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Syriza at the Helm

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Tsipra an co were recently described as B grade actors.......if hats the type of politicians Greece needs in a time of crisis then we are in strife...


I said it last year.....the problem is that SYRIZA has a deep ideology that will not allow growth and encourage investment...therefore no jobs EVER


How about we wait and see.  It's not as if ND will allow for growth and investment.  They will just pillage.

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Bananas, there is very little difference between most politicians in Greece. Why do you think they are consistently switching between ND and PASOK for the last 20 years depending on who is more likely to win?


Tsipras took 10 years to complete his degree, his lecturer said he never saw him and that he was more interested in demonstrations and student union sit-ins than attending class. Both he and Varoufakis are from middle upper class families who bankroll them. These are not self made men. These are career socialists like most politicians in Greece.


I have a friend who went to Metsovio too and he told me he looked at Tsipra's last thesis and it looked like a 5 year old did it. 5 pages of loosely worded dribble and 20 pages of print outs. He tells me that many students at the polytechnio would just walk in the last day of testing with a higher up who would talk to the professor and pretty much wink at him saying "dikoi mas einai". The educational system in Greece is a ###### nightmare for anyone who actually want to get an education, and really work at what they want to do. 

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Greece is the land of nepotism, as opposed to the land of meritocracy.  It's almost built into the Greek psyche.  Fix that, and many things will be fixed, but that is something that will take decades to fix, if ever.

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It's not that they don't want to fix it, it's that they don't even realise it's there.  To a lot of Greeks, this is normal.  How could it be otherwise ?  Of course you help your own.  This is fine on a small business level, but when it comes to big business, corporations or government level, it causes massive problems, as we have seen in Greece.

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It's not that they don't want to fix it, it's that they don't even realise it's there.  To a lot of Greeks, this is normal.


Sorry for the immediate quote, but THIS is it, exactly. Corruption is just viewed as the natural order of things. You can write multiple thesis (thesises? theses?) on where this comes from. I would bet it stems from the same place that the motto of the country ("

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Greece needs an investment fund that allows for the diaspora to invest in Greece.  The fund would work like any other normal investment tool.  You put your money in, and as a shareholder, expect a fair and reasonable return.  The fund would be used to help get Greece back off it's knees.  Naturally, it couldn't be run by anyone in Greece.


I think I forgot to take my pills.  Ignore the above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Podemos made significant gains in local elections in Spain.  Could Syriza have another radical left wing party that they could par-tay with ?  Merkel, Schauble and Co. must be wondering how they can be so right and everyone else is so so wrong.

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Podemos made significant gains in local elections in Spain.  Could Syriza have another radical left wing party that they could par-tay with ?  Merkel, Schauble and Co. must be wondering how they can be so right and everyone else is so so wrong.


Fortunately for Merkel, the brain dead Greeks are about to fall off the face of the planet within 2 weeks if they don't decide to wake up. 

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Fortunately for Merkel, the brain dead Greeks are about to fall off the face of the planet within 2 weeks if they don't decide to wake up. 


Pfft, never gonna happen.  The economic repercussions would be too severe for the EU and worse, the loss of reputation (in their eyes) would hurt them so bad they'd be sulking about it for years.  The sort of capitulation Germany wants won't happen.  They need to be a bit more creative if they want to sell more austerity to the greek people.


My money is on a 3rd bailout and let the next party in power deal with the problem.

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Pfft, never gonna happen.  The economic repercussions would be too severe for the EU and worse, the loss of reputation (in their eyes) would hurt them so bad they'd be sulking about it for years.  The sort of capitulation Germany wants won't happen.  They need to be a bit more creative if they want to sell more austerity to the greek people.


My money is on a 3rd bailout and let the next party in power deal with the problem.


Syriza will not be there for a 3rd bailout.  They've already proven to be liars.

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  • 3 months later...

