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Is this true?


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according to rumours in Turkish tvs, italian senate chairman Calderoni said "It was glorious to beat a team including moslems, negros and communists!"..

if it is true, it shows the ugly faces of racism yetagain!!

one has to ask, Camoranesi is a REAL ITALIAN, isn'T he?? :whistle:

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according to rumours in Turkish tvs, italian senate chairman Calderoni said "It was glorious to beat a team including moslems, negros and communists!"..

if it is true, it shows the ugly faces of racism yetagain!!

one has to ask, Camoranesi is a REAL ITALIAN, isn'T he?? :whistle:

Turk : Maurizio Camoranesi is as Italian as Yildiray Basturk is Turkish for an analogy...

i dont know if thats what he said...it sounds prety ridiculous and i have no idea why a politician would say such a stupid thing...

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Italian Senate Vice-Chairman's Statements..

I know it's in Turkish but I'm yet to find a foreign-based source..

According to the report, Italian senate vice-chairman Roberto Calderoli who made some anti-muslim and racist gestures during the Cartoon Controversy earlier this year, said "We beat a team that included negros, moslems and communists. It's a great political victory as well as being a sporting one."

Upon these words, the Rome ambassador of France, Yves Aubin de la Meusseziere, said "These statements are unforgiveable and need seriously to be condemned.". Former Italian President Cossiga and Senate Chairman Marini wrote letters of excuses to both Algerian and French embassies.

By the way, Calderoli continued his inhuman remarsk today and said "Is it my fault if French play seven negros out of eleven? Is it my fault if Barthez sings Socialist International March instead of the French Anthem? Is it my fault if some player prefers Mecca to Bethlelem? I have never added any negative or positive attributes to my words. I just said the French is a team consisting of moslems, negros and communists. This is an objective reality and has to be accepted. I am not going to say that I'm sorry or I'm ashamed because if there's someone to be ashamed of what they did it's the French who cannot make a true distinction between a header and a head butt!"

If I find a source in a foreign site and see that these are true, there's only one thing to say... CALDEROLI, YOU'RE A GODDAMN BASTARD!!! :xxx: :xxx: :xxx: :xxx:

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An excerpt from BBC: French forgive as Zidane explains

In the second interview he gave, on France's main private channel TF1, Zidane spoke of his desire to see Fifa tackle racist comments on the pitch.

He singled out the Italian senator and prominent Northern League politician Roberto Calderoli, who has been quoted as saying that France "sacrificed its identity by fielding a team of blacks, Islamists and communists".

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Italian Senate Vice-Chairman's Statements..

I know it's in Turkish but I'm yet to find a foreign-based source..

According to the report, Italian senate vice-chairman Roberto Calderoli who made some anti-muslim and racist gestures during the Cartoon Controversy earlier this year, said "We beat a team that included negros, moslems and communists. It's a great political victory as well as being a sporting one."

Upon these words, the Rome ambassador of France, Yves Aubin de la Meusseziere, said "These statements are unforgiveable and need seriously to be condemned.". Former Italian President Cossiga and Senate Chairman Marini wrote letters of excuses to both Algerian and French embassies.

By the way, Calderoli continued his inhuman remarsk today and said "Is it my fault if French play seven negros out of eleven? Is it my fault if Barthez sings Socialist International March instead of the French Anthem? Is it my fault if some player prefers Mecca to Bethlelem? I have never added any negative or positive attributes to my words. I just said the French is a team consisting of moslems, negros and communists. This is an objective reality and has to be accepted. I am not going to say that I'm sorry or I'm ashamed because if there's someone to be ashamed of what they did it's the French who cannot make a true distinction between a header and a head butt!"

If I find a source in a foreign site and see that these are true, there's only one thing to say... CALDEROLI, YOU'RE A GODDAMN BASTARD!!! :xxx: :xxx: :xxx: :xxx:

well.....you gotta admit. he isnt really lying. he didnt say it was bad he said it was nice to beat them.

but if you single out ethnicities in a sentence it is automatically considered racism today.

In Italy you are allowed to say and think this...to each his own.

"Is it my fault if French play seven negros out of eleven? Is it my fault if Barthez sings Socialist International March instead of the French Anthem? Is it my fault if some player prefers Mecca to Bethlelem? I have never added any negative or positive attributes to my words. I just said the French is a team consisting of moslems, negros and communists. This is an objective reality and has to be accepted. I am not going to say that I'm sorry or I'm ashamed because if there's someone to be ashamed of what they did it's the French who cannot make a true distinction between a header and a head butt!"

intersting to know about Barthez....thats a bit wierd. Personally I think hes the worlds most overated keeper and have no idea how Coupet didnt get it anyways...

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Who cares? In Turkey, some English blokes are in prison for no reason... I don't support racism but I can't help but thinking that Turkish people forget how crap their country is for foreigners...

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While his comments do have a racist intention, technically he didn't say anything wrong unless you instinctively add some kind of negativity to simple words as negro, muslim and communist.

Of course, his comments were ill-intended - we know that - and these things shouldn't happen at all in a civilized country such as Italy, but I guess that's life.

We must take these things lightly, or else we would be depressed all the time. Ahmadinejad says he wants to wipe out Israel from the map, Bin Laden wants to wage a Jihad on the West, North Korea threatens anyone who interferes with their nuclear plans and the world keeps turning.

Personally, I don't have anything against negros. I can't say the same about muslims and communists, though.

