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Newcactle - Olympiakos

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listen for some reason Greek teams don't come to play when it comes to away games

especially in England

i mean yes the team we are playing with will ahve the crowd behind them and give them the extra energy to play harder

alot as to do with skill lets me honest

i mean the top player on these english club is making twice as much as any Greek team top player

so u would expect the more u pay the better talent

but the main thing is psychologically

we always think about going their not to get blown away

and wut do we do we get blown away

its all in the head

to tell u the truth i did wish Pao beat Arsenal in Arsenal b/c that might have ended this pyschological break in playing in England

same goes with Olympiakos if they beat Liverpool in Liverpool

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Guys, I don;t have much time to tell what I really feel about your disgraceful football club and its non-existent history, name, tradition etc.

Just wanted to remind you when PAO drew 2-2 and 1-1 with Arsenal who were then TOP of premierleague, people like thrillosmt and other loser gavroi came here to say that was very bad results and performnace by us. Now that you have lost 7-1 to the 11th team in the same Premierleague where are your big mouths? Where are they hiding?

Thanks once again for embarrassing Greek football and proving what a small insignifican club you are with your kathieromeno diesyrismo in Europe. :D

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"Lifeless Olympiakos". "Half-hearted". "Drained-looking". These are epithets from the British press about an insipid Olympiakos performance. I have to agree with both Aek66 and Panos. Olympiakos are a DISGRACE. Newcastle are coming mid-table in the UK league and they were missing some key players and yet they made the Greek league co-leaders look like s***. One shot on goal in the whole match (and in injury time) is an indictment on Olympiakos. And the damning statistic that Olympiakos has only ever scored one goal in England (and that was Rivaldo's goal vs Liverpool) is a sad reflection that Olympiakos needs a major overhaul in playing staff and attitude.

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[Ok then; overall another fairly terrible year for Greek teams in Eurpope

The worst teams in this order:

MPOAK - Disgraceful; and they didnt even play enough so they could show us just how badly they would embaress us

Aek - Disgraceful; I've heard arguments that they didnt really care about uefa that much but thats all bullshit. they were disgusting

PAO - got 1 or 2 good results in CL but overall there campaign was horrible; the football they played and somehow expected to get results from was disgraceful. gets a 1-0 against sevilla but then plays familiar pana trash on the away leg and gets beaten 2-0

Olympiakos - Had a very good CL campaign, playing great football until the disgraceful last game which meant it was all for nothing. only the 2nd evr team to go out with 10 points. Has a promising start to uefa with 2 wins over soso. Hosts newcastle and gets cruxified by the refs but in reality still let in 3 goals at home. Goes to england to try and keep the aggregate respectable; and plays with no heart and loses 4-0 to a team which isnt even that good

vazelokotes, some of you tried to give us some advice; how about you worry about your your own shitty club.

my prediction for next year; pao play like s%$#! ,will get embarassed even worse, and will further damage the myth that they are a good european team

unless Bajevic is given the power and money to bring in some young quality OSFP will face the same frustrations again










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Guys, I don;t have much time to tell what I really feel about your disgraceful football club and its non-existent history, name, tradition etc.

Just wanted to remind you when PAO drew 2-2 and 1-1 with Arsenal who were then TOP of premierleague, people like thrillosmt and other loser gavroi came here to say that was very bad results and performnace by us. Now that you have lost 7-1 to the 11th team in the same Premierleague where are your big mouths? Where are they hiding?

Thanks once again for embarrassing Greek football and proving what a small insignifican club you are with your kathieromeno diesyrismo in Europe. :D

u know when your team will be considered great in europe?

A= when you lose you stop saying Oh well guys dont worry look what OSFP did in their campaign so u can be a little happy.. since u guys lost 5-0 nobody wants to admit it was reziliki because we lost 7-0

B- whne u uguys stop saying oh well we tied them here beat them ther

-u guys have beaten good teams in the C.L but you know what so have other teams...

i read people "we beat juve 3-1.etc etc. u know what so did 2 other teams that year its

also oh we beat rangers in scotlanmd...so did Manu and Stuttgart...

