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If Kyrgiakos ends up red...who is to blame?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. If Kyrgiakos ends up red...who is to blame?

    • Kyrgiakos, just like Antonis, Mihalaki...
    • Kokalis, is behind ALL that...
    • PAO owners, for treating players as expendable!

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Why do you say 'who is to blame'? Why should anyone be to blame!!! Why should this be about 'blame' if it ever happens?

Sotos left last year and he now play for someone else. PAO don't own him. He can go whereever else he pleases and I couldn't care less because he is good, but not that good. Remember all the mistakes he used to make that cost us goals?

Anyway, the article is just scenarios made up by some reporter. It's not likely to happen. If it does, then let Oly have him. Perhaps this way Sotiris will get some respect from Oly fans in order to erase what happened to him with Antzas from the nations memeories :P something which hurts him alot to this day.

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This is a useless poll. There is no point getting into any arguments or accusations before that ACTUALLY happens. Sportime is renowned for their imaginary transfer scenarios. I am not saying that Kyrgiakos will not go to the port/sewer, but at the moment there is no such concrete evidence. Only Sportime's theories.

If I was a mod I would lock this topic.

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You are right. I didn't even consider voting because it's not worth voting for.

But some points are good to make in relation to this story. Also remember that Oly and Sollied are making their summer metaggrafes now starting from their defence. From what I hear they have already selected their defence and Kyriakos is not in their plans.

But who knows, watch out for the protoseildo of FOS tomorrow.... :P

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Only thing I will say in this topic is that "Money talks and bullshit walks"

Football is just like any other business, weather it’s a big company or a small company everybody has a price!!! (Some more then others)

I guarantee you that if oly offered a “generous” amount of $$$ to any Pao player they will jump ship with a click of a finger!!!

You know why?? Because it’s a business, For example let’s say if I worked at “K-Mart” as a Human resource manager and I was getting paid $50,000 yearly and then I got offered the same job at “Big W” however I got paid $60,000 a year and had two more week of in holidays yearly with a less demanding schedule, you’re telling me I wouldn’t jump ship? You’re telling me that I should stay loyal to “K-Mart” because they built me up by offering me a job when I was nothing (reference: playing in the pao academy) and also I built a good relationship with co-workers (reference: fans, teams mates)???

Well if that’s the way some people think then Im sorry but that means in real life you must get stepped all over by others… I mean people talk about loyalty?? If I were a football player (Konstantinou for example) the only loyalty I would show would be to my family and friends who help me along the way and believed in me through out my whole life span not just 5 measly years like the pao fans or pao in general … Lets face it Konstantinou didn’t get offered a contract by Pao which meant that in reference K-Mart didn’t want his services no more or didn’t believe in his demands so the mortal enemy of “K-Mart” which is “Big W” (Oly) did offer him what he wanted… what was he supposed to do?? Say no because he wanted to stay loyal to the night fillers and check out ladies of “K-Mart” (Pao fans) and not jump ship to “Big W”(Oly)??? Who ever believes in that is just stupid or really really really BIAS!!!

I just ask this, try and take of your green glasses for a second and look at football as a business (a way of life for the players, a way to put food on the table for your family) and tell me you wouldn’t jump ship in whatever business your in if you got offered more pay by a rival company weather its K-Mart or OLY??

Now you’re asking me how does this relate to Kyrgiakos?? Well it does because if he were to go to oly its because they offer him a good contract where pao fail to even try (due to the bad relations)?? Why would he think of the pao fans?? All his going to think about is $$$ and wanting to be closer to his family which is Greece….

To be honest I would to the exact same thing if I were him or konstantinou or nikopolidis esepically given the treatment by there former employers….

P.S also the bad relations between management and ex-pao players also take into account I mean, if I got screwed over by management (nikopolidis case) then I would love to get back at my former employer by going to there rivals… I would never think about the check out ladies or night fillers (Pao fans once again), all I would think about is the store manager (Pao management in this case) and how I would love to save a penalty in a derby and know that moment that I did save the penalty changed the game and made my new employee win the derby….

Now tell me if you wouldn’t do the same???

P.S sorry for the long post but I had to write that in-relation to this whole Bullshit loyalty crap that I keep reading by pao posters in here… Wake up and smell the cheese, football is a business, everybody has a price and loyalty is really rare to find in this day and age so dnt expect it to come especially when it concerns pao management who have a track record of bad relations with there ex-players….