Big victory I am so happy because Alexis is not a thief and you don't have to agree with his ideas but you can atleast respect him cause he is not a thief like the Nea Demokratia and PASOK criminals that destroyed the country the last 30 years.


I am also a bit sad because 28% of the Greeks still voted Nea Demokratia, they stole billions over the years and 28% of the people without brains still vote for these thiefs that destroyed our country.


Again for the 3rd time this year the polls were wrong and again it's proven that the Nea Demokratia fan boys control the media and with all their propaganda they still cant win, bunch of losers.


Mpravo stous Ellines simera kerdisame and now we can put the thiefs in jail.

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You are becoming like jvc, repeating the same old thing, you made your point, with those databases that nobody cares about except you. Stop copy pasting that sentence. Cause out of the 10 things you want to see changing in Greece you and Tsipras agree on 8 of them.


People who keep talking about communists and left and right don't have a clue whats going on in Greece and why people vote for Tsipras. You live in the past.. in the cold war period. In Greece these  words mean nothing anymore. Nobody voted for left and right except the people who vote on KKE and Xrisi Avgi. The rest of Greece votes to survive and to have a better future and to stop parties who stole money for 30 years from ruling the country again.


People like you and the Americans in here are so bored with that communist and left right bullshit.

In your world left and right are enemies, in the modern day... Greece to be exact.. they are friends and they WORK together... Tsipras and Kammenos.. left and right enemies in reapers and Americans policital world, but friends in Greece.


Tsipras and Putin, modern day kapitalits will work togheter again in the near future, fighting the Americans and Germans.



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This fascination with left and right is part of the reason why Greece is such a broken country now.  All it does is cause division and hatred.  It is never productive ... not that I have seen.  It is purely, at least in my eyes, a reason for one section of the population to persecute or steal from another section of the population.  Or to feel better about themselves.  Or to enrich or improve their position somehow.  Labeling someone "left" or "right" makes it easier to f--k them over ... without feeling guilty that you've done the wrong thing.  We Greeks are specialists at it. Grand Masters.


The second I hear this left that right I almost just tune out.  As for Tsipras, ideology when youthful is one thing, and practise in the real world is another.  He's about as left as my left nut ... in practise.


There is no left or right anymore.  There is only "Ms. Merkel, is it all right if I can do this or that".  Greece is now bearing the fruit of decades of incompetence.

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I'd say one of the biggest problems in Greece has been not the left, but the lack of left. Meaning everyone wants the "left" but they've never actually gotten to see what its all about (not that most ever have) or at least have never acknowledged its faults, as they always find a scapegoat. It's all speculation on what this "dream world" would, could, should, and possibly look like. They want solutions without actually being the ones to solve anything and so this anti-government entity is supposed to miraculously show up and ironically "govern" the country towards universal equality. But the type of equality that only protects their own of course. The left wing parties have done a great job of milking the system by distancing their ideology from positions of criticism, enough to still fuel this dream world they all live in, and their ideology. For example:


- KKE had the ability to rule side by side with another leftist party but refused, as their "morals" don't allow for them to be a part of the "system". Thus they keep this little leftist myth alive and the same 5%-7% continues to vote for them. In their minds KKE has never F***ed up (since they've never ruled) and so their ideology can continue to live unscathed. 


- Syriza comes into power, completely give in to the worst mnimonio of them all, and our borders have turned into a third world free for all. They blame the conditions with which they had to negotiate and take personal "responsibility" for the last 6 months BUT leftism remains unscathed. Tsipra absorbs all the blame while ultra leftism takes none. There is no mention of how their populist policies, fueled by their own ideologies harmed the economy more than Samara.There is no mention of how the "workers united" ideology has fueled them to completely neglect our borders. After all the big bad Europeans didn't allow us to truly implement a leftist "system" and so just like the KKE myth, the dream stays alive. 


