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AEK players attacked


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Okkas, Kasapis and Tsiartas receiving the worst attacks and cars of players being damaged according to ERA Spor reporter.

The number of angry fans nuber somewhere between 150 and 200.

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That is such a vlakia.........those players have nothing to do with this problem. Go get that thug Psomiades and kick his butt around.....if you weren't getting paid at work after months of being told u were....u would do the same thing that the players are doing. :tdown:

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As far as I'm concerned what happened today is all Nikoliadis fault. He put his ex-teammates in a very bad position making them look money hungry. I can't believe he would stab them in the back like that.

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Kasapis supposedly made a quote after the incidents:

"Sinxaritiria ston Demi. Parte ton Demi na sas ta eksigisi ola."

Also Nikolaidis is giving an interview to Alter TV right now.

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The thing is that these "fans" assured the opposite of what they wanted. There is no way now that AEK players will help Demi or anyone getting the team. I see a lot of them asking to get released.

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I heard Tsiartas half an hour ago on ERA Spor blaming all this on Nikolaidis. And he is not the only AEK player doing this. It will be very interesting to see what will happen at AEK.

Additionaly, Nikolaidis will have play with some of these players in Portugal at Euor 2004 finals. This will have some impact on the NT. I would not be suprised if Nikolaidis is not part of the NT team in Portugal.

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All of this is making me sick to my stomach........The future of this team is looking worse by the minute.....players accusing Demis of being fake and lying.....it's better off we just take the hit, and start off all new and fresh. NO current players will want to play for the team after this chaotic afternoon.....and who blames them.....SHAME ON ALL OF YOU HOOLIGANS

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It's already everything in German Videotexts

I don't know what you mean by this.

Anyway, I'm at a total loss for words. What were these fools thinking they would accomplish by attacking the players? My only hope is that it stains them for a very long time. I hope they are never allowed near a football club, any football grounds, anything....for a very long time.

As far as the players go, I would try and think of this scenario from their position. Like many of you have already noted, the players haven't been paid in a long time. For this to happen, would be like hammering the final nail in the coffin. They should distance themselves from the club. Whether that be leaving the country to play elsewhere or just playing for another club, so be it. It's sad that they would have to leave under those conditions, but would any of you want to play for a club and its supporters if these were the results?

I'm not sure that money would make a big difference to me anyway.

AEK's fans set a very bad precedent when they drove out Bajevic. They've set another one now with the players. Who is to say they won't do the same to Nikolaidis as well at some point in time? Can anyone say for certain that they will NEVER turn on Nikolaidis? And if they drive this guy away, who would be left?

Overall, a brutal day for AEK and it's storied history.

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I see how some are quick to jump in and blame the fans.....I wont add my bit to this argument. Each to his own.....

I will say this:

If you ever ever jeapordise the history of my club that I love and pain with, then you will feel my wrath and if that means hitting or smashing windows then so be it....

I will also add:

Its a sad day when 'greats' of the club who wear the colours for 10+ years have the decency to act as tehy do and spit in the face of everything that we stand for....fanela, team-mates, ex-team-mates and fans.

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As far as those fanatics, who for the sake of a childhood passion, an "idea" based on nothingness, do not for a second hesitate to destroy human beings, vandalize their dignity, capitalize on people's pains and agonies and nightmares, they can just go hang themselves. Nobody will miss them, nobody should miss those wastes of sperm and eggs.

Each and every one of them represents nothing but the lowliest form of life on this and billions of other solar systems.

Go F*** with Psomiades, then we can talk about defending your club's dignity. Tsiartas didn't steal from your club. Kasapis didn't steal from your club. It was not them that tore your stadium down.

Why don't you go F*** with the people that did these to your club?

Today AEK is one step smaller, thanks to these shitheads.

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They are all a part of the same shitty problem... Players are the only ones not to blame...

However OKKAS needed a bit of Ksilaki just to realise that he did not go to AEK for tourism in Athens but to play football.... Ok I understand that he wasnt getting paid but he should have known better when he decided to sign for AEK. Besides all the other players were not getting paid as well, but they did actually perform pretty well....

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I see us playing next year (in some division or other) with 11 amateurs... :(

I'm afraid that it might not take that long to see your nightmare come true.

AEK's players and their coach have agreed not to play against Kallithea this weekend.

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I go away for a week or so without any type of internet connection and I come back to this garbage. I left and things were looking up and now this. People and there stuff are getting broken? What?

The same idiots are at it again? The same idiots think they know what is "best" for our team? This is really amazing. I would almost say it is so stupid that it is humorous, but this is my loved team and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Yeah, the events that have been going on can get you very emotional, but to do such things really is barbaric.

Sounds like a majority of players dont want/dont like Demis. A bunch of hooligans dont like the players for that. We have no stadium. We are a ton in debt. And there is no clear path for our future.

Wonderful. Excellent way to end the season.

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It's a shame how AEK has to go down like this. And about the attacks, they call themselves fans???!!!! What was the purpose of this anyways? AEK and it's players deserve a lot more respect, and I hope all those hooligans are banished from seeing another football game. :angry:

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O.M. 21-- :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

Each with his own opinion....I agree.

However, the so called "fans" the "originals" are the instigators of the despicable acts of violence. Over the last few years the true AEK fans have not been attending the games due to the violence. The hooligans of Hatzihristou, head of the "originals" have taken over.

That is my opinion. :( :( :(

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It seems that this times those assholes won't get away with it (of course, this IS Greece, anything can happen).

Stathis confirmed that Demis Nikolaides was trying to get those thugs to stay put and not take action against the AEK players. Which indicates that Demis knew all along who those thugs are. Now Tsiartas has taken this matter to court, and Demis will have to point out who those people are. In fact he has agreed to do so.

Someone's going to do some time for this.

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