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the a**hole is immature on the field wouldnt suprise me if hes just being immature off the field and being over bitter about some stupid details at his departure..........but the fans rarely accept any solution/reason other than "the management is to blame"

if Kirgiakos signs for OSFP--its HIS signature on the contract. so he and his 2 pals adoni and mikey can all share the objects that will be thrown at them next derby....

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the a**hole is immature on the field wouldnt suprise me if hes just being immature off the field and being over bitter about some stupid details at his departure..........but the fans rarely accept any solution/reason other than "the management is to blame"

if Kirgiakos signs for OSFP--its HIS signature on the contract. so he and his 2 pals adoni and mikey can all share the objects that will be thrown at them next derby....

You talk about loyalty?? Im going to go through the logical scenarios that involve our villains Konstantinou, Nikopolidis & Kyrgiakos and show you where the loyalty is when it comes to management!!

1) Nikopolidis: a loyal servant of pao, played with them for 10years!!! Never ever spoke out during his spell at Pao, he was known as a quite and humble players if you will… his contract was up for negotiation in 2004, he knew that this was possibly the last contract he will ever get to negotiation due to his age and retirement, so he figured that he deserved a pay rise b4 he goes into retirement because of the 10 loyal years he spent at pao. When negations began, pao offered him a contract which Nikopolidis obviously didn’t agree to and rightfully he rejected it… Now instead of Pao management trying to re-negotiate the contract they said to him take it or leave it a second time, this to Nikopolidis was an insult so he told to them to shove it!! Now because of that management ordered the coach not to use him for the remainder of the year which also shows pao loyalty to there players so what did Nikopolidis do?? He went to a club that offered him what he wanted and that happen to be the geys... I believe that this worked in pao’s favour to place all the blame on Nikopolidis and say that he began negotiations b4 pao could offer a contract hence placing all the blame on the individual….

Question to you Drako is, you talk about loyalty and how the players should be loyal to the clubs and the fans (who by the way dnt count), and where does your view on loyalty come into play when it concerns Management? I mean doesn’t the same concept (Loyalty) apply to management?? Where was there loyalty when Nikopolidis wanted a pay rise/nice retirement contract for his 10 years of service?? Where was that??? Dnt give me that crap that they offered him a good contract because obviously they didn’t and we all know how tight management is, its well documented…

2) Konstantinou: now this player played for pao for about 4-5 years, earning a s%$#! load of cash during that time.. 2005 his contract had expired and his employer (Pao) didn’t even try to negotiate a contract because they knew they couldn’t get what they wanted to they released him on a free… now Bidis the user said that a lot of big clubs wanted him such as Inter, werder Breman, Everton ect… well let me tell you this, that’s BS, no one wanted Konstantinou the only club that did want him was an Italian club that was fighting relagtion who by the way couldn’t match his demands so in comes oly offering him exactly what he wanted… what would you have done?? Say no I dnt want this cash because I love pao so much even though they thought it was useless to re-negotiate a contract with me and left me high and dry?? Where’s the Loyalty there from pao management?? I mean I agree he wasn’t worth what he was asking but still make an effort or help assist him to another club instead of just leaving him on his arse!! Where is the loyalty there?? Maybe he would have sighed with pao if they had made an attempt but obviously pao didn’t want him so why are you so angry at him for going to oly?? I mean does every pao player who joins the club sign a contract where they will never ever go to oly no matter how enticing it is because they have rivalry?? Get over your high horse, in this case pao didn’t want him so he went to oly what’s your problem??? Ohhh that’s right he should have stayed loyal to the fans that by the way dnt pay for his pay check….

