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Olympiakos vs 3an8h


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Kafes seems to have caught a fever (wonder from who? lol) and chances are he wont be playing tomorrow EITHER !

For his position, Maric seems to be the most likely replacement pairing with Kostoulas at DM.

Another position being fought for in the starting lineup is between Giovanni and Georgiadis, and Vallas seems to have found his way into Bajevic's plans.

More up to date:







-Maric (either him or Taralidis at this point)


-Georgiadis (maybe Giovanni)



Things are shaping up for a very closely contested game. BTW: Game time is 5:45 GR time, sorry about the mistake earlier.

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Well, what Liverpool,Monaco,Deportivo,Panathinaikos and another 11 teams couldnt do, Xanthi did. We dropped a point for the first time this year at Karaiskaki.

Job well done to the Thrakiotes. As for us, another performance of the usual, we had some chances in the 2nd half but of course they were missed (3,4 by okkas alone)

Pao is up 1-0 right now, looks like the lead is going to be trimmed to 4 and 5 respectively :tdown:

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I heard it in the radio and it seemed more like 8 minutes

I began to wonder if the referre is going to wait until the team that paid him (it could be on of the two) will score ;)

Anyway it was the great day of the goalkeepers

Pisanovski was great, i think Rivaldo will have a nightmare about him

Nikopolidis saved the patria in the last moment

What a game it must have been

Onl y in the interminable sttopage time there were more opportunities for both teams , mainly Oly, more than some whole games

I told you we need a killer 9 ' Okkas in far from sufficient

Pana is now using new purchases to build a nice goal difference against the weakest of the league :(

Rivaldo gave some good assists that were lost

That what I understood from the radio, and as my Greek is very bad I appologize in advance if I misunderstood some crucial fact

Xanthi is a very good team, and it could have been worse

I am not sure am I trying to conslole myself or you

To tekk the truth I was disappointen too

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Luz, Rivaldo was almost useless, except for two free kicks where the keeper didn't allow him to score (shots not extremely diificult to handle btw). He refused to run so he was always prevented to create more than 1-2 assists for Okkas or Georgiadis.

Giovanni was totally disappointing. But even more disappointing was Bajevic. I think he is the one at whom the draw must be attributed. Not only he was afraid to offensively deploy the team (he was afraid from the absence of Stoltidis and Kafes so he ordered Djole to contribute in the middle defense) but he also was unacceptably slow in substitutions (all in the last 15', except for the forced substitution of the injured Georgiadis).

The only good thing I remember from this match is that Mavrogenidis showed signs of his old offensive talents. Other than that and the usual hard-working from Okkas, we sucked in our offences. That was a pitty since Xanthi wasn't threatening enough to hold our team back. But what to expect when almost any attack was consisting of long vertical assists or targetting for a header?

With such a performance, I am very pessimistic for the upcoming Soceaux game...

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Hard working Okkas eh? He received balls that should have been put back in the net. There were four instances in the 2nd half where he missed golden opportunities, and we lost two points for it.

As for Rivaldo, he was horrible tonight and that was also due to the fact that there was noone in a decent position to make a ball too and he once again got closed down by the opposition. Georgatos played well though and covered well when needed. I think it's obvious where our biggest problem (take note of the singular form) lies.

BTW: Kostoulas and Mavrogenidis once again showed why we wont be missing Anatolakis/Stoltidis as much as we think against Sochaux, great performances from them. Yannakis better bring his A game to the UEFA CUP :ph34r:

EDIT: I fear the worst for Castillo.

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Well, it is very difficult to take conclusion about a game only from the radio, furthermore in a language I am not so good at

One is to be sure - geovani was again the absent-present

Where is the Geovani we knew??? The one who pkayed the "samba in the port"

Of course Rivaldo get covered, but where are all the others??

Anyhow, I just wonder if the decisive factor was the abcence of the 12rth player: the public

Better be silent and give the floor to ERT

First Loss in Karaiskakis 12 Feb 2005 19:40:00

The many absences cost Olympiacos the loss of their first two points playing behing closed doors on home grounds. In the match against Xanthi, the Piraeus team failed to find the offensive solutions they were looking for and with a moderate performance ceded Xanthi a blank draw. Giannis Mantzouranis' team continued the very good performances and remain in the place that leads to European stadiums.