C- despite the result.. we still got 5 wins in europe this year u guys got only 3.

I base my campaign on this (and we beat an english team on ouw own soil)

we dont say its ok we tied deportivo 0-0 on the road. Its a great result cause we tied a spanish team...

But as I have said ... yeah we lost today. we got kilkeld but at least we say we lost we dont blame 90% of our failures on the refs and hostile soccer stadiums

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you lost last week and all i heard was stuff about the referee...

i rmeemeber not too long ago when u were ripping on pao fans about how we were gunna wwatch this from our kanapedes...and we did, and it was and olympiakos team gettting distroyed..mb this will teach everyone to watch their mouths...

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Hi guys, sorry to say but Olympiakos were outclassed and last night's 4-0 scoreline could have been 6,7 or even 8 had we done that little bit more in front of goal.

I can sympathise with Oly fans because your side had no fight in them and died on the spot. Those 800 and odd fans who came to Newcastle didn't deserve such a shamefull performance as they sang their hearts out throughout and gave a side not deserving support, their very all. On the stands you's were winners, off it, losers and very bad at that.

Having now see Olympiakos up close and live, I'm afraid Oly have many many problems and there are many reasons why your side has not progressed in Europe. What I will say will offend some but I speak the truth, I bear no malaise towards your club or fans. I love football and feel I have a right to now express my opinions without being seen on as being arrogant or boastful as I hope I have proved on this message board that I am not that type of person.

As a football fan who loves football of all types, who loves learning about the game, different clubs, different football cultures and different styles I believe Olympiakos' standards are low, very low when it comes to European football and I believe this stems from dominating a weak domestic League where refereeing decisions are often biased towards the bigger clubs. At home Olympiakos only have to turn up and the opposition are beaten. In Europe you have to work hard on and off the ball. You have to be strong and demand more of yourself because you are playing against some of the best players in the world.

I was quite disappointed in Oly's lack of heart and fight. St. James' Park is a magnificent footballing arena, one of the best in the world and although it wasn't full - any footballer should want to play on the hallowed turf I call home, any worth his salt regardless of ability or experience.

3-1 down and with little or no chance of qualifying is no excuse. Oly may as well had not turned up, in fact they didn't. I feel for those 800 plus fans who did turn up to support their club.

It was easy and although we played our best game in a long long time and crushed your spirit and were superior on the night, again that is no excuse just to lie down and die.

Those players had no standards, no belief, no will or desire to play. They were beaten before they stepped onto the pitch.

Your coach seemed clueless sat in the dugout and never flinched - he should have been on his feet demanding everything of his team and instructing them to be men not wimps. I seen a few Oly players jumping out of tackles. In England, that is a crime. No player jumps out of tackles even if they may get hurt. Your striker when through on goal in the opening minutes could and should have scored but he allowed Shay Given to come out and kick the ball clear, he basically stepped aside for him to do that. Notice how Alan Shearer chased down everything and goes in hard to win the ball, even when he knows he can't? Your players just bounced off Newcastle players as if they were thin air.

Like I said we are not the greatest team in the world but we work hard, have heart and have high standards in Europe. We have players like Shearer, Given and Butt who are great players who demand their team-mates do more. There were no leaders in the Oly side, none whatsoever.

On last night's performance Oly are an average side who would struggle in the Premiership against even small teams like Crystal Palace and that is no joke.

No pace, width, creativity, power, strength and heart.

If Olympiakos are Greece's top side, then just how poor is the Greek League?

Your national team has shown the way forward and Greece should celebrate this team and try to use it's success as a spring board to rid the League of all it's diseases like corruption, hooliganism and cheating because if you don't, Oly will never ever do well in Europe.

