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Transfer News And Rumors - Summer 2016

Dutch Eagle

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If that signing does go through, it would mean we have a s%$#! load of players in centre mid. Cimirot, Xarisi, Tzioli, Kace, Shakov and potentially Canas. That's 6 players for 2 positions. I'm not counting dekari, because if you count players who can play there as well we need to add Pelka, Mysta and potentially Pereyra. So that would make 9 players for 3 positions. Depth is good but surely that is too many for 3 spots?

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Absolutely too many. They must be planning on selling at least Kace. Can't see them getting rid of Cimirot at this point, and Charisis being given the new jersey number is a clear sign of Ivic's plans for him. Hopefully Tziolis is who makes way.


Don't forget that there are a handful of K20 kids practicing with the squad who will play in those positions, too.


In other news, Varela's club's TD is claiming a Qatari team is offering close to what he's asking (which the player himself is saying is BS). Sounds like they're trying to drive up the price. I say we look elsewhere.

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If that signing does go through, it would mean we have a s%$#! load of players in centre mid. Cimirot, Xarisi, Tzioli, Kace, Shakov and potentially Canas. That's 6 players for 2 positions. I'm not counting dekari, because if you count players who can play there as well we need to add Pelka, Mysta and potentially Pereyra. So that would make 9 players for 3 positions. Depth is good but surely that is too many for 3 spots?


Well according to transfermarket he was injured most of last season.  As for his signing, I can only agree with pash that they're expecting or preparing for players leaving.  I'd say this is the last season for Tziolis and there is always the possibility that Kace will be sold or leave as a free agent.  It's imperative we keep Cimirot.  Charisis I'm hoping he stays injury free and gets lots of game time.  Maybe Ivic plans on playing some games with 3 midfielders (no dekari) which may give players some more game time.


Regardless, this signing has potential dud written all over it.  I hope I'm wrong.

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If that signing does go through, it would mean we have a s%$#! load of players in centre mid. Cimirot, Xarisi, Tzioli, Kace, Shakov and potentially Canas. That's 6 players for 2 positions.


They are not exactly the same type of players. Canas plays the no. 6 position (DM), and will share this position with Tziolis. Those 2 most likely will never play together. The others (Cimirot, Charisis, Kace, Sakhov) are "oktaria" and will most likely be paired with either Tziolis or Canas in the 4-2-3-1 formation.

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It's official. Zeljko Brkic, the 29-year old Serbian keeper signed a 3-year deal with PAOK. He will report to Holland tomorrow to start pre-season training. We now have 5 keepers on the roster. Something has to give. Who do you think will go?

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Someone's gotta give, as blackhawk said. We'll see who. There are more transfer rumors of a second Romanian guy that we're after. Personally, I don't think we're as desperate in that position as others think. Klaus/Koulouris to start, and Pereyra/Mistakidis/Jairo all can theoretically play there. More than theoretically for Pereyra in fact, since Anastasiadis had played him as CF for like half of that season.


We def need another CB though. A good one.




I hope we continue to sign players in positions already filled. Good strategy


Care to elaborate? Is this just to keep pressure on those-who-would-think-themselves-shoo-ins?

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I think that Melissis will be loaned out and the 16-year old Siabanis will go back to U-20 team. We'll go with the Serboian as our no. 1 goalie with Glykos and Vellidis backups. Down the road (perhaps in the Janury 2017) one of them will ask to be released from contract. I hope it's Glykos.

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So, by my reckoning we have signed or will be signing shortly the players below.  4 more transfers and we'll have a new 11.  Crazy town.  On a side note, not sure why we signed Vellidis unless we plan on letting Glykos go at the end of the season.




Matos    Crespo      ?         ?


          Canas    Shakhov


Djalma       Biseswar          ?



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Note that the following player contracts expires on 30.06.2017 :-

- Glykos

- Skondras

- Malezas

- Tzavellas

- Tziolis

- Kace

- Mak

- Pereyra


I would expect that we are only interested in re-signing the highlighted players.  Kace and Mak will be interesting.  They aren't exactly unhappy ... but they wouldn't mind moving on either.  Pereyra I have no idea.  He seems happy for the moment.

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