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I have a hunch that Greece is going to play the last 4 games very very well. Giving Tsanas a chance to be the head coach into world cup.


Everything seems to be aligning. Mitroglou seems to be back. Holebas has a chip on his shoulder. Our 3 Cb stars are finally all healthy. etc. etc.

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Xaxaxaxa someone help us.

Tziolis was once a decent defensive midfielder. He's played Champions League. He's played in the Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A and in France. What a career.

He also seems to be a very decent and humble person but...he's been awful for about the last 3 years. He's not even a lock at PAOK.

He has no business in the Ethniki. He's not the only one though.

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With all the influence that comes from the EPO with team selections and sweetheart deals and the like, it would be advisable to ensure for the ethiki to thrive and progress as a team, that the admirable thing to do would be for them to kindly Piss Off, and leave the coach and team alone. They are filthy slimy snakes, that I would like to use as my man bag! I will stop short of calling them pricks this time.


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If we go head to head with Bosnia and we finished tied with them then there is no way we can advance to the World Cup, I guarantee you they will score at least twice the amount of goals we score and they will be ahead of us on goal differential.

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There have been plenty of players and journalists describing the clicka at the epo.I always say - like with horror films. .If they give you nightmares - don't watch them.. but don't deny that Hollywood doesn't make the films!

 a greek likes a good conspiracy...


no one has been able to explain rationally why EPO would want a 34 yo Vyntra a 35yo Kats in the squad?


It's OK in  greek way to throw these conspiracies out there yet there needs to be reason and a benefit to someone.

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It does not make sense the EPO would be complicate in selecting a sub par team so a bunch of filarakia are happy?



the only way EPO makes big $$$$ is by winning matches and by qualifying for WC and Euro...the prize money, ongoing sponsorship is enormous...   if EPO is corrupt as people say they are then getting their hands on the mega bucks is very appealing...so why pick poor teams?

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Corruption is one thing, but I think questionable selections are made from a very real desire to maximize chances of a victory. How the victory happens, is of less value. If we know that playing KKM/KKT will mean we essentially have 7 defenders on the field, and we know that once in a while an attack happens up that left flank, chances are we'll squeak through with a 1-0 win.


Logically, this would imply that these backwards-facing choices of Santos were the result of pressure from "on high." Is that corruption? Not really.


Fast forwarding to today, we have a beloved symbol of that team - Karagounis - who seems to be under a few conflicting pressures himself. He wants to pay service to the guys he's already known and played with (Katsouranis, Tziolis, maybe Gekas), but also can't see himself as anything but a direct and vital leader of the team (thus, railroading our last two coaches into making the call ups he wants - i.e., dropping Holebas). Again, not corruption - just weakness.

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one would  assume there is far more money to be made by EPO via 'corrupt manages' by capping and playing and 'marketing' younger talents...


If I was in that 'game'.....I would rather try this game with EPO using Fetfa, Diamantakos, Fortounis, Kolovos,Lagos,Bouchalakis etc..instead of Vyntra,Kats, Gekas...


there's is a lot more $$$$$ to be made with young raw talent playing in a WC than 35 yo hacks that every club manager has seen for 15 years..

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We were successful with old and out of form and/or unfit players and then achieved the worst results in the last 20 years with promising and talented youngsters? Its possible that the old and "untalented" guys were even so more useful than these young scumbags and thats why they were capped (Katsouranis, Tziolis, Gekas, Spyropoulos, Vyntra and other much bashed players). They were selected because they were best choices, not because theyre world class as Messi, Ronaldo or Pirlo.

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i think sombody like bob bradley from usa would be good for the greek national team for one reason.


explaining to all involved  that you actually have to run and challenge for 90 minutes to have a chance


to win , even if you are playing Faroe.


Having coached in egypt , he understands coaching in a chaotic environment.


Any opinions on this name ....

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Lol! Panagoulias is an Aris legend but

I'd like to think that the future coach has more in depth analysis and tactical abilities than shouting "kante soot".

We saw what aimless shooting does in the last few matches. Instead of shooting the players should be walking the ball in the goals because their shooting is not up to professional standard.

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