/2017 at 2:54 AM, gyros said:

This is such a cop-out and typical of the do nothing approach and keep on getting massacred.  Lets keep the same policy and bury our head in the sands and when a massacre occurs, lets change pictures of social media to a flag and light up the eiffel tower at night and stand together.  If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck.   


I'm not suggesting dong nothing. What I am saying is Drumpf has gone way too far and making political points isn't going to achieve anything either. If you can't see the difference between politics and policy designed to work well that's just laughable. 

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7 hours ago, aek66 said:

so, you dismiss the sexual crimes & attacks committed by refugees or homegrown muslims in england. you lump those crimes with the general populations of nations to maintain the sunshine, ribbons and rainbows aura of multiculturalism.

what is interesting is that the native populations do not seek out the women and children of the refugees to assault, while the refugees single out native women and children to sexually attack



On your first point, are you really saying what you words imply? Specifically that "native" rapists and sex criminals are somehow less disgusting because they choose to rape a wider range of victims?

I really see no point in chatting with you at this point, and I truly am sad to say so. However considering the lengths you are willing to go to in order to be be necessarily distasteful and ethnocentric while knowingly (I assume, because you have exhibited well thought out and logical thoughts in other topics) undermining any meaningful exchange by choosing to pain such a disingenuous point of view.

Last point, native populations are the people that used to live in North America, before a bunch of European illegal immigrants came here and stole their land and killed them off. So which natives are you talking about?

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6 hours ago, gk2033 said:

wow categorizing everything in one. cleaver but sadly pathetic.  there's a difference between legal and illegal. in every sense of the meaning. looking for anything to nit pick is comical and shows how your sensitive due to Hillary loosing. keep the socialism spirit alive. you fake democrats have destroyed the party that I am affiliated too. turning it into a socialism society with expectations of free handouts and if one doesn't get it they scream and shout like little children. sadly your parents must have cuddled way too much.


No need to hurt my feelings and call my post pathetic file gk, you see, my parents did coddle me too much truth be told. I am not that sensitive to Hilary losing though, I am much more sensitive to the hardship of reading your post and trying to figure out if I forgot how to spell, or if you made some typos.  A cleaver is different from clever, and the words too and to also have different meanings, depending on which words you type, the whole meaning of your sentence changes. So please go easy if you can on my pathetic, sad posts and my parents file gk and I will try my best not to destroy your Democratic party.

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1 hour ago, ThrylosG7 said:

Well I dont live in America and I can tell you that here in Australia uslims have lived here in pretty large numbers for decades and its only been the last 20 years that they have become so bad - thousands came here in the 70's due to the civil war in lebanon - and wars with Israel  etc - growing up in the 80's and early 90's there was no "Muslim problem" people didnt talk about them - they mingled with everyone else . However around the early 90's  there was a shift


So what caused the shift in your opinion? Bad parenting??

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1 hour ago, ThrylosG7 said:

Muslim Arabs had a reputation and rightly so as trouble makers, drug dealers long before 9-11

I don't know much about crime in Australia, from the little I know, it is lower than the US, and it is mainly home break-ins, robberies, or assaults, most of the time having to do with substance abuse issues. And as for the traffic of narcotics, aren't there like more than a handful of motorcycle gangs in Australia that handle the bulk of the trade?

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1 hour ago, Amorgos said:

Tzatziki, can you not accept other people's political views? Why is everyone's point of view such a spin out to you? People don't see things the same way man, and I ask this because putting forward to ThrylosG7 about bad parenting, come on, your just trying to undermine him.


I'm simply asking his opinion file Amorge, I can listen to his political views and not accept them if I like, I don't understand what your issue is...if we all agreed with each other about everything what would be the point in having discussions then?

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