- What about PASOK ? Especially the populist PASOK of Andrea Papandreou?  "Naaaa, their a CENTER left party. They don't count."  Didn't his, "Us against the system!" rhetoric harm the country, as everyone was just looking for ways to steal from the system and government? "NOOO, He was CENTER left remember? not really left, its different when you're really left."  So in essence the word center acts as a defense mechanism for the defenders of the "dream"



In essence everyone has made it a habit to point towards the Junta as a "proven" example of a failed right wing period in Greek history. But no one acknowledges any of the faults that have been created by leftism as there is always an excuse as to why we haven't really seen this dream system or anti-system, or what ever the F*** it really is (i dont even think they know wtf it is) , fully implemented. And so the majority of the Greek population is split into 2 groups:


1. The Dreamers: The group that truly believes in this Utopian workers paradise, without boarders, classifications, taxes, evil corporations, and big bad governments. This group is usually poor, disillusioned, and desperate. They're the people who join the social media buzz about "the couple who quit their office jobs to travel the world" but don't bother to read that the couple cleans toilets for a living (to pay for a place to stay at night) and walk endless miles a day because they can't afford transportation. They are more interested in a messiah than a leader. They're so tired and drained that they just want to believe that a new anti-system establishment can overhaul the old one without a fight, and that society will be healed without work. So they continue to vote for the politician with the biggest promises and the most enticing, untested, ideology. 



2. The Dream Creators: The group that benefits from the "dream". This group includes your politicians, unions, and public sector workers. This group hopes the dream stays alive because the longer it is alive, the longer they get their fat pensions, paychecks, and unemployment compensation. These are the people who are for a "united world of workers", as long as they don't personally have to do the work and as long as they're still being payed of course. They're the one's telling Group 1 how important the anti-establishment movement is, while they get paid directly by the establishment! This is the group that Tsipra and every Tsipra appeases and in return his party gains votes and another mouth to spread the word of wisdom, towards a different, better Utopia.  




And so the result of this food chain of dreamers and dream "creators" is a Syriza government who went to negotiate with Europe, and the second they mentioned cutting public sector jobs and salaries, Syriza disrupted all negotiations, and sent Europe into a 6 month long spiral of failed discussions and 'he said she said' accusations. They brought back their weapon and most devout pawns in spreading the word about their dream world; the media, aka ERT.  Then after SIX MONTHS of defending their pawns so fanatically, money and time ran out so what did Syriza do?........................Throw the entire f###ing private sector under the bus in a matter of A WEEK. Unfortunately these poor souls who have no way of paying for their business expenses and workers, who's checks were bouncing for weeks, and who are now being taxed 23%, have no choice but to continue voting for the "dream" as that is all they have left. The golden children of the public sector however, remain untouched. 




PS. This is in no way a post showing preference for the right wing as they did their fare share of f###ing up to add fuel to the leftist,  pseudo-utopian, ideologies we find our selves facing today. 

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A low voter turn out was to be expected.  I was surprised by Golden Dawn.  I thought they would do better.  If they can't get votes while the country is being run by Germans and invaded by Muslims, when will they get votes.  If the situation in Greece was replicated in Germany, their population would be going nuts.  Their extreme right wing parties would do much better than what Golden Dawn have done.  I suppose we Greeks just aren't fascists at heart. ;)

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Back to SYRIZA...


How many major projects do we think will be signed and delivered in the next 4 years?

How may roads? schools? airports? stadiums?


I will adjust your question because it wasnt the right question:


You meant: How much projects do we think will be signed and delivered WITHOUT stealing money off it in the next 4 years?


A lot more then the thiefs of PASOK and ND did in the last 35 years ;)


Thank god for the politicians who don't steal money that now control Greece, that won 3 elections with fat numbers this year and where the old radical left and radical right set the differences aside on the social themes to work for a better Greece. I think countries like USA, Germany and Australia can take an example of Greece. In these countries politicians only fight against each other like enemies. Greece was always for ahead of the world and proves it still is.

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that is so far off the mark its not funny...


quite sad you believe any of that...


