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20 hours ago, Ellada2004 said:

He should have taken it seeing how obsessed he is with Ireland recently. They were apparently willing to give Poyet a 5yr contract? He did some positive things for Greece but he was unable to beat Georgia after having months to prepare for this fixture. It is a huge failure, the most disappointing loss I can ever remember since watching the Ethniki. Exo Poyet! 

I'm with you man. He had so much time to prepare for Georgia, what's even more concerning is this to me was one of the worst performances I've seen under Poyet In a must win game. He hasn't done a good enough job to warrant a stay. He did the same thing in Holland when we got smoked 3-0 in a huge game for us in our fight for 2nd. Yes in between he does have the team pull off some good performances and did build some unity with the team but it means nothing when you lose to teams like Georgia to make the Euros.

I'm done with seeing guys like Pelkas on the wing when we have so much better options, Or even guys like Mantalos.  Bakasetas i can't really say anything negative as he's been our leading scorer and plays with heart but he can only give you so much and i think Poyet is asking him to do more than he's capable of. I'm not confident in a new coach either anymore as it just seems everyone that takes the job just keeps recycling the same players and hoping for a different result. Bottom line Poyet had one of his worst performances as a coach in the biggest game this team has had in years and he has failed. He needs to go.

Edited by J1078
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1 hour ago, J1078 said:

I'm with you man. He had so much time to prepare for Georgia, what's even more concerning is this to me was one of the worst performances I've seen under Poyet In a must win game. He hasn't done a good enough job to warrant a stay. He did the same thing in Holland when we got smoked 3-0 in a huge game for us in our fight for 2nd. Yes in between he does have the team pull off some good performances and did build some unity with the team but it means nothing when you lose to teams like Georgia to make the Euros.

I'm done with seeing guys like Pelkas on the wing when we have so much better options, Or even guys like Mantalos.  Bakasetas i can't really say anything negative as he's been our leading scorer and plays with heart but he can only give you so much and i think Poyet is asking him to do more than he's capable of. I'm not confident in a new coach either anymore as it just seems everyone that takes the job just keeps recycling the same players and hoping for a different result. Bottom line Poyet had one of his worst performances as a coach in the biggest game this team has had in years and he has failed. He needs to go.

For sure he could have lost the last match to France or both too Holland. It’s great that we tied France but when you have one game to beat Georgia to go to the Euros you have to win it end of story! 
Bakasetas has been much better under Poyet but did he even break a sweat last game I didn’t see it. Also taking a pen is what he excels at and he hit one of the worst penalties. Mantalos time is up too I think he should retire even though he was better than Bakasetas & Kourbelis vs Georgia. That midfield was crap until Siopis came in and made things happen. Still why did Poyet not play Konstantelias as the 10 instead of throwing him on the wing were he we did not touch the ball for long periods of time? We are talking about fing Georgia here not France or Spain. Let him go and take them on with his dribbling and creativity. Also no Tzolis wtf??  He is not as good as Pelkas? No Douvikas but Giakoumakis plays? Also subbing out Ioanidis for Giakoumakis I did not like for looming penalties and we saw what happened. No Pavlidis in either match who leads Dutch league in goals? 
Enough of all these clowns since Santos left! This is the most disappointing loss in our history! Things have to change! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/9/2024 at 5:13 PM, Dutch Eagle said:

And gone .....


He started of well and got us the NL top spot but he failed miserably when it counted the most vs Georgia. Poyet was at the helm for the most disappointing loss in Ethniki history! He can go coach some loser English team in a lower division. 

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The U21 coach Nikos Papadopoulos will be on the bench for the two friendlies against Germany and Malta. The search for a new NT coach will start after the elections at EPO.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I think it's a good move. He's a good coach, who has worked in Greek football and understands how it works and the culture, that is a big plus. He was unfairly sacked as PAO manager IMO and should probably still be at the helm. 

He is also being well received by fans (judging off social media) which is a good thing. As we know football in Greece is volatile, so having the fans on side, will help him settle into the role and get the ball rolling. 

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He is a good manager much better than JVS & Poyet. If only we had him at the helm for Euro qualification I believe he would have got us in. Now World Cup qualification will be a tall task. Good luck to him.

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Interview with Poyet below (In English with Greek subtitles) where he discusses him leaving the Ethniki, EPO and the loss to Georgia. Worth a watch, some interesting stuff in there especially some of the politics around EPO and how poorly organised/run the Ethniki still is to this day. 



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Hoping this is the right decision.  Honestly it's a travesty Greece are not in this Euro they are better than many of these teams!  Hopefully we catch a break with WC draw as Nations League draw didn't do us much favour.

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On 6/25/2024 at 7:15 PM, HellasLEAF said:

Hoping this is the right decision.  Honestly it's a travesty Greece are not in this Euro they are better than many of these teams!  Hopefully we catch a break with WC draw as Nations League draw didn't do us much favour.

Jovanovich is a way better manager than Poyet. The job he did with PAO was remarkable. If only EPO got rid of Poyet before playoffs when he was talking about the Ireland job, his assistant allegedly not being paid and other stupidities instead of focusing on us qualifying. Had they appointed Jovanovich we would have qualified! 
When the group stage draw was announced I said if Greece made it we would get out of that group as the Turks & Czechs were definitely beatable and having Portugal in the last match day would be a huge advantage as they would most certainly be qualified and rest their best players. Well Georgia beat 🇵🇹 yesterday who sat Fernandes, Silva, Leao and others. I am pissed Poyet fd us up and pissed at a few of our key players who played terribly vs Georgia and now they are playing in the round of 16! What a kick in the nuts!!

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It’s encouraging to hear that most people think Jovanovic is good. But I’d like to know what type of coach he is and what formation he prefers. And also if he prefers the younger talent. If anyone can explain it that would be great thank you. 🙏 

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Jovanovich mainly plays 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1. He usually plays a possession game and tends to favor players who perform their defensive duties properly and work hard through out the 90 min. He has no problem using younger players (ex: Ioannides, Vagiannides) but he has shown a tendency to stick with certain players who may not be in form. Of course this is based on what I saw at PAO and the NT is a totally different beast. At least he won't have to worry about transfers or being screwed over by the owner and media. 

The main thing he brings, besides experience, is a logical thought process in the game (being able to identify and play to  the strengths of the players available) as well as plain speaking, honesty, creating a tight team mentality and a refreshing dignified approach to dealing with the media. He is, imo, a very capable manager who is able of getting the most out of his players. Best of luck to him.

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