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Papadopoulos leaving


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but it is plain and simple!

if u really want to stay u say ok 700-750! i will stay i love this club!

goumas-gonzo-morris-galinovic(he could have got a better contract outside greece) and vyntra did this!

why is pap stubborn?? is it because he has already signed with another club?

according to the bossman rule he is free to negotiate with another team 6 months before his contract ends! since 1 of january 2006 he could have signed a new contract elsewhere(like karagounis)

lets wait and see we will soon know what comes out of all this.

and remember in last christmass he and antonaki went out to nightclubbing/bouzoukia and pap missed training and got a huge fine from pao(several thousand of euro)! exactly 6 months ago before his contract end(maybe they knew that he had already signed elsewhere) <_<

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but it is plain and simple!

if u really want to stay u say ok 700-750! i will stay i love this club!

goumas-gonzo-morris-galinovic(he could have got a better contract outside greece) and vyntra did this!

why is pap stubborn?? is it because he has already signed with another club?

according to the bossman rule he is free to negotiate with another team 6 months before his contract ends! since 1 of january 2006 he could have signed a new contract elsewhere(like karagounis)

lets wait and see we will soon know what comes out of all this.

and remember in last christmass he and antonaki went out to nightclubbing/bouzoukia and pap missed training and got a huge fine from pao(several thousand of euro)! exactly 6 months ago before his contract end(maybe they knew that he had already signed elsewhere) <_<

Megale, so what if he went out to the bouzoukia me ton troxonomo. The fact of the matter is they are friends and professional footballers. They don't care about rivalries like fans do. Of course they want to win in the big derby's but not because one team wants to beat the other but because players want to shine for their own benefit in these games.

The truth is Pap showed more passion for the team this year than any other player. He was consistent and broke his back on the pitch. Tzigger has the pure business mentality that every employee is replaceable, which is true to a certain extent, but does not necessarily apply to a team. A loss of a player can change the whole makeup.

And Pap is right in demanding more money. Consesao got millions and look at his results, Eki got a new contract in the millions and what the hell has he done this year. Pap delivered what was expected of him and he is getting the short end of the stick. If he leaves and then resigns with OFSP it will be another dark day in PAO's history. Then when its time for Mantzios and other younger players to resign they aren't even going to make the effort to stay with the team because they know how they will be treated.

Ego's are getting in the way of this issue.

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we already have a replacement/future replacement for pap <_<

tsigas who returns from loan at kalithea( in my opinion he is better than gekas)

but will take time for him to get to paps level. and maybe he wont ever get to paps level :(

anyway i think they should let reportors in to attend the next contract talks so we can get to know the truth and only the truth :P

i smeel something fishy about all this <_<

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Where is pap likely to go?

i will give theese chances <_<

90% frinos because it is almost the same story as nikopolidis. he has not pushed that hard to get a contract like gonzo did for example. he(if he really wanted to stay) could have letting his agent ask for contract talks months ago!

10% mallorca or another spanish club! i think he could do very well in spain.

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i will give theese chances <_<

90% frinos because it is almost the same story as nikopolidis. he has not pushed that hard to get a contract like gonzo did for example. he(if he really wanted to stay) could have letting his agent ask for contract talks months ago!

10% mallorca or another spanish club! i think he could do very well in spain.

If he goes to us it will be highly unlikely... he would have to wait untill Januray 2007... Hes not allowed to by contract to go to another GREEK team by januray 2007 and tht is if he appeals something to FIFA... his contract does not forbid him however to go abroad obviously... i see him in spain next year...
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paidia..... den ksero ti allo na po...... prepei oloi oi panathinaikoi na kanoume kati... den paei allo..... :tdown:

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I have to agree with Montreal on that. Be it as it may, thinking like playing for the shirt is cast aside nowadays. I don't blame the players for that. I believe anyone from us would do the same.

But it is the situation that has changed. Panathinaikos is no longer the stronger financially team in greece.Nor is it the most generous one. By fact that is olympiakos. That happened when kokkalis came to olympiakos and started spending money. Also, after Bossman case, players are offered more easily more money from abroad to play to a more competitive league. So a player of panathinaikos that is worth some value knows that he has 2 better options in term of getting better money.

1.Olympiakos in Greece

2. Teams in Europe

Tzigger seems to ignore those facts. If we wanted to be competitive we should at least be in the same level financially with olympiakos. Olympiakos lets players go to Europe and after they return to olympiakos gladly (Gewrgatos, Giannakopoulos). Which player of panathinaikos who now plAys in Europe wants to return to panathinaikos?