The saddest thing is you and 28% of the Greeks condeem politicians that steal money from the people in order to get rich themselves... that's sad.

Do politicians in Australia also do that? I hope so because you seem to be fine with it.

USA... another country that has lost it. A country where Donald Trump actually has a chance to become president.


I hope USA and Australia become like Greece, but thats not gonna happen. UK (or should I say mini-pakistan).... such a country that has the most unfair voting system in the world.... what a bunch of countries... who claim to control the world.

Greece and Russia we will be good allies. Dont need the other countries. Criminal political countries like USA, AUS and UK.

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Red Sheriff I apologize, ofcourse you dont condeem politicians who steal. You just root for them because you don't know whats going on. Most of the guys here are clueless about the real world in Greece and therefore just talk about Greece like it is their own country. In your case Australia. Thats why it doesnt make sense.


It's like me talking about australia, everything I would say would make no sense and my info would come from the internet. So i dont know anything about it and thats why i wont talk about it.


I'd better talk to the syrian refugees, they know more about Greece then most of the people here. So i stop talking about it. Tsipras and Russia will rule the world mark my words. ANTE GEIA

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@ Doxa, one of the parties who has also faced many allegations of corruption and stealing is KKE. So you see, the irony behind your statements praising Syriza as a "clean" people's party, is that a large percentage of Syriza is made up of former Pasok and KKE bouleftes. Kameno, although one of the better politicians in Greece, in my opinion, was also a former ND boulefti. So it seems that reshuffling the cards to come to an end result of a clean and righteous political party is unlikely, and you've come down with a serious case of wishful thinking.  


As far as Golden Dawn are concerned I feel like Greeks have made it a habit of focusing on the tree and losing the forest. Their short shortsightedness has led them to a scapegoating which hunt to find WHO voted for XA, rather than WHY they voted for them. Why is it that in the last few years 7-15% of the country have voted for a party led by someone who clearly shows signs of a sociopath? I don't think Xrish Augh are the devil that the media makes them out to be but at the same time you cannot envision a serious country being led by someone like Mixaloliako. So I ask again, what have these people gone through to have placed their hope in a party like XA? What do they encounter in their everyday lives that has led them to make such a decision? 



These are people who are experiencing NEGLECT. Neglect from their very own government who is pocketing hundreds of millions (this period alone)  in order to pretend to turn Greece into a welcoming center for a muslim invasion that is being financed by ultra rich industrialists looking to outsource the local population on domestic soil, and supported by pseudo intellectuals who are plagued by white-guilt (self hatred) and so have sold their ethnic identity in exchange for an ideological identity that goes against their interests. The end product is Greeks in Northern Epirus being subjected to albanian state sponsored genocide, Islands turned into rest rooms for rioting ILLEGAL immigrants, Thraki a few steps from being the next Kosovo, and Greeks in Greece being afraid to walk around in their neighborhoods in fear of being robbed or assaulted.


Here's the CHE21QNS one day challenge:



Take a stroll through the Pirea port in the morning, then in the afternoon head to Menidi in Athens, and end your day walking through Omonoia. Then (if you are still physically in tact and have all your possessions on you of course)  let me know how exactly you feel, and let me know if at the end of the day you don't find your self a step closer to supporting XA. The sad truth is that at many points in my 2.5 month trip to Greece I found my self for moments at a time turning into a Xrisaugith, not out of genuine support for the party, but out of anger, anguish, and neglect. When the local immigrants have just damaged the public wiring for the street lamps in your neighborhood and you  restore the lights to a neighborhood with THREE robbed houses in one night, only to have the authorities tell you they cant do anything......you start to see why XA are a mainstay power in Greece nowadays. 



Truth is Doxa, that since your "clean" government is too busy taking European subsidies to turn Greece into a metaphoric spaghetti strainer for the rest of Europe, abandoned Greek citizens have turned to a psychopath (Mixaloliako) to be the ONE voice against the invasion of Greece. Long live Syriza.......

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