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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Good call. The first loss to Faroes should of brought them back to earth. The second loss says that they are lacking serious talent. Thought they have come fwd since the enterprising win against Hungary and the draw vs Turkey in hostile conditions.  

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Would you guys prefer a National Team with Wingers , with Fetfatzidis , maybe Kaltsas and Karelis if they show steady improvement now with the first playing starter at PAO and Karelis probably getting a transfer at a better league, or with a system like the one against Hungary, with 2-3 very talented and creative players like Forounis, Pelkas , Mantalos ?

Personally I would go for the 2nd for one reason only. Mitroglou. The Benfica coach has him figured that he needs a 2nd striker to work with. He and Jonas are cooperating well and his lack of solo effort success due to 0 speed doesn't show. There are many times when the 2 are both found in the opponent's area.Id put a second striker up front , who can run too , like Vellios or  Giannou , so there is no space for wingers.

4-2-2-2 would seem more appropriate with our material,  with the typical defence , a Tachtsidis/Maniatis and Samaris DM duo, a Pelkas / Mantalos / Kone / Fortounis duo and maybe playing a bit wide and a Mitroglou with someone else up front.

By the way, about 1 year ago I remember 2 very good players of our league , Zeca and Marcelinho willing to take Greek citizenship. They would then be both legit for the Greek National Team. And I think Zeca already got it. Does anyone know what's going on ? Or does the NT not accept such players to wear the e8noshmo ? I mean Diego Costa and many others did it. Why can't we.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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A 5 - 3 - 2 could be enough to take us draws vs belgium by the way. If Kyriakos papadopoulos is fit , with Taxi Maniatis Samaris in the midfield and Kone with Mitroglou seems a plan.


that'd be a modern classic lol. might be boringly effective as hell.


I think leaving Fortounis out of the lineup for Maniatis is a minor crime, though.

Edited by georgelaz
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yeah good point, I think we still have I high probability of grabbing the draw with Fortounis instead of in, but with his vision, we could even win it on a break away.


Tachtsidis can also supply those great through balls too, and Kone so just a thought. I do like that lineup against Beligum though.

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the problem is still how do we get a functional midfield to work properly and provide opportunities to Mitro etc...as well as keeping it tight at the back...


we don't really have any real 'wingers' ...Karelis. Pelkas,Kone are not proper wingers....


The team needs to build some chemistry imo, too many new faces recently and we are def missing some of the on field leadership we used to have.

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Our Middfield is a big weakness for us, whe need someone who can create space and and control the pace. In my opinion there is know one good enough right now at Mid to do this. Do you guys think it's worth giving Holebas a chance at Mid to see what he can do?

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Our Middfield is a big weakness for us, whe need someone who can create space and and control the pace. In my opinion there is know one good enough right now at Mid to do this. Do you guys think it's worth giving Holebas a chance at Mid to see what he can do?


we did that in the Luxenbourg game. I felt he was a lot less convincing as a midfielder.

Rather, he's just an extremely offensively talented LWB. As a midfielder he just seems average.


I think our midfield is pretty dope with Samaris, Tachtsidis, Fortounis + Whoever is in form from  Ninis / Pelkas / Mantalos / Fetfattzidis / Kone / Lazaros / Karelis / Petsos / Maniatis

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for me Fortounis is the only certainty....


the issue are then :


1) how many of Taxi/Samaris/Petsos/Mandalos fit into our best 11? and who in that combo best compliment each other....it seems Taxi - Samaris are not the best combo...


2) who plays wide?


3) where can we best utilise Kone?


Maniatis at 30 can no longer be considered ahead of Taxi, Samaris and now Petsos (Werder next season) who are all younger , better footballers and play at higher level each week....


Maniatis would not get a game ahead of Cambiasso, Kasami, Milivojevic....and Bouchalakis (if fit)...

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I'd like to see something like this


                 Mitroglou     Velios

           Kone                   Fortounis

            Tachtsidis      Samaris

Holebas Manolas Sokratis Torosidis




Velios is winning me over. He's in great form


Edited by georgelaz
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i just cant see how mitro and vellios can play in the same 11


As long as your defence stays put against teams like Estonia , Cyprus, Bosnia , who are much inferior to the level and football talent of our defenders, our problem will be , as it has always been , the goal. Since doing crosses from Torosidis and Holebas does not seem to work much ,at least not with 1 tall center forward, with 2 tall we ll have twice the efficiency to reach a player of ours with a cross but to also score.

Apart from that , we have no wingers, and putting wingers is a waste of space , as it s been obvious from our last campaign. Our best winger has been Holebas and he is not even a winger, So you realise the struggle. 

Id put 2 creative players like Fortounis and Taxtsidis do the crosses that they know to do , and with 2 CF with such a nice shot, our offence can secure a 2nd spot.

All this in the ideal circumstances of team finding it's previous performance and confidence.

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            Tachtsidis      Samaris

Holebas Manolas KPaps Sokratis Torosidis




I think basically this is the core starting 10 for the ethiniki. The 11th spot is for whoever can stake a real claim based on form. It's hard to argue leaving any of the above 10 from starting if they are all healthy.


Kpaps in the pure centre would flourish and Manolas & Sokratis can clean up the wings because they have great pace. It will be really hard to score on us with the above.


Tachtsidis, Samaris, Fortounis, Holebas, Torosidis can all spray great passes to feed Mitroglou.


We have many options for the 11th spot which should probably be attack oriented = Karelis / Velios / Pelkas / Mantalos. Perhaps a combo of starting Velios & benching him for Pelkas who can infuse pace and even more creativity late into the game. Something like that...


Maybe Karelis, because he is pretty fast, and could be useful if we want to absorb attacks and play counter attack football?

Edited by georgelaz
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Vellios nice goal! We need to see that with the Ethniki!


To build the hype further; Velios, the Greek Olivier Giroud. :P


They do have remarkably similar playing styles and stature from what I've seen.

Edited by georgelaz
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