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The latest numbers in Greece 

151,980 confirmed cases 
5,646 deaths 
140,398 recovered 
5,936 active cases 
288 intubated (severe & critical) 

Also, they have found the UK variant viruses in parts of Attica and in Crete. 

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what's the trend?

In the US, it's bad, though in last 2 weeks the cases/deaths are going down.... Still, 25+ million infected and 420,000 dead. To those who still think it's a hoax: Yeah, you're so smart! You figured it out that the gov is paying actors to fill hospitals to capacity, and record fake deaths. Maybe evolution is a made-up theory too, because... how is it so many stupid people have survived? right?

NYT data

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  • 2 months later...

4 nations have began updating COVID recoveries today 
Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Sweden.
Ireland and Cyprus recently starting updating theirs just days ago. 
Our worldwide active cases has dropped down to 17.9 million. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The latest figures for Greece according from Corona Tracker 

360.577 confirmed cases 
10.978 deaths (3% rate) 
322.282 recovered (this figure has been updated only yesterday) (89.4% rate) 
27.317 active cases (7.6% infection rate) 
737 intubated (ICU) 

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  • 1 month later...

So, once upon a time, and for 99% of the humanity's experience, there were many diseases that would maim and kill, from little children to grown adults. Those natural afflictions were equal-opportunity enemies of health. Rich & powerful people would have their children die too. FD Roosevelt got polio in his 30s and was an invalid for the rest of his life.

Then we were given a choice by modern medicine: vaccines. What we found out is that vaccines, and modern medicine, have vastly improved human health, longevity, and happiness. Life span alone (on the average) doubled within 100 years.

On the other hand, you can choose conspiracy theories, misinformation, and wilful ignorance..... which is pretty much how most people lived their lives for ever. But, they took risks, and sometimes were rewarded for taking a chance. Or, when they figured out that every action, every tool, every food, etc, had some risk but they weighed that against benefit. 

Today, we still take calculated risks, but some of us don't understand ..statistics. Like the chance of dying in an automobile crash is much higher than getting the COVID19 vaccine, while the effects of the virus are much more likely to be harmful. Yet....


By the way, even though it's effective, I think it's disgusting that we have to bribe people into doing the right thing for themselves and for the community.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/4/2021 at 10:59 PM, Tzatziki said:

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.” 

Allegedly spoken by Einstein who added, "and I'm not sure about the former (the universe)" :hysterical:

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