3) Kyrgiakos: he spent all his life at pao, rised up through the academy into the first team squad, establishing him self into the Greek National team through hard work and persistence… along came Rangers saying that they were interested in him and asking to loan him and negotiate a fee for him if he became a success… Kyrgiakos jumped to the idea of playing abroad and earning 10X times what he was earning at pao (by the way Pao was exploiting him for all those years with the peanut contract they had offered him) so Management did the right thing for once and negotiated with Rangers and agreed to a fee if he became a success in Scotland. During his time at Scotland, Kyrgiakos became a huge success at the Rangers and had successfully negotiated a contract with them however greedy management decided to re-negotiate the fee for Kyrgiakos even though they had already agreed to a fee… This caused un-rest for Kyrgiakos as he started to realise that his dreams might go up in smoke because of how stupid and miserable management were being through out this whole situation so offcourse Kyrgiakos protested and said “not so nice things’ when he returned to Pao…. However luckily for him Rangers took it to Fifa where they ruled in favour of Kyrgiakos and Rangers and was aloud to move…. Question Drakos where was the loyalty from Management?? They almost destroyed Kyrgiakos’s dreams playing aborad and you wonder why he hates Management and doesn’t want to play for a club who only thinks about its self and not the players… they weren’t Loyal to Kyrgiakos or Loyal to there agreement so why should you expect players to be Loyal to a club who has a bad tract record with former players??

Nikopolidis wasn’t rewarded for his 10 years of service for a simple pay rise (ohhh no that’s going to hurt managements pockets!!!) where was the loyalty there from management??

Konstantinou wasn’t offered a new contract from Pao so what’s he supposed to do Drakos?? Not go to oly the only club who offered him what he wanted because he had to stay loyal to the fans of Pao??? The fans of Pao arnt going to pay for his bills, put food on the table and soo on.. so get over it, management didn’t want him, they didn’t want to be loyal to Konstantinou by atleast trying to negotiate a contract with him so I guess its every one for them selves….

Kyrgiakos almost lost his dreams because Management dnt know how to sell there players for what there worth and almost destroying Kyrgiakos chance to play in Scotland because Management wanted more money?? Where was the loyalty there Drakos?? Management obviously belives that making more money is more important then Loyalty so why arnt the players aloud to think the same thing??? This relates to my previous post by the way....

Get your Green Glasses off and smell the cheese Pao the football club probably has the worst track record with there former players in any sport? Coincidence I think not!!! Ive never seen any other clubs in football, basketball, rugby, ect.. have such a bad reputation with there former players…. Problem with you is that u cant see it because ur brainwashed by management….

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the a**hole is immature on the field wouldnt suprise me if hes just being immature off the field and being over bitter about some stupid details at his departure..........but the fans rarely accept any solution/reason other than "the management is to blame"

if Kirgiakos signs for OSFP--its HIS signature on the contract. so he and his 2 pals adoni and mikey can all share the objects that will be thrown at them next derby....


He should be playing Rugby or NFL :P

Also we don't need donkeys at our club :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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I've been a PAO fan since I was a 5-6 years old. This is MY beloved team from the beloved city I was born in. However, as I grew older I realized that in this game it's the fans who do most of the giving and feel the worst (even get physically ill when the team is down). For the most part, the other people involved have no such affection/commitment for the team.

I also realize that this is a sport! Where you have people on a pitch running up & down trying to put a round ball into a net. Much of the time we don't even see/enjoy the game, especially in Greece since the quality is so bad. So, it's a matter of identification--you feel good to belong, be a fan of a great team. The players today go for the money. There are no ideal relationships nor ideal team environments. Management doesn't care/respect the players and the reverse is true too.

Sure, I get upset when I see m***kies, and I can criticize those who, in my opinion, are screwing up my team. But, I'try to put things into perspective and not over-react. I also don't hate anyone or any other team. I want them to be strong and my team STRONGER.... and finally since I've played the game and love to watch it, I'd like to see some nice THEAMA re gamoto.... and that eventually (don't hold your breath) Greek teams spank some other good teams in euro play! :gr:

As for Kyriakos, he should do whatever he thinks it's best for him. He's got talent, could have contributed more to our team, but if he wants to go to gavroi I don't care. Also, who can dispute that our management hasn't screwed up royally many times????

PS>I doubt that those who write in the sports media and those who comment here and elsewhere really know what actually goes on. ie. they say Sotos said bad things about PAO, but maybe PAO management preceded this by doing something stupid.... it's like the war in Palestine where everything is a retaliation for something the other side did, and no one remembers (or even cares for) who threw the first stone.....