Absences Affected Olympiacos

Without injured or penalized Anatolakis, Stoltidis, Pantos, Venetidis, Kaffes, with Djordjevic tired from the matches with the Serbia-Montenegro national team and with Mavrogenidis barely returning to proper training this week, Olympiacos played versus Xanthi with an emergency lineup.

Despite that, Dusan Bajevic's players entered the pitch with passion and went after a quick goal, but failed to substantially threaten Xanthi's properly line up defense. The sole opportunities for the home team were Rivaldo's fouls at the 24' and 50', which however failed to find their way to Pizanovski's nets.

As for Xanthi, they had to show more for themselves and really surprised Olympiacos' defense at times, but the bottom line is that they didn't score either.

In the rerun, Olympiacos were equally passionate, but still failed to score. At the 55' Georgatos passed to Rivaldo, who passed to Okkas, but the Cypriot's kick made Pizanovski to wonderfully block the ball. Okkas was unfortunate at the 76' as well, when his impressive strong kick went slightly wide.

Well, this was the last time Olympiacos threatened Xanthi, who were this close at the 90' to leave Karaiskakis with the three points of victory, when Garpozis was all alone opposite Nikopolidis but clumsily sent the ball wide.

The blank draw is therefore a fair result, although we do not know if Olympiacos would play better if they didn't lack important players.

Referee: Kakos (Corfu)

Yellow Cards: Antzas, Luciano, Papadimitriou, Maghradze, Kostoulas, Torosidis

OLYMPIACOS: Nikopolidis, Mavrogenidis, Georgatos, Schurrer, Vallas, Kostoulas (88' Taralidis), Djordjevic, Georgiadis (59' Castillo), Giovanni (70' Maric), Rivaldo, Okkas

XANTHI: Pizanovski, Sikov, Zapropoulos, Papadimitriou, Maghradze, Torosidis, Luciano (78' Klemper), Antzas (70' Garpozis), Prittas, Baykara (89' Vozabal), Labriakos

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Xanthi is a real good team this year

i mean we got to give them lots of credit

Olympiakos was just not themselves today

and it hurts that we lost our first points of the season at Karaiskaki and more importantly gave some of our lead in the league away

but we will bounce back and get back the title

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As odd as it may seem, Okkas played well. Didn't sky any opportunities or completely whiff. He had no help up front a s Gio and Ribo were useless.

Georgiadis played surprisingly well while he was in, and Georgatos was very good again.

Kostoulas was solid and Mavrogenidis played VERY well.

Nikopolidis almost commited another blunder on a cross. xanthi's opportunity in the end was messed up by their attacker. it was a tet a tet. Antoni got no part of it.

Thrylos looked like they had no idea how to create an attack, despite several players playing well.

As for Bajevic, once again he sits on his hands and does nothing until its too late.

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0-0 Ksanthi missed a giant opportunity at the end.....

Yeep, imagine Gkarbozis from 3anthi would have not missed the wide open empty Goal of Olympiakos in the 94' :blink:

We are talking here about a target of 17.86 empty square meters..... with no mankind beetwen the ball and the these empty square meters.

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Guest Protathlitis

Not a bad game

I noticed some of the comments about Rivaldo and Okkas

I dont see where the criticism of Rivaldo is coming from, apart from maybe Kostoulas, he was our best player!!

Anytime we came close to scoring it was al to do with him, he didnt play a blinder but I think some of the criticism is fairly harsh

okkas had three huge chances to win the game, one of them was so close that the commentator already had time to say 'Gol ena mithen gia ton Olympiako-' none of them were that easy and were impressive efforts on goal but given his track record it just frustrates me and makes it the chances seem worse

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Guest Protathlitis

somebody mentioned that Okkas misses didnt look that bad but thats the thing with him, they dont usually look that bad, its just that he JUST misses so many chances

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Thank you Protathlitis

I feel much better after reading your posts

Rivaldo was always a player that caused polemics, even in his best days at Barcelona

It is so frustrating that I can not see the game

My husband an ex referree and football player has his own theory about that

But it soes not apply here of course

He said there , in barcelona,that maybe the football of Rivaldo is too intelligent for the average spectator to appreciate

Hmm, LOL

It does not apply here because we are all inteligent and much above the average

And Bajevic ? I hope he understand how to use his (our) players in the best way


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