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Euro 2016 France

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(copying this from a recent tweet by ESPN's Paul Carr):


GER has advanced in 7 straight major-tournament KO games vs host nations (incl. 7-1 vs BRA at 2014 WC). Last loss: to ENG in 1966 WC final.

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Germany's out what, three or four players due to injury/suspensions? And then add to that Mueller, who hasn't exactly lit the team up since Lahm and Klose left...it's going to be tough for them. Especially after seeing France today.

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I want France to win. They were my tip before the tournament.

I don't mind if Portugal win but as they have never won it still means Greece is in that rare group of winners.

France, Germany have won the World Cup and Euro before but Belgium and Portugal haven't. I'd prefer Portugal over Germany and Belgium though.

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^^^ I think Denmark paved the way first in 92, then Greece followed suit.....


Doesn't count.  Denmark didn't really qualify.  Don't you know your history boy!  :: flexes proud greek biceps ::

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Lol yeah I meant England B AKA Wales.

colin i thought we rep of ireland was england's b team or we downgraded to the c team now?? :P...........no honestly i wish wales make it to the final at least who know's after that :D

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Portugal are more likely to give Germany or France a good game if they make the Final

And do we really want Wales as a Major Tournament winner....

does anyone want portugal as winners a team yet to win a game with in 90 mins.... :la:

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I would love to see Wales win it against these big name nations, this is what football is about, the smaller nations/underdogs coming from no where and winning it. And lets not deny it, its not like they have sat back or haven't won matches they've taken games to teams and scored a few goals along the way, tough ask for them but it was a tough ask for Greece also in 04 and they did it.....

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I think Greece will be in more tournaments (or at least win more matches) than Iceland over the next 25 years, regardless of what Mr.2008 thinks and how much money the Icelandic FA spends to train in igloos..


Good luck to them....I enjoyed the journey...but we have seen Northern Ireland do similar in the 1980s..but it can all end very quickly for small nations.....NI, EIRE, Wales, Scotland have the British pedigree...and are fortunate they can cling onto the EPL...And English professional leagues for player development and growth..

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I think we over state what EPO could have/should have done? 


one can argue we had great u19 and u21 teams since 2004....we made a Euro QF and inch away from a WC QF...


All this  would have been a dream as late as April 2004....


I am not saying we are in a good space....far from it..


but I think Croatian production line and to a lesser extent the Belgian model are based on schooling from many decades ago...


I think a major attitude change at club level needs to start before EPO can do much..


Clubs change coaches every 3 minutes... 


and who actually operate clubs...


I really do not know how much $$$ EPO received 2004-2014......but the clubs for me need to be also in the mix if we want real progress..


It all sounds very nice and cute to say we should be breeding magnificent footballers by now.....we should also be collecting taxes better...we should be ensuring University degrees lead to jobs, and can someone remind me how Votanikos, ODDY, Agia Sophia and 'Elliniko' are progressing?

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It's most definitely for real.

The boot and it's "unique" concept was developed by an Australian.

He even managed to convince former SBS TV guru Les Murray to invest in it as well. Looks like Les might be looking for a job if he ploughed hundreds if thousands in to it.

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It's called the "Serafino 4th Edge". The guy who designed it went straight to England to try and get endorsements from players and clubs.

I guess he could get only 'Arry Redknapp to "praise" it. Lol

If anyone is interested they should Google "Serafino 4th edge".

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Redknapp is from a bygone era and he's got little relevance or credibility in modern football.

The guy recently even got involved in a poor franchise club in Australia. He's not actually coming to Australia but will advise the club from the comfort of his sitting room. So I'm sure they'll improve from their bottom place last season to second last or something.

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i'm sure this will be the case...as iceland is a tiny nation, population-wise. it will be up to an ambitious iceland to develop teenagers, then get them to move to scandanavian/british clubs for professional tuning and upgrade. 


as far as ni, eire, wales and scotland...england's success has come at their expense. in the old english first division, clubs had loads of non-english british players on the rosters. these players got priceless training and experience. also, the famous home nations tournament ended...which denied those smaller nations experience and confidence at tournament level. we remember what ni did to spain, in spain, at the 1982 WC.


i remember when an irish player (liam brady) and a scottish player (joe jordan) were the 2 most celebrated transfers to serie a in 1980-1981. these non english british footballers' showcases were arsenal and leeds.



there really is no argument at u-19/u-21 level. sure, skill is a criteria, but physicality, more so. as the years pass, the same greek players stagnate, while most others, progress...especially tactically.


epo received apprx. 25-27 million euro in appearance, preformance and placement prize monies for the 2004 euro. 4 years later, epo signed a sponsor deal with nike (or adidas, can't remember)....and epo asked the company NOT to make public the terms of the deal. the same week, the south korean football federation signed a sponsor deal and terms were made public; by memory, i believe it was 5 years at over $30 million usd. i know s. korea is a bigger market...but, i'm sure our deal was similar.


so, where's the money? with sponsorships and prize monies, i'd say epo pocketed more or less around 100 million euro since 2004. 


the amount of money and the fact that they haven't spent much on greek football infrastructure (new showers, free-kick dummy walls and a fresh coat of paint at ag. kosma don't count) is massively significant.



I recall hearing Nikopolidis  around 2001 (and others had mentioned this issue at the time) saying that Greece NT desperately needs a proper training facility...

they got agios Kosmas....at the time...all were very happy...


I heard a few years ago, that Agios Kosmas was no longer up to standards...and NT needs better/newer...Painia was mentioned  (after PAO were 'evicted'), can't recall if this went ahead or they are still at Agios Kosmas.


Not sure what to make of these comments....


I still think NI,Eire, Wales, Scotland do benefit to a degree by hanging onto mother England....perhaps not to the extent of 40 years ago...


If I was in charge of the FAs in Wales, NI, EIRE....I would not be spending a fortune on infrastructure or junior development...I'd make sure kids with talent went over the border soon as possible..Save a fortune by getting others (who are far better at it)to do the hard work..

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^It's the fans fault IMO, most people in Ireland support Man United, Liverpool, or to a lesser extent Celtic and Leeds.

If the majority of these fans put the money and passion they have for the English clubs into the Irish clubs they would take off.

Attendances are shockingly bad, the peoples argument would be why bother watching Shamrock Rovers play with a bunch of nobodies when we could be watchingg United and Liverpool etc.

The Irish leagues goal should be to emulate the Scotttish PL, sure its nothing special but at least the scots support there own teams rather than those of England.

Will never happen however.

In regards to player development the second a Irish player has even an ounce of talent he is shipped off to England, many Irish players in the youth academies of Man City/United, Arsenal, Liverpool etc, its just the way it is, the clubs are probably offered a couple of thousand, but Im sure the player himself wants to head over to England and make a name dor himself rather than stay in Ireland.

It happened with Ritchie Towell, top goalscorer in the Irish league 2 seasons in a row, went over to Brighton & Hobe Albion in January, barely got a sniff as they pushed for promotion to the EPL.

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Great goal, and yes Pepe is back, big plus for Portugal.


Can Ronaldo cement his name with the greats and achieve his greatest feat as a player? Biggest game of his career. Career defining, will probably be his last chance to win a title with Portugal.

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Ronaldo handled Bale tonight


Messi was given bail tonight


Bravo Portugal many of us doubted and bagged them for not winning a match in 90 mins but when it counted Santos the legend and his boys stood tall.


The final will be the biggest game in CR7 career, win it and be up there with the greatest players, lose and cop s%$#! like Messi lol

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