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it would be pretty weird to see Kyrgiakos in the red and white jersey if that was to happen

cause of all the Pao players to jump s%$#! and join Thyrlos

he would have the most anomosity towards him

with Antzas on his ass !!!!!!!!!! lol

and messign with our Beloved Giovanni

but he plays for our NT

he is at the prime of his career with a solid background experience wise

i mean its a position we need to re assure

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really?????good for you,pao management can just hope to get more people like you to make there team.you never going to win anything but tziger can buy a new car or something. :LOL:

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Hypothetically speaking, if i was actually any good at soccer good enuff to play in europe, I would want to play for PAO for peanuts even if Olympiakos was offering me an awesome contract...but thats just me!

i personaly think thats back-wards thinking there....

i stand by what i said, everybody has a price, some more then others....

but hey thats jst me ;)

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the a**hole is immature on the field wouldnt suprise me if hes just being immature off the field and being over bitter about some stupid details at his departure..........but the fans rarely accept any solution/reason other than "the management is to blame"

if Kirgiakos signs for OSFP--its HIS signature on the contract. so he and his 2 pals adoni and mikey can all share the objects that will be thrown at them next derby....

You talk about loyalty?? Im going to go through the logical scenarios that involve our villains Konstantinou, Nikopolidis & Kyrgiakos and show you where the loyalty is when it comes to management!!

1) Nikopolidis: a loyal servant of pao, played with them for 10years!!! Never ever spoke out during his spell at Pao, he was known as a quite and humble players if you will… his contract was up for negotiation in 2004, he knew that this was possibly the last contract he will ever get to negotiation due to his age and retirement, so he figured that he deserved a pay rise b4 he goes into retirement because of the 10 loyal years he spent at pao. When negations began, pao offered him a contract which Nikopolidis obviously didn’t agree to and rightfully he rejected it… Now instead of Pao management trying to re-negotiate the contract they said to him take it or leave it a second time, this to Nikopolidis was an insult so he told to them to shove it!! Now because of that management ordered the coach not to use him for the remainder of the year which also shows pao loyalty to there players so what did Nikopolidis do?? He went to a club that offered him what he wanted and that happen to be the geys... I believe that this worked in pao’s favour to place all the blame on Nikopolidis and say that he began negotiations b4 pao could offer a contract hence placing all the blame on the individual….

Question to you Drako is, you talk about loyalty and how the players should be loyal to the clubs and the fans (who by the way dnt count), and where does your view on loyalty come into play when it concerns Management? I mean doesn’t the same concept (Loyalty) apply to management?? Where was there loyalty when Nikopolidis wanted a pay rise/nice retirement contract for his 10 years of service?? Where was that??? Dnt give me that crap that they offered him a good contract because obviously they didn’t and we all know how tight management is, its well documented…

2) Konstantinou: now this player played for pao for about 4-5 years, earning a s%$#! load of cash during that time.. 2005 his contract had expired and his employer (Pao) didn’t even try to negotiate a contract because they knew they couldn’t get what they wanted to they released him on a free… now Bidis the user said that a lot of big clubs wanted him such as Inter, werder Breman, Everton ect… well let me tell you this, that’s BS, no one wanted Konstantinou the only club that did want him was an Italian club that was fighting relagtion who by the way couldn’t match his demands so in comes oly offering him exactly what he wanted… what would you have done?? Say no I dnt want this cash because I love pao so much even though they thought it was useless to re-negotiate a contract with me and left me high and dry?? Where’s the Loyalty there from pao management?? I mean I agree he wasn’t worth what he was asking but still make an effort or help assist him to another club instead of just leaving him on his arse!! Where is the loyalty there?? Maybe he would have sighed with pao if they had made an attempt but obviously pao didn’t want him so why are you so angry at him for going to oly?? I mean does every pao player who joins the club sign a contract where they will never ever go to oly no matter how enticing it is because they have rivalry?? Get over your high horse, in this case pao didn’t want him so he went to oly what’s your problem??? Ohhh that’s right he should have stayed loyal to the fans that by the way dnt pay for his pay check….

3) Kyrgiakos: he spent all his life at pao, rised up through the academy into the first team squad, establishing him self into the Greek National team through hard work and persistence… along came Rangers saying that they were interested in him and asking to loan him and negotiate a fee for him if he became a success… Kyrgiakos jumped to the idea of playing abroad and earning 10X times what he was earning at pao (by the way Pao was exploiting him for all those years with the peanut contract they had offered him) so Management did the right thing for once and negotiated with Rangers and agreed to a fee if he became a success in Scotland. During his time at Scotland, Kyrgiakos became a huge success at the Rangers and had successfully negotiated a contract with them however greedy management decided to re-negotiate the fee for Kyrgiakos even though they had already agreed to a fee… This caused un-rest for Kyrgiakos as he started to realise that his dreams might go up in smoke because of how stupid and miserable management were being through out this whole situation so offcourse Kyrgiakos protested and said “not so nice things’ when he returned to Pao…. However luckily for him Rangers took it to Fifa where they ruled in favour of Kyrgiakos and Rangers and was aloud to move…. Question Drakos where was the loyalty from Management?? They almost destroyed Kyrgiakos’s dreams playing aborad and you wonder why he hates Management and doesn’t want to play for a club who only thinks about its self and not the players… they weren’t Loyal to Kyrgiakos or Loyal to there agreement so why should you expect players to be Loyal to a club who has a bad tract record with former players??