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No, the Turks generally are very good to foreigners. But there are some exceptions, with those Priests being stabbed its pretty f****ed up...and to tourists yeah they are jackasses...but I cant say they are different in Greece (to tourists) either...

Morphi- come on everybody who is in prison is for no reason...:LOL: im sure they did something but maybe their sentence is exxagerated....after all we know Mr. Hayes story... DONT TRY TO TAKE HASH OUT OF TURKEY. :LOL:

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An action is OK and "Free" only as far as it does not hurt the rights of the person next to you or does not hurt the person itself.

We can say that Adolf Hitler had the right to believe what he wanted to and that he had the right to say it out loud.

And maybe in a world of Einsteins this would be OK.

However, in a scale from 1 to 10 (where 1 is expressing a view like "I dont like" say... "eskimos" to 10 being shouting "Kill all Eskimos" ) there actually people who will go out and kill Eskimos!!!

This of course does not mean that a person should not speak his mind.

However, I judge a persons remarks from the maturity with wich those are expressed.

If for example a person tells me that the Eskimo groser next door is a thief because he saw him steal an old lady's purse, and he adds that he reserves a small doubtbut he is sure it was the groser next door, then I will think seriously about what he said about the certain groser. I will not stop shopping unless its proven if I dont think that what I heard does not fit the grosers profile. And I will not wrong the groser who might be innocent. If I see that the groser might be wrong and that person who told me that he is a thief might be right I will protect myself.

If the same person tells me that all Eskimos are idiots/yellow/faithless/bad/thiefs/animals etc.... I will not pay attention to what that person says.

Now I would advise all of us to avoid putting labels on people and nations.

Guantanamo does not prove US Citizens to be cruel.

Industries building products sawed by the hands of 11 year old children in Pakistan do not mean French are heartless.

And for sure a rotten system does not mean all Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards, Idians, Turks and so on are bad people.

We should all consider what we can do to push things in our nations towards the right direction ... YES!

But calling names has never helped and wont help ever in whatever future manking has ....

Fell free to continue to talk about racism related to football, but be carefull not to stray far off the pitch ... ;)


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The problem with racism in football, particularly in the stadium by the fans is that the potential to turn a mean spirited chant into a violent attack is high.

The power of the "mob" is great in especially when there is a great deal of energy.

In Greece we see violence in the stadiums allegedly caused by team rivalry. How about if we were to throw in nationality or religion into the mix. Groups of people would be targeted for their ethnicity or religion which could easily turn into a catastrophe.

Take for example France with its large muslim population. The situation in the last year between the French and the muslims hasn't been the greatest to say the least. Now move that hatred and violence into a stadium packed with 50,000 fans, one sitting ontop of the other. The combination can only lead to a bad result.

I am not advocating for suppressing a person's freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded theater and expect to be protected by the law.

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the strange thing is.. some people make racist gestures remarks..vs aganst african-based french or africans but noone takes angolans-mozambiquians playing for portugal or surinamese that play for holanda.. we also see lots of english players takin their orgin from jamaica or caribbean isles..

i mean being racist is bad and unforgivaeble but if you are racist aganst Henry, Gallas or Zidan, you have to behave same way aganst.. say for example Miguel or Castelen, Seedorf, Campbel..vs

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I may be going off to another topic but...why should Western European countries like France and Holland be permitted to field teams of players that are not theirs?

There is a talent drain on some countries that should be addressed and should be stopped.

We saw it in Greece recently when Ionikos was fielding teams with only 2-3 Greeks.

There is the extreme of racism but shouldn't there be some sort of limit on how far these clubs/countries can go?

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I may be going off to another topic but...why should Western European countries like France and Holland be permitted to field teams of players that are not theirs?

There is a talent drain on some countries that should be addressed and should be stopped.

We saw it in Greece recently when Ionikos was fielding teams with only 2-3 Greeks.

There is the extreme of racism but shouldn't there be some sort of limit on how far these clubs/countries can go?

Couldnt agree more. Gone are the days when a club actually represented an area or people. Arsenal have consistently fielded sides last season that did not contain one English player, wtf is the point? What does club football mean now days? There should be a cap on players, at least 6 of the 11 should be from that nation.
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I may be going off to another topic but...why should Western European countries like France and Holland be permitted to field teams of players that are not theirs?

There is a talent drain on some countries that should be addressed and should be stopped.

We saw it in Greece recently when Ionikos was fielding teams with only 2-3 Greeks.

There is the extreme of racism but shouldn't there be some sort of limit on how far these clubs/countries can go?

Couldnt agree more. Gone are the days when a club actually represented an area or people. Arsenal have consistently fielded sides last season that did not contain one English player, wtf is the point? What does club football mean now days? There should be a cap on players, at least 6 of the 11 should be from that nation.
the problem is that for everyone but the players and the fans (not even some of the player) is that football now a days is more of a buinsess then a representation of something significant. thats why this problem occrus..it is the fact that when the people who are in charge of the team try to benefit the team, money is always a signifiicant player...this wont stop and that is partially very sad
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Calderoli is an idiot as his Party is.Please dont give worth at his words again.You speak about a person who is a fascist,natural born fascist..And then there is another thing that you dont understand.Here in Italy Fascism is a culture.There are persons that still believe that is the best way to make Italy great again.And when the 80% of the people celebrate their freedom from this kind of state(Mussolini), they dont.They dont like their flag,they dont like their National anthem they dont like strangers and even their one kind,the south Italians(deja vu?I have written somewhere this again)

So imagine what they thing about something foreign,if they are afraid their one kind.

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