That's because they feel unjusted. Because they have played football better than others who played in olympiakos and received less money and less credit for it.

If you were a president of panathinaikos how would you change that?

i)Either pay more money and keep the players happy

ii)Inforce a dictatorship attitude underestimating players, forcing them to stay

If Vardinogiannis keeps doing that players will always keep in mind factors 1 and 2 and feel miserable about the team.

On the other hand Kokkalis will get our players making his team stronger with our "gifts" for him.

To get an idea of how tragic the amount of money is :800000 Eu=272 mil drachme

600000 Eu=204 mil drachme

Gia 67-68 ekatomyria milame!!!!! :angry: :angry:

Someone suggested that we should do an errand. I guess 20000 fans could spare 1 euro gladly to see papadopoulos stay. That would make 200000 eu

But Tzigger doesn't want to give the money even it was all from us

I sent an email to pap asking him to stay and also to tell us his point of view.

here's his email address: info@dimitrispapadopoulos.gr


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oh my goodness, the same crap again.. TZIGGER has absolutely GIFTED a generation to Kokali... I wonder which club Basinas or Kara would return when they come backto Greece...

my freind they will never return to greece kai kala kanoun... Basinas is just on the verge of signing a new contract with his team for 1.2 million euro a year... yes 1.2 million a year... that is how much some of these greek players should be gettin like PAP...
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I am disgusted. My only hope is that he goes overseas, rips s%$#! up, and one day returns to don the trifili. If he stays in Greece and signs for Olympiakos no one should brand him a traitor. Save that venom for the management who turned their backs on the player who gave his all on the pitch day in and day out.

A fitting conclusion for a disappointing season.

Drakos has already stated this...


He will be a tratior if he signs for Olympiakos. Any previous PAO fan or staff that goes and supports Olympiakos is a traitor in my book. Its PAE fault for him not staying, but its HIS signature on the OSFP contract. Especially since Papadopoulos could easily go to a lot of other clubs. Besides he still has time on his contract and PAO arent letting him go anywhere but abroad.


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Mr. President, (May I call you that, or do you prefer, Your Eminence?)

Please do not listen to all those fans who criticize your enlightened leadership. They do not understand that good work takes time, maybe 10 years or more. By then, PAO will be near the bottom of the league, but once you hit the bottom there's only one way, UP!

As an appreciation of your contributions to making Thrylos and the other teams better, I am going to write to Emperor Kokkalis to "take care of you"... without YOU we could not have done so much in the last 10 years! Soon, there won't be any young "green" fans, just "reds"!

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Gavros

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I'll go against the grain here.

As much as I like Papadopoulos, I don't think he is worth 800k (neither is Gonzales, but that's another thread).

The fact that he has been one of our best players shows that our team as a whole has dropped in quality. Even if he does go to Olympiakos, I doubt he can compete for a permanent starting spot there.

For him to shun 700k in base salary and incentives, and a good chance to be a starter is curious. I hope he reconsiders his position and he can be re-signed because we do need some depth on offense.

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Cyberfish, the point is not whether Pap is worth 800K (for me he does), but the fact that our management should KEEP THE PLAYERS THEY WANT as Tzigger has said in the past. Our management has clearly expressed (Livathinos etc) that they want Pap in the team. Now according to most sites, Pap was offered 700K including bonus (which, unless he gets injured, he will receive). Is it worth ruining the deal and allowing Pap to go to the red fags for 100K???

Kai sthn telikh:


*Best player for 2005-06 together with Galinovic (imo)

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I'll go against the grain here.

As much as I like Papadopoulos, I don't think he is worth 800k (neither is Gonzales, but that's another thread).

The fact that he has been one of our best players shows that our team as a whole has dropped in quality. Even if he does go to Olympiakos, I doubt he can compete for a permanent starting spot there.

For him to shun 700k  in base salary and incentives, and a good chance to be a starter is curious. I hope he reconsiders his position and he can be re-signed because we do need some depth on offense.

you right..... he is not worth 800k but A LOT MORE.......
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Regardless what you think Papadopoulos is worth, PAO has invested years and money to him and they will allow him to leave for nothing. Bad, bad, bad business. Sign the guy for 800,000 and then sell him to another team and get soem money back in return.

PAO reminds me of the Boston Bruins of today's NHL

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the big picture is that this will keep on happening & we all know that...In a few years it will be Leontiou, Darlas Mantzios,Kritikos,Manzios,etc...

i look forward to the day when this list will include the name of Tzigger & his whole family...GET OUT & LET THE GIANNAKOPOULOS BROS HANDLE THIS TEAM

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