Nikopolidis wasn’t rewarded for his 10 years of service for a simple pay rise (ohhh no that’s going to hurt managements pockets!!!) where was the loyalty there from management??

Konstantinou wasn’t offered a new contract from Pao so what’s he supposed to do Drakos?? Not go to oly the only club who offered him what he wanted because he had to stay loyal to the fans of Pao??? The fans of Pao arnt going to pay for his bills, put food on the table and soo on.. so get over it, management didn’t want him, they didn’t want to be loyal to Konstantinou by atleast trying to negotiate a contract with him so I guess its every one for them selves….

Kyrgiakos almost lost his dreams because Management dnt know how to sell there players for what there worth and almost destroying Kyrgiakos chance to play in Scotland because Management wanted more money?? Where was the loyalty there Drakos?? Management obviously belives that making more money is more important then Loyalty so why arnt the players aloud to think the same thing??? This relates to my previous post by the way....

Get your Green Glasses off and smell the cheese Pao the football club probably has the worst track record with there former players in any sport? Coincidence I think not!!! Ive never seen any other clubs in football, basketball, rugby, ect.. have such a bad reputation with there former players…. Problem with you is that u cant see it because ur brainwashed by management….

hollywood thats ignoring several facts- mixalakis was let go abroad to find an offer- and he was given the option to come back to PAO and they would sign him again.....Mixalakhs DIDNT COME BACK. Instead he went to Olympiakos with no respect, statements, apologies etc to the fans who idolized him. And when he did score against his old team he celebrated like the biggest karagkiozis i have ever seen. Is that respect? Theres not even RESPECT for the club and the fans....and you say he was just being a "professional" when he signed- maybe you dont understand this player was our biggest signing ever, idolized---EVEN WHEN HE WAS THE WORST PLAYER ON THE PITCH (which was many games his second year he didnt even deserve a cheap replica of the jersey to wear!!)

Nikopolidis- oh sure hes been so loyal so many years that......he goes BEHIND PAO's back to talk to OSFP about a contract before asking PAO about a new one!!!! what loyalty is that? Nikopolidis OWES PAO because without PAO- PAO MADE him and he goes and looks for bigger money elsewhere BEFORE asking US!- to hell with him

Kirgiakos- had an offer, we let him go give his international career a start. If he wants to be bitter about some tiny quarel nobody gives a s%$#! about anymore and hate the entire club and its fans thats proof hes a douchebag.

brainwashed by management? hollywood- there are TWO sides to everything.

Just because i beleive that maybe Tzigger is not to blame for a bad season every year doesnt mean im brainwashed. Thats bullshit. I see Tzigger spending money on players (yes they were pretty bad, but tzigger doesnt pick them hes advised on them and chooses salary according to their designated role) , i read a few of his statements, and even the coach seems to think hes doing great for PAO, and recently it took him and Gonzalez 20 mins to sign a new contract! Not to mention its confirmed were getting a new stadium for our centennial, our youth program is producing the greatest youth in greece.......so what this year we had a disapointment and weve been in bad times....last year we were a goalpost away from the prota8lhma... it happens. but we are trying to make a new team and that happens most of the time.....but on the other hand- Lyberopoulos was let go, Kolkka was too.....and maybe communication with adonis/sotiris with upper management wasnt effective... and you should never sell a player like Seitaridis before a euro tournament that was an error.....so its obvious hes made some mistakes too.

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from the point that we needed defenders & we let Kyriako exit, This proves that Tzigger is an idiot & he needs to exit.

As far as Kyriakos to osfpp.. If they pay him & he's dumb enough to go to a low class area to play soccer like Pireas, then we know what kind of class he is

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