Greece are not like France or England, with great players in every position yet they won Euro 2004 without help or bias, they won it fair and square and were rightly the best side in it and deserved to win it. They played with heart, belief and in their coach they had a manager who instilled high standards in them and they performed for him.

Before the two matches I was quite worried about these games. I thought Oly could end our European adventure and even a lot of Oly fans who joined my message board were boasting of what they were going to do to Newcastle, but I had nothing to worry about.

Oly fans have plenty to worry about.

A change in attitudes, professionalism and approach will be the only saviour for your League and your clubs in Europe.

Sorry guys, as an outsider who has no favourite, who can look at these things impartialy and without emotional attachment, those are my honest views of your team and your League.

I would welcome all comments. But none accusing me of being arrogant or boastful or showing a lack of respect. If you want to debate football in the manner some of you have, I'll be happy to so I welcome your thoughts.

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you seem alittle unaware and naive about our league and olymppaikos stricltly because of olys performance..you cannot judge a league by a teams performance...you poabaly have not seen much from the greek league and you seem unaware about the clubs situation...i know you are trying to state your opinions but you are doing it in a very naive and sometimes arrogent way...comparing olympiakos to crystal palace is proposterous...olys level are far above may in the premier league... this year, their club is filled with older players...they do rely heavily on rivaldo who is very old...at this stage oly need to revamp their side...their team with its current situation are on fire or a dud...currently they are a dud...after a few bad results and some of their players getting fatiguesd and injured, oly are not in a good state...bajevic is under alot of pressure and the team seems very shaky... i agree with alot of what you said about their performance..it lacked any bit of passion and will to fight..it was disgustin how oly performed and i can completely understand why you make these comments based on olys performance.....as for your critque oon the greek league...it is not a very strong league but the past couple years "smaller" clubs have made quite alot of progress...i do recall many incidents where english opposition has had much trouble over these "smaller" greek teams...the problem lies within the sturcture of greek football...i dont expect you to kknow this as you do not follow greek football...but i dont think its fair for you to start judging what greek football is and what is isnt when you really have little idea and eduvcation about whats going on...i dont blame you as you really have to get to underatnd the strucutre to undertsnad the means... stricltly on the playing field, id like to hear your opinions and i believe alot of them are correct, but your opinions on greek football are based on very limited knowloedge...you make alot of good points on olympiakos but you have to understand certaqin things that you dont...

greek football does need alot of work though..you are verey correct...it is a matter of consistancy in europe that we lack...one day we'll pull off a wonderful result, then the next we are a bismal...

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in all, don't judge the greek league and national side based on olympiakos.


Have you now taken your patriotism out ? B)

Why don't you post often here ? I mean we AEKtzides live lovely moments this saison and the future sounds promising..... maybe in the next 2 years we (AEK) play against Newcastle..... and then I will go and contact Howaythetoon....

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Our friend Howaythetoon has been carried away because they faced an Olympiakos on his 8-year-low.........

Now go and check the below link (Don't forget do enlarge the PDF-File):

Panionios - Newcastle (900.000, Euro versus 110.000.000, Euro)

Newcastle scored with a penalty by Shearer in the 87 minute. With a generous given Penalty..... A lot of people even say it was a gift.

I accept statements before the games start. And I mean both legs not afterwards.

NOW COMES THE PURE COLD LOGIC..... IF THIS 109.100.000, Euros.... I repeat (Hundredandninemiliononehundredandthousand Euros).....are expressed with only one goal difference...scored by a generous given penalty in the 87 minute.....

Then a lot of things are wrong with the English Football..... including Newcastle...

IMAGINE..... Panionios our midfield Club had 110.000.000, Euros in their disposition.....they would have crashed Newcastle at least with 3 goals difference.....


