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PAOK FC Head Coach (Razvan Lucescu)


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I am very confused about those reports re: Malezas. They blew up on instagram last night after Savvidis responded to someone asking about the K19 with "malezas??‍♂️" With the most immediate "breaking news" being "SAVVIDIS HAS CONFIRMED MALEZAS IS THE NEW COACH!"

Like...isn't that clearly him just making a joke?

Here is the link, responding to user @sakis_kehagias :


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12 hours ago, Bananas said:

Well this came out of left field.  Never could I have imagined any team being interested in wanting to acquire Abel as their manager, let alone a big club like Palmeiras.  It’s quite bizarre really.  Maybe Savvidis has gangster contacts in Brazil and there is black money being sloshed around offshore accounts.  A case of conspiracy theory making more sense than anything else.

Regardless, much to my surprise, I’m not that keen on Abel leaving.  Yes, he can be inflexible but overall he has the team in a decent state.  The squad is quite fit, and we are playing a decent brand of football.  It’s not like we are playing terrible and are being outplayed each week.  Our problem is obvious to all i.e. lack of firepower up front.  We are lacking a killer striker and players that can run at defences.  Zifkovic, Tzolis and other attackers are all solid players but don’t have that ability to charge at and rip through defences like say a Mak or Rodrigues could.  In the striking department again we are a little lacking.  Give us El Arabi and we are winning the title.  Let’s see if Colak comes good.  The other obvious criticism of Abel is playing three at the back in the GSL.  Totally unnecessary for 90% of games in Greece and probably detrimental.  I’m sure he has his reasons, I just can’t work out what they are.

And now onto Garcia.  Again, much to my surprise I’m not that keen on his appointment. Not because I don’t love him, but precisely because I do.  Being a manager, especially in the modern era, is a thankless task.  It hardly ever ends well and the last thing I want to see is the “legend” of Garcia diminished, or worse, he leaves the club with bad blood.  If it can happen with Ivic or Lucescu (thanks for winning us a title after 35 years) it can happen with anyone.  I hope I’m very wrong.  He’s done an awesome job with the youth team and brought up a couple of hopeful kids (Tzolis, Michailidis) and that’s all I want from a youth coach.  I just hope however and whenever his tenure comes to an end it isn’t in typical kafeneio fashion.  I guess we’ll soon find out if Garcia is made for first team football.  Newsflash, ha ha, I can see it now “where are all the wingers”, “we sold them all because Abel didn’t need them”, “PAOK looking for wingers in next transfer period”.

I remember saying a few years ago that all I f**king wanted was for the circus of hiring and firing managers to end and to just have one manager stay for more than a year.  Behold, my wish was granted, and Lucescu stayed for two.  An eternity by PAOK standards.  We have reverted  to our mean for the time being.

I've posted here several times about Abel and his tactical farse. First with a naif and bluffing ambitious 4-4-2 but exacerbating erros but no effective connections, attacking solutions. Then this season, a conservative 3-4-2-1 and then  Repeated history. Even understanding the focus on equilibrium, balance, I always expected more willingless to invade, more desire, more risk.

Abel is too "pseudo".  Too much time to see any improvement in the team. And it didn’t happen.  

I don't know García, but excited to see changes in tactics and style for the near future. And all individuals rising individual level with the support of a solid team. 

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Don't count on it, Dean. Coaches do need to save their asses. Results are required. And we have Michailidis, Tzolis, Vrakas and Koutsias already as youngsters. Normally about  one player of each U19 team makes it to the first squad. All the others are educated for the likes of OFI and Volos at the end. See Diamantis, Melissas, Balogiannis etc. etc.

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Yeah, I also think coaches will immediately realize they have the resources to choose players that are immediately ready during transfer windows so any fantasies about fielding their K19s in a run to the championship are dashed pretty quick...

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  • 4 weeks later...

We all wanted our wildest dreams to come true and now we got him. From what I have seen, he is completely out of depth. I am under the impression that he didn't watch the Krasnodar games as well as the home games against Omonia.

That being said we need to give him some time. We can't keep changing managers every season.

By the way - Ferreira has 7 wins out of his first 9 games including a semi final in the Brazilian cup and a quarter final in the Copa Libertadores. I am starting to think we are the problem.

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It's far too early to judge Garcia, who is learning on the job. 

He has had made mistakes but that doesn't mean he needs to be sacked. It has been discussed here plenty of times before, until the revolving door of managers stops we'll be doomed to repeat the same pattern over and over again. 

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I agree that Ivic leaving was a massive mistake. It did lead us to Lucescu, but I feel we would have had great success if whatever happened, didn't happened. I guess you could say Ivic emerged fully formed as a coach, sprouting from Savvidis' forehead and full of wisdom. I can only hope Garcia matures quickly.

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Even if Garcia matures quickly and gains the necessary experience there is always the chance of of him clashing heads with the organizational establishment within the club that resulted in successful coaches (Ivic, Lucescu) leaving the team. Until the people in the front office mature, don't expect coaching positions and player relations (Jaba, Matos, etc.) to improve.

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That's the big question. Is the establishment/front office going to let Garcia do his thing?

For example I am sure Garcia or any other coach would like to kick Jaba out of the team for his childish behavior, but will he be able to do it when the player was brought into the team by the Savvidis family that pays the wages. 

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