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On 4/2/2020 at 5:57 PM, Bananas said:

Any good sites to get news from the U.S. ?  The well-known ones like NY Times, WSJ, Washington Post all have pay walls.


If you're looking for something with a political bent, Politico pretty decent. A bit left of center but not to a crazy degree. The "television news" sources should all have their news sites unburdened by a paywall - CNN, NBC, ABC. I have NYT/WSJ and Financial Times subscriptions through my school so I didn't realize they hadn't lowered their paywalls around covid stuff. Lame.

One of my favs is Ars Technica - they generally talk about tech and related policy but have a strong science lean (including covid-related). They have a constantly-updated guide there with a TOOOON of information. Very good reporting.

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On 3/26/2020 at 9:40 AM, Alphonse said:

Thryleon, I forget you in NSW or VIC?

Sorry Greg.  Im in Vic.  I havent been on for a while as life has become very busy for me.


Things have not taken off yet, but they are still anticipating that at the height of this crisis in June, we are going to have 2 patients for every 1 bed we have.  That is with the curve being flattened.  The crisis is going to be drawn out for most of this year, or until a vaccine is found.


Anyway, all of that is details.  Stay healthy people.

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A true leader (at least a competent one) rises to the occasion during times of crisis.  Seeing how Mistotakis pretty much saved Greece during this pandemic, shows that he more than up to the task.  Whether you agree with him or not on policy (fair point - we all have different ideas), all you need to do is look at other countries throughout Europe to see what has transpired.  During the Evros incidents, he handled it with calm and galvanized his allies (I use that term loosely) to at least stem the tide.  I keep thinking of what would have happened if Tsipras was in charge.  We saw how he handled the bail outs....

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Trump propaganda says 65,000+ souls without specifying forecast models. Other previous estimates mentioned up to 250,000 souls.

Evaluating things from the perspective of constant lies fed through the Trump administration, my personal estimate is that Americans should brace for deaths to exceed 250,000 within the next 6-9 months.

And that, I should admit, is my optimistic side talking! ?

That being said, I am also optimistic, that the science world will come up with some form of treatment during the next 9 months. Hopefully, that might mitigate the number of people dying because of the virus. But that is just hope and wishful thinking, not a forecast.

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I bet Trumpland is going to get hit harder, later. Keep in mind those states have governors that have stuck their heads in the sand and refused to shut things down. I'm glad up here in New England we've been on lockdown for ages; I just hope that once it's lifted the rednecks don't invade and give us an immediate other wave.

Incidentally the president's approval rating is back to 45%. I bet those 55% are the ones that are watching the news thinking, "those liberal New Yorkers brought this on themselves."

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Johnson and Johnson a pharmaceutical company are saying they've already developed a vaccine they just need to wait 5 months before they finish testing it. I honestly think forget that just start giving it to people who are dying in the Covid-19 wards ASAP, after all what have they got to lose? And yes I don't like quoting Trump on this but....



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The problem, as I understand it, is that a bad vaccine may end up causing people to become even more susceptible/vulnerable to the virus (or other illnesses). In that event, there is a LOT to lose by giving them something like this. Here is an article that touches on that theme: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-insight/as-pressure-for-coronavirus-vaccine-mounts-scientists-debate-risks-of-accelerated-testing-idUSKBN20Y1GZ

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12 hours ago, Chris Tsamados said:

I'm sure you'd change you mind if you were hooked up to a ventilator gasping for breath!

No you would be wrong, look at the history of the polio vaccine.

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On 4/9/2020 at 6:18 PM, pash said:

I bet Trumpland is going to get hit harder, later. Keep in mind those states have governors that have stuck their heads in the sand and refused to shut things down

And you are correct sir!

From the Washington Post: South Dakota’s governor resisted ordering people to stay home. Now it has one of the nation’s largest coronavirus hot spots.

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3 hours ago, pash said:

Pssst hey voters, try not to forget what's about to happen to you come election time, mmkay?

Today, the U.S. reported more than 2,070 deaths, a new daily high.

In Pennsylvania, Pa. House of Representatives votes to override Gov. Tom Wolf’s coronavirus business-closure order.  The bill, Senate Bill 613, was Republican-supported, and the measure will now go to the Republican-controlled Senate.

Republicans are doing everything in their power to fuck things up!

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