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Look mr Newcstle fun Olympiakos knew it was a brag to come and play the second leg after what happeneed in the first game. It was obvius that the ref was in favor of the newcastle side. What did you expect from a team that already new that they were out of the competition (3-1) when they have to look to win the Greek league and cup in the remaining of games. The final score was quite heavy but you have to admit in the first leg if Newcastler was down 9 players would be raped to say the least. Even 11-11 you would obviusly loose to Olympiakos (in the first minutes of the game we show how strong you are). I mean Liverpoul is so much better than Newcastle and lost to Olympiakos 1-0 instead of 5-0.

And you know what, unless you have the same help from the ref in the next leg in Uefa you will really get beaen up by your next opponenet no matter who it will be. Remember that your team is doing quite bad in England and it is quite obvius the win over Chelsea side was because Mourinio probably thought it would be a bad idia to stay on that cup comptetition (due to fatigue and probable injuries) when you have to compete in the C.L. and you have to win the Premiership after 50 years or so.

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And as for your superb players like:

- Robert - I thought he was on the verge of being let go in the beginning of the season but your new coach like his one good quality which is nothing but his one stron leg.

-Shearer- he will retire in a few months won't he ?

- Klouiver- leftover from Barcha

- Butt - A Ferguison failed hope of replacing Keen

There was one player Belamy that I really liked from your side and he went to Celtic?? :blink: ??

I mean if you had Rivaldo, or Giovani, or Jorgevich and many other players on your side from Olympiakos you would love to whatch 'em play.

Can you really say somthing bad about Dabizas an x-Olympiakos player. Admit it you loved him to play for your side for at lest 5 years.

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And since you really have me started about how better English soccer is. Where are the tremendus Gunners in Europen Competitions ? How about Manchester that won their second C.L. title becuase of the lucky 91+ goals from Serinham and solcaier after 30 years. You should be thankfull of Abramovich's motivation

to buy Chelsea and you can watch somebody from England do good in the Europen competitions.

You say that the Greek league (2 profacional categories-16 teams ) sucks in general, while that English league has 5 profecional categories (20 teams). Were is your Super National team? Aren't most of the English Players on the bottom low end of the table :tup:

Check now the best teams in Engalnd and the amount of English players that they have 2 or 3 out of 25 ? :LOL:

Tell me have you seen any non-Greeks in the Greek National team ?

Now take a look at some of the best National teams in the world rostters like France, Germany, Portugal, Italy etc.................. :whistle:

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Our friend Howaythetoon has been carried away because they faced an Olympiakos on his 8-year-low.........

Now go and check the below link (Don't forget do enlarge the PDF-File):

Panionios - Newcastle (900.000, Euro versus 110.000.000, Euro)

Newcastle scored with a penalty by Shearer in the 87 minute. With a generous given Penalty..... A lot of people even say it was a gift.

I accept statements before the games start. And I mean both legs not afterwards.

NOW COMES THE PURE COLD LOGIC..... IF THIS 109.100.000, Euros.... I repeat (Hundredandninemiliononehundredandthousand Euros).....are expressed with only one goal difference...scored by a generous given penalty in the 87 minute.....

Then a lot of things are wrong with the English Football..... including Newcastle...

IMAGINE..... Panionios our midfield Club had 110.000.000, Euros in their disposition.....they would have crashed Newcastle at least with 3 goals difference.....


stop defending oly!

oly is oly and not greek football dont excuse all the time and bring facts.

panionios did trow udinese out of the uefa cup! and that was a very good result.

leave the poor guy alone cause newcastle is still a shadow of the good old days!

shearer is finished and the can not keep up with the big boys anymore is england

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Your national team has shown the way forward and Greece should celebrate this team and try to use it's success as a spring board to rid the League of all it's diseases like corruption, hooliganism and cheating because if you don't, Oly will never ever do well in Europe.

Greece are not like France or England, with great players in every position yet they won Euro 2004 without help or bias, they won it fair and square and were rightly the best side in it and deserved to win it. They played with heart, belief and in their coach they had a manager who instilled high standards in them and they performed for him.

A change in attitudes, professionalism and approach will be the only saviour for your League and your clubs in Europe.

