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WW3 incoming? 

U.S have done nothing about their rabid dog. What's going to happen to their military bases and nukes aimed at Russia? 

Putin making moves to make himself and his oligarch buddies wealthier. 



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the nukes if I remember were always stored there, due to a u.n. reasoning. cause of the airbase there.



also about obuma and lybia. I forgot where prob read it on britbart or reading the wiki leaks of the liar Hillary... that there were 3 generals whom said over and over we do not want to touch lybia! reasoning is simple, the person whom takes over will be much worse....and she didn't care and pushed for it as sec of defense. shes just like bushie jr. a liar and war monger whom wants something in return.


as for turkey again, the Cypriot turks are protesting. I would assume that the crazy guy is gonna do something about that next.. and his son is being investigated in Italy for money landering there is an arrest warrant for him. yup you got it dirty ertogan said something regarding Italy as well.

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problem both Russia and the west use and steal from Greece. which isn't hard to do since were run by morons! one after the other. sickening


Not as much as Greece has stolen from the EU  :tup:

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^^I don't....Please explain.


If you've ever been to Greece I'm sure you have noticed the big blue postings everywhere, explaining the specific project via EU funding for various infrastructure projects with a total amount of euros allocated at the bottom. The EU probably gave billions of euros over the years for farming, agriculture, infrastructure, entrepreneurial incentives etc. 

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I hope you guys do realize that there are many German companies that paid off these dirty politicians. the blame should go to them as well and those contracts should be cancelled and fines let alone more money should be given back. one company would be seimens off the top of my head, another would be a tank maker whom Greece bought some and also submarine contract as well, I believe they were fuel-cell powered.


I can just imagine at the robbery the Hellenic military got from eurocopter with that piece of s%$#! nh-90 ! so many issues on that and they bought them!!!! wasted tax payer money to suck a big fat german one and take money on the side at the expense of the military!

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and why aren't we exploring and exploiting our resources?


Because it's technically difficult.  With the price of natural resources fluctuating fairly wildly as well, it's not a game for the fainthearted.  It's also a long term investment.  Building some of these facilities can easily take more than 10 years.  Greece just doesn't have the technical expertise to do any of this.  Our best bet would be to have a foreign company come in and do it.  The fact that they haven't tells me that their are better opportunities ie. cheaper to extract, elsewhere.

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And then there are some foreign companies who have take a leap of faith and invested in Greece heavily only to get tangled up in the red tape and the rest of the Greek govt dramas they are so creative at inventing.


Or they just won't bother and go for a safer investment.

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On 18/08/2016 at 3:50 PM, 1789 said:

Erdogan is basically purging the Gulenists elements (who are tied to the CIA/neocons) of the Turkish government. This was the parallel structure Erdogan had refereed to in the past. 

He is blaming them and the US/NATO of conspiring with Gulen and claiming that Gulen has been involved in a Gladio like program for years to undermine the Turkish Government.


Turkish Media Claims ‘Secret NATO Army’ Involved in Coup Attempt

Turkish media have been promoting a conspiracy theory that Fethullah Gulen — the Turkish imam living in the U.S. who has been accused of masterminding the coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — is a member of a “secret NATO army” that has been lurking in Turkey since the Cold War era.



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4 minutes ago, tantra129 said:

obama looks worried at the Putin Erdogan tag team.  And Angela took inspiration from dr evil when she chose her wardrobe.   


Yup, photographer captured this moment quite nicely.

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