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This outcome is pretty crap.  I just wanted it done and dusted.  After all that basically it goes back to EPO.  And now what’s worse we could get more points deductions next season ?!  What a bourdelo.

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A shame we played lethargic last three games. Spoiled 7 points. Could have sealed second place.

Now I don’t know who “to support” in Europe. If we play in CL it is better to have (and “support”) Sivasspor (Turkey) and Desna/Zorya (Ukraine) and avoid Gala/Fener/Besiktas and Dynamo Kiev. If we are doomed to EL I want to have Sivasspor also at EL. Kiev is no issue here as they won the cup last Wednesday and would be in GS and therefore we are seeded as it as at this moment). This al to make seeding in Q4 (or PO as it is officially) certain as we are now just above the drop. 


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If a real court tries the case there is no case. That was PAOK's contention all this time. Since CAS said that EEA ruling is not binding, EPO court will have to apply their rules in the case, and as I understand the are no rules in EPO's constitution concerning multiple ownership. If the EPO judges see the case fairly they will have to drop the case. Otherwise it will go back to CAS, where they will apply FIFA rules concerning multiple ownership, and there Olympiakos and EPO will have to show the  non-existent shares that Ivan Savvidis has at Xanthi FC.

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On 7/10/2020 at 5:45 PM, Bananas said:

This outcome is pretty crap.  I just wanted it done and dusted.  After all that basically it goes back to EPO.  And now what’s worse we could get more points deductions next season ?!  What a bourdelo.

We have the time to take it back to CAS . For another episode of the bourdelo.

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As PAOK we fought, are fighting and will be fighting issues in the courtrooms or at the office of EPO or with the ministry of sports.

Therefore I created one place for all these matters. Though I would rather avoid them as they just cost us energy, time and money.

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  • 4 months later...

EPO finally decided to try the case that was returned back to them by CAS in July. This is the case that was fabricated by Olympiakos lies that Savividis owes Xanthi. EPO has scheduled the case to be heard on December 9, 2020. Considering that the court is headed by a judge who is self proclaimed Olympiakos fan and who has several of his children competing in Olympiakos swimming team it is more than certain that we will be once again be relegated to second division and will have to take the case back to CAS.

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The ones that are not linked to Piraeus are swiftly removed from their positions by the dark forces. There used to be a judge in the Athletic Appeals court whose relative was employed by Open TV and Olympiakos managed to have him removed from his post saying that he can't be impartial since he works for the company that is owed by Savvidis.

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One of the Olympaikos fat guys (Karapapas) came out yesterday after the Aris - PAOK game claiming that a certain person connected with PAOK tried to bribe the Aris keeper Siabanis and two other players with boatload of cash. Later on some TV show on the channel that is owned by the fat owner of Olympiakos, Aris player Delizisis announced that most of the allegations are true.

The most interesting part of this farce is that the allegations were made by Olympiakos on behalf of Aris. 

PAOK of course came out and said that once everything is settled in courts those who started this will be sued for damages.

Seeing that the Xanthi case is coming to an end, Olympiakos is now trying to create another distraction.

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33 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

One of the Olympaikos fat guys (Karapapas) came out yesterday after the Aris - PAOK game claiming that a certain person connected with PAOK tried to bribe the Aris keeper Siabanis and two other players with boatload of cash. Later on some TV show on the channel that is owned by the fat owner of Olympiakos, Aris player Delizisis announced that most of the allegations are are true.

The most interesting part of this farce is that the allegations were made by Olympiakos on behalf of Aris. 

PAOK of course came out and said that once everything is settled in courts those who started this will be sued for damages.

Seeing that the Xanthi case is coming to an end, Olympiakos is now trying to create another distraction.

All more reasons to break the FFP to ensure that Olympiakos never wins the title again, pieces of s%$#! that destroy Greek football.

Also imagine if there was a penalty charge for false allegations.  Even a risk of relegation, would make Olymapiakos think twice of doing this.

Edited by Nilaul
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Well that Aris goalkeeper might have gotten himself in a big mess, 2 years potential prohibition for being late with the statement, not to mention when the allegations will be proven false then there's going to one hell of a fall out.

Its a shame that Olympiacos dragged Aris in its personal War against Paok. Its Aris thats gonna be be punished, I wouldn't be surprised if Olympiacos got scot free even if the allegation where proven false. 

Its all fun and game having support from Olympiacos, but the moment Aris will threaten Olympiacos for the title, you'll see the war machine going full steam against Aris too.

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I am trying very hard not to spend my tie reading what's happening because it's inflaming, but I'll just say that Olympiakos using Aris as a disposable proxy is exactly what I'd expect. It's win-win for them.