I would welcome all comments. But none accusing me of being arrogant or boastful or showing a lack of respect. If you want to debate football in the manner some of you have, I'll be happy to so I welcome your thoughts.

You make excellent points and I agree with the majority of what you wrote.

There are many leagues that have their own problems and diseases. Obviously we cannot compare the 'big' ones with the 'tiny' ones like premiership, serie A to greek domestic because of the influence of big money, business and control.

Why do you think greek players waste no time to be signed by top euro clubs? Cause they know the situation domestically and it suits their career to leave.

But our dom.league from what I've followed over the years has come a long and slow way and it will take more time for it to prosper unless the appropriate changes are made in the system. Greece's euro win should definitely be a spring board of amazing example but attitudes and mentalities do take time to change.

When greek teams play other euro clubs and unfortunately don't succeed and perform well, it's and should be a wake-up call for them.

Best of luck with your run for the uefa cup.

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all of u in here that is bashing Olympiakos

are straight up gut-less

for starters u talk about how Pao tied Arsenal and Olympiakos lost to liverpool

Liverpool is still in c.l. while Arsenal isn't that is a reminder for u

take your shots now

even with Olympiakos injuries and fan trouble they will win the title and all of u in here know that and can't stand it

we will built up a better team in the summer

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Guest Protathlitis


ok-this is what i'm talking about: PAOK is a bordello. players recently got a bit of money owed to them after not getting anything for 3 months. batatoudis made some money a few years ago from uefa when PAOK eliminated the then 3rd placed campionato side Udinese, with the fantastic patricio camps, mirco taccola, etc. did batatoudis put the money back into the club? the training facilites? bahhh, he didn't even pay his players...camps left due to unpaid wages and transfer fees.  PAOK doesn't have a pot to go pee-pee in, and you expected more?

AEK was another bordello. a few years of CL and UEFA money, straight into the pockets of psomiadis and his sara kai mara. the club collapsed and now it's taking baby steps to get to a small bit of respectability. did you expect AEK to make noise in europe this year with 7-8 new 2nd class starters?  if you worship the national team, remember that AEK had gamarra, dellas, kapsis, zagorakis, zikos, lakis, zagorakis, tsartas and nikolaidis. only the referees and the greek savoura paragovtes kept AEK away from trophies. think about it, my friend. remember nikolaidis' strike with the national team to protest olympiakos' zabolies? all of those players left greece now, on the 1st plane out, to get away from the garbage.

PAO is my model greek side. as an aektzh, i have no problem saying this. good scouts and a fantastic foitorio for youngsters. PAO has lost players such as karagouni, seitaridi, fyssas, seitaridis, kyrgiako in the past 2 years. PAO's ownership sees PAO as a business, instead of buying 1st rate replacements, they take chances on lower wage players and wait for talent from it's foitorio/epasitexves. i would find this an insult, if i was a PAO supporter. the club has a history and deserves to always have a 1st rate side, in greece and europe. the ownership isn't hurting for money.

which leaves us to the thrylos. when was the last time a big player came up from olympiakos' foitorio? there is no need for one, when olympiakos doesn't need to spend money on such blakies. for those waiting for young talent from the olympiako youth sides, don't hold your breath. olympiakos is so good, they can make mistakes in the transfer market. the real power at olympiako is not bajevic, it's the shadow figure louvari. olympiakos is the symbol of the sickness of greek domestic football.

EPO was given by uefa over 20 million euros in july. did any of that money come back to the clubs? to repair stadiums? train referees? train greek coaches? create football academies? did EPO keep the money in their pockets knowing that the owners of greek football would have done the same? kaka ta psemata..money finds it's way into the maupes trypes. this is the legacy of modern greek domestic football

what an absolutley ridiculous post

pao is your model Greek side? :LOL:

pao is your model Greek side?

you've got to be fukin kidding me. if you like horrible, disgraceful performances week in week out whether it be the league, cup or europe as your model then all power to you :nw:

pao gets raped by xanthi, a s%$#! aek team at home, kerkyra; plays horrible crap all season and this is what you have to say??


