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PAOK FC Head Coach (Razvan Lucescu)


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I don't know if Santos had a worse squad? The squad that he won the play-offs with was probably one of the best we have had in the last 15-20 years out. 
Vieriniha, Contreas, Garcia, Lino all stars in there own right. Add the likes of Vitolo, Sorlin, Musli and Sznaucner who were all good solid players. 
Our current teams does not even come near that team. Santos built a quality side, and its no coincidence he was given team and acheived some of our best results in the last 20 plus years. 

We need to give someone some time, give Tudor 2 seasons, if we don't like what we are seeing then fine move him along. No coach can build anything in half a season. Like I've said before Tudor might not be the guy to lead us to glory but we need to give him a chance. Otherwise its the same story every season 

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Ok i agree that santos had some guns but then players like snauzer as much as he is a good person he was not some superstar and vitollo for my opinion was one mad hack with no distribution. Kace is heaps better.

But santos wqs always able to get the best out of players tudor seems to piss his players off and get them angry with things

2 years is a s%$#! long time man for me a couch needs 6-9 months plus 2 transfer periods. Hes had two transfer periodds now and if he cannot come up with form now he never will

Edited by PAOKSYD
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I am not aware of his coaching abilities...


however I assume he is as intelligent as any of us here..and 100 times more football savvy...


therefore I am very sure now that he has been at the club for 9 months ...and has seen a season of GSL/Europa ..and seen his squads deficiencies he will be very sure in what he needs...


he also knows the pressure is on Ivan....and that Ivan has deep pockets...


can he convince Arnesen and Ivan that if was to add the required players...that will cost $$$$xxxxx he may just give the title areal shake....?

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Tudor might know what he wants, but I think they made it pretty clear at the beginning of the season that it's all Arnesen. Tudor reiterated constantly that real decisions - esp for transfers - were all made by Frankie.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It won't be long now until he's tossed.  You can't come out and say things like "Pelkas and Mystakidi are no Fortouni and Indeje" and expect the team to back you.  When you call out young players like that by name, it's a shitty thing to do.  Is he right? Of course he's right.  Throwing players under the bus is NOT how you develop young talent.   He lost my respect with that line.

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Remember who said it first.  2 posts up!  Tudor is history.  




Ivic takes over for the rest of the season.  Hopefully the dislike of the coach played a major role in the teams performance, and the boys can finish strong. Now if we can get Klaus and Tzabellas to leave, we'd be on the right track.

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Scznaucner is his assistant coach.


Another lost season. :tdown:


Savvidis is at PAOK four years. In each of those years the coach gets fired in March.  


What more do you want, he's building the consistency from the bottom up

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Savvidis sacked Tudor right after the game with Panthrakikos. There was actually a disagreement on when to announce his firing. Lubos Michel wanted to have the announcement made right after the game, while other within PAE wanted to wait until the meeting between the owners concluded. Things got easier when Savvidis started bragging about Tudor's fate during the meeting yesterday. The senile Theodoridis and the red medisa machine just took advantage of the situation for their own benefit.


Tudor's fate was decided long time ago. Actually at the same time as when Arnesen's fate was decided. he was being kept as coach for strategic (in Savvidis's mind) reasons. 

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One can evaluate a season just by looking at the presence of the same coach as in the beginning of the season. Therefore this is again a bad (or lost as Blackhawk mentioned) season. Yet again. It is becoming a stupid habit in Greece in general and for PAOK in particular.

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If Savvidis had half a brain he would have kept Tudor until the end of the season and then let him go.  It would be a calculated risk that in keeping Tudor you wouldn't miss out on the play-offs, but realistically the odds of making the playoffs are better than not making them.  The squad is ... good enough ... to at least do that I would think.


Now, all of the above is based on the assumption that Savvidis will try and sign a "class" manager.  If his intention is to keep Ivic or just get a whatever manager then his decision is fine.  But if his intention is to attempt to sign a class manager then he has grossly miscalculated and it will fail.  It will fail because the prospective manager will look at the record of the previous 4 seasons and think, f**k that, this club has no stability.  So once again Savvidis will have to sign whoever he can.  If he somehow finds a manager with pedigree, it will be someone like Huub who has the name but doesn't really "have it" anymore which in reality means he's not really signing a class manager but a has been.


Let's see if Savvidis can make it 5 out 5 next season.  Bravo idiot.

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Yes the game against Panthrakikos was the breaking point. I think a decision was allready made a while back that Tudor would not be the coach next season. This was probably decided at the same time as the Arnesen firing. Tudor was kept for strategic reasons.


ivic is also a temporary coach. Just like Georgiadis use to be. I am sure Michel is allready looking for a new coach, and rumors are that he has held a secret meeting with Lucescu, Xanthi's current coach. 

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Interview with Tudor after being fired.  Nothing we don't already know about the inner workings of the club:




In this interview he reveals that Savvidis tried to force Ivic onto Tudor's team, which is so stupid.  Savvidis is truly clueless as to how to run a club, on the actual Football Operations side of things.  I'll trade the online boutique, the facebook/twitter pages, the constant video's of practice, of the sideline during games, and general "PAOK TV" channel and even the renovations to Toumba, for just a stable core of knowledgable professionals running the team.  Is that too much to ask?



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He also said that if he used Berg as an example of a better player instead of Ideye he would have lasted a little longer.


That's not really why he was fired. The fact that he could not defeat a team that is already relegated did him in. Also the fact that of the 4-year Savvidis era this season is the lowest so far in point accumulation. Instead of improvement we are seeing further decline, something that should have stopped with the new 3-year plan.

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