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One thing is certain. Aris in this case is not the innocent bystander. They are the accomplice to the crime. This whole dirty thing (yet another one) was orchestrated by Olympiakos and this time they got the help from the team they support financially.

In the end the one that will pay for it will be Siabanis and deservedly so, but the real culprits (Karapapas, Karypidis and the teams they run) will get away with it. After all this is taking place in one of the most corrupt places on earth and a country that is being run in the same prototypes as Escobar's Colombia. 

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We will never know the truth, Olympiacos and Aris will maintain PAOK is the cause of all evil in the world (I heard Savvidis is behind COVID) and we will of course deny any wrong doing and point the finger back at them. 

No one in Greece much less Greek football is clean, I agree with Blackhawk I think in the end Siampanis maybe chewed up and spat out. In terms of what happens between the clubs is anyone's guess, there will be punishments teams will appeal and on goes the circus that is Greek football. 

Edited by paokarag4
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As always when there are hardly any concrete facts, go with Occam’s razor.

According to Siabanis “someone” from PAOK tried to bribe him.  Siabanis left PAOK on quite bad terms.  The club tried in vain to retain his services and in the end he chose to not sign a new contract with PAOK.  So in all likelihood, if you were PAOK, ask yourself, would Siabanis be the first or the last player you would try and bribe ?  Knowing he has no love for PAOK why would you try and bribe him ?

Side note: If I wanted to actually fix a game I’d be speaking to Karypidis and his relative who “lost” the gate takings last year.  But hey that’s just me.

Back to the point if you wanted to fix the game by bribing Siabanis you would also have to ensure that he actually plays, which he did not.

Either way, he will need to come up with some details for his claims.  Who, when, how much etc.  For all we know it was a prank from some crazy fan.  Until actual clear evidence comes out I’m inclined to think Siabanis has been manipulated (in which case he’s an idiot) and has now put himself into some hot water.  Not sure how it works in Greece but if you pulled this in a normal country and couldn’t back it up there would be serious consequence.

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If this was done in the states, let's say for the NFL, there would be a FULL investigation done by both the NFL and federal agencies.  The NFL's investigations are just as thorough if not more so than the police departments. Tom Brady was accused of using deflated footballs and he got suspended and fined.

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6 hours ago, Bananas said:

According to Siabanis “someone” from PAOK tried to bribe him.  

Actually it is Karapapas that is saying that. They are basing it on a fact that Siabanis allegedly met with some "Nontas" who they claim comes from the PAOK family. They are allegedly talking about a person that has left PAOK 5 years ago, and we don't know under what terms. It can be a disgruntled ex-employee. PAOK alleges that at the meeting with Siabanis at a café a second person was involved and that it appears to be some security guy that was employed in the past by Marinakis, Karypidis and Avgenakis as a bodyguard.

As I said before this is another attempt by Olympiakos to create another distractions they did last year with the Xanthi allegations with the help of their satellite team (Aris). This will be happening every season until certain things happen:

- PAOK is no longer challenging to win the title
- Savvidis leaves PAOK and Greece
- Olympiakos gets punished for their actions

We know the third option will not happen since Marinakis is de facto the prime minister of Greece and will manipulate the courts to rule on his behalf.  This is evident with todays' announcement that all those on trial for running a criminal organization to influence soccer in Greece were pronounced innocent by the prosecutor.

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Down the rabbit hole we go, just something interesting from sportdog.

"Αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι η καταγγελόμενη υποτιθέμενη απόπειρα δωροδοκίας που έγινε, σύμφωνα με τον Σιαμπάνη, δεν έγινε από τον ΠΑΟΚ. Και καταγγέλθηκε από τρίτη ομάδα η δωροδοκία, όχι από τον Άρη. Και μπαίνουν τα ερωτήματα: Πώς ήξερε ο Καραπαπάς τι γίνεται μέσα στον Άρη; Πώς ήξερε ότι υπάρχει τρίτο πρόσωπο. Και στο φινάλε ποιος είναι ο Καραπαπάς που μπαίνει στη μέση και μιλάει εξ ονόματος του Άρη; Δεν μιλάμε για τον ο Άρη Πετρούπολης, αλλά για τον μεγάλο Άρη όλη της Ελλάδας. Άρα δεν μπορεί κανείς να μπαίνει στα χωράφια του Άρη - Λάθος της διοίκησης των Κίτρινων που τον άφησε να πάρει τέτοιες πρωτοβουλίες. Αν πράγματι έχει γίνει προσπαθεια χρηματισμου, αυτός που την έκανε να πάει φυλακή. Κι αν δεν την έκανε κανένας, να σταματήσει αυτή η φαρσοκωμωδία γιατί θα ξεφτιλίσει περαιτέρω το ελληνικό ποδόσφαιρο".

What a sham

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