I think your thinking about the good results pao used to get in europe and not about the reality of the patheticness of that club now



and YOU, you follow aek for gods sake

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Guest Protathlitis

Im mean I am pretty pissed off about this result but its hilarious to see you people who follow such digracful teams come out of the woodwork after this result and try and vent your hatred for my club

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Guest Protathlitis

nfrastructure and day to day operations is the model greek club.

:LOL: what do you know about the day to day runnings pao? :LOL:

everyone knows that money just dissapears at pao

sure they have a good youth academy; but that is one of the last things to think about when measuring up a club. some of the best sides in italy, spain have average youth set ups. your saying it like its the be all and end all of a football club

the ancient greeks were superior because they practiced autokpitikh as a society. they saw their mistakes and weaknessess, and corrected them

now your gonna start talking about our ancient ancestors? please mate, your making this more complicated than it is and should be

YOU THINK WE ALL DONT REALISE OUR MISTAKES AND WEAKNESSES? you think Kokkalis hasnt tried to adress problems by actually spending and bringing in quality like Karembeu, Rivaldo and all the rest???

the difference is that pao doesent realise that and that thers no way in hell they are going to spend anything this summer to bring in a quality player so they can not get embaressed again in europe

did you cheer for demi when he scored in the qualifiers for greece?

dont bring up such irrelevant things; the two things are seperate

but in greece, venetidi never commits fouls..he's that good. do you hate rehaggel? he seems to rate olympiakos as having no-talent greek footballers, despite the fact they won all those trophies. what a strange phenomena..

what the hell are you talking about? Ive never heard anyone make an argument like this. Olympiakos recently has only really had Dabizas, Giannakopoulos, Venetidis, Alexandris etc. to contribute to the NT. Thats tied in with the fact that our youth system isnt as strong as pao's. but for god's sake everyone knows that our strength came from the foreign players; Djole, Karembeu, Rivaldo, Gogic etc. dont bring up irrelevant points

understand this: olympiakos is a savoura cesspool of lies, bribes and a victim of it's own blakeia propoganda

:LOL: We are by far the most financially stable club in Greece. Im delighted with our the recent managment of off-field affairs. On the field I beleive that Bajevic should be given the opportunity to bring in his own players (ie. Djole, Giannakopoulo) and should be given more freedom

OSFP's problems are not financial or anything like

We, like all the big clubs, have to adress the hooligan problem but other than that our problems (which we are not all "in denial of") are on the pitch

please dont use this game as a reason do vent all of your komblexes and frustrations about OSFP

and again "pao is my model Greek team" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: your hatred for my club clouds any rational judgements you make

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once again, kudos to rehaggel, for keeping the sickness of olympiakos away from the national side. only 1 player got minutes from olympiako in the tournament, and he was the easily the worst greek footballer on the pitch. but in greece, venetidi never commits fouls..he's that good. do you hate rehaggel? he seems to rate olympiakos as having no-talent greek footballers, despite the fact they won all those trophies. what a strange phenomena..

vre haven't you heard the reason why Otto won't invite these fantastic 'worldclass' Oly players like Georgato, Anatolakis and Stoltides? Apparently it's the falt of the vazelomafia :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I am serious. I heard this yesterday from some gavroi that the reason Otto invited Vyntra and Gkeka is because of pressure from the vazelomafia :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

akou re ti komplex einai afto....

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Guest Protathlitis

so you would say vyntra's performances this year justify it compared to players from OSFP? still I trust in Otto's judgment

I think Stoldtidis should be brought in for Kafes; hes a great player

you should hear the komblexikes theories I ve heard from you gays: apparently Rivaldo's free kick only went in because we were controlling the ball with an elecontrol :LOL: - from a call in show

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