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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Giannoulis is bad? Really? Honestly he has been Paok's most effective offensive threat this season.

Giannoulis is good but Tsimikas is also good. For my opinion both sohuld fit in a 4-4-2 on the Left Flank. Because if not them, who else?

Chatzidiakos is good. Really like him and the last 2 seasons Alkmaar has been amazing defensively, with him being mainly a starter. Mavropanos and Retsos were bomb signings so im pretty sure that there is something there that needs notice, more than what a last resort 4th cb of paok (michailidis) and low budget Aek's starter (svarnas) need for sure.

Right back our only hope really is Baldock.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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In my opinion Giannoulis is a solid back up to Tsimikas. If Tsimikas is not available then Giannoulis should be playing. I like Giannoulis, non stop running with and without the ball and excellent crossing. He needs to work on his defensive side to his game which i don’t think is that bad, but he’s just as good as Tsimikas going forward.

I would rather play actual wingers than having a LB play there. Tzolis is our most inform winger and the coach shouldn’t ignore him. He has scored and assisted more than our other wingers. 

I actually think we have great wingers and LBs who are consistently playing well. Chatzigiovannis is playing well lately, Masouras is scoring and Tzolis is on fire. Limnios needs to start scoring and assisting for his club as I think he is either been unlucky or slacking off lately for his club and even the last couple of Ethniki games. 

My main concern is who we play at RB, CBs, CDM/CM/CAM. These positions need to be sorted out. Keeper should be Vlachodimos and at ST anyone who is the most inform. 

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4 hours ago, Dean97 said:

In my opinion Giannoulis is a solid back up to Tsimikas. If Tsimikas is not available then Giannoulis should be playing. I like Giannoulis, non stop running with and without the ball and excellent crossing.

[All very well, but who will defend? This sounds not unlike Holebas.]

He needs to work on his defensive side to his game

[Thats the point!]

which i don’t think is that bad, but he’s just as good as Tsimikas going forward.

I would rather play actual wingers than having a LB play there.

[I would choose rather a left back - even if he would be like Spyropoulos. Again I ask: do we really want a fullback who cant defend? Holebas wasnt much of a success. Torosidis - he wasnt caught out of his position as often as Holebas was, and yet he scored more goals (ten) and gave more assists than Holebas.

This is, however, mainly a theoretical discussion - we have an excellent left-back, Tsimikas. He is an all-round player like Torosidis was - he can defend and help the attackers.]

Tzolis is our most inform winger and the coach shouldn’t ignore him. He has scored and assisted more than our other wingers.

I actually think we have great wingers and LBs who are consistently playing well.

[Well said.]

Chatzigiovannis is playing well lately, Masouras is scoring and Tzolis is on fire. Limnios needs to start scoring and assisting for his club as I think he is either been unlucky or slacking off lately for his club and even the last couple of Ethniki games. 

My main concern is who we play at RB, CBs, CDM/CM/CAM. These positions need to be sorted out. Keeper should be Vlachodimos and at ST anyone who is the most inform. 

Sorry for the impossible form. Overall good points.

Edited by La Mendel
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8 hours ago, La Mendel said:

Sorry for the impossible form. Overall good points.

Actually I disagree with you on a few things. First, I think Giannoulis is better offensively than Tsimikas. But I agree with you that he’s a better defender than Giannoulis. Also, you’re not giving enough credit to Holebas. He was a very good LB for a number of years who has had a great career. Played in Premier league for many years and actually did well. What makes Tsimikas “world class”? Not sure if that was you who said it but someone did. Is it cause he is on Liverpool? If that’s the case, Wague woulda blown away competition since he’s a Barcelona kid, but we all know he didn’t do that. I’m not discrediting Tsimikas as I think he’s a hell of a player. But as some people said on here that Giannoulis isn’t NT worthy? That’s just troll worthy right there. I wouldn’t say either of them are backups to either. You match up against opponents. Against teams where you are gonna sit back, you play Tsimikas. Against teams where you press high and look to control the game you play Giannoulis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bit bored to be posting in each sub forum so i'll try to make a sum with some news about nt's players here.

newcastle are back targeting giannoulis, while fener's president meet up with sokratis about a transfer move.

barkas has totally lost his place in celtic.

retsos and donis are constantly injured which seems to be rather frustrating and their careers have been on the downhill lately. tsimikas is also dealing with injury problems at liverpool.

mitroglou rumoured to be heading back to olympiakos

giakoumakis being in feyenoord's shortlist.


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2 hours ago, Boxou said:

bit bored to be posting in each sub forum so i'll try to make a sum with some news about nt's players here.

newcastle are back targeting giannoulis, while fener's president meet up with sokratis about a transfer move.

barkas has totally lost his place in celtic.

retsos and donis are constantly injured which seems to be rather frustrating and their careers have been on the downhill lately. tsimikas is also dealing with injury problems at liverpool.

mitroglou rumoured to be heading back to olympiakos

giakoumakis being in feyenoord's shortlist.


Heard the same rumor about Sokratis also Olympiakos are interested in him too... 

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Boxou said:

olympiakos have started using androutsos as a right back. he has left a good impression so far and hopefully we see no more of mavrias/mpakakis/rota in this position

I hope so...Androutsos has looked good at OLY but I think he will have to continue his good form as I think JVS will most likely stick with Bakakis.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/1/2021 at 5:40 PM, Boxou said:

olympiakos have started using androutsos as a right back. he has left a good impression so far and hopefully we see no more of mavrias/mpakakis/rota in this position

As an Olympiakos , having an eye on Androutsos, I can tell u he is not good as a right back defensively.

Vs Sweden and Spain we ll need solid defence. Guy is good offensively and seems faster than Speedy Gonzales, while being used (vs decent opponents) after 75 min, when opposition is tired. I can't trust him defensively nor have I seen him vs a decent non-tired opponent.

We have a serious issue on right back.

Also Albanis gave me a good impression the few moments I ve seen him. 

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JUST IN: John Van't Schip revealed on OPEN TV he approached Manolas & Sokratis to return to the Ethniki but both refused by their own decision. He further revealed Kapino & Kyriakos Papadopoulos are back in the Ethniki for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Spain & Georgia

Edited by J1078
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3 hours ago, J1078 said:

JUST IN: John Van't Schip revealed on OPEN TV he approached Manolas & Sokratis to return to the Ethniki but both refused by their own decision. He further revealed Kapino & Kyriakos Papadopoulos are back in the Ethniki for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Spain & Georgia

That’s disappointing news. I hope they are not being petty and holding a grudge if that’s the case then JVS shouldn’t rely on them. Good to see K Paps back in the fold.

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I guess we shouldn’t really be surprised as these players have pride. Did we really think Manolas and Sokratis would take JVS offer? Especially after he completely left them out and never gave them a reason. After looking back now I was on board with cleaning house but JVS hadn’t bothered calling these guys up not even one time and have not communicated with them at all. He kind of left them in the dark when technically they never did anything to JVS and his team. Also when JVS cut Siovas from the team for taking a shot and “saying it’s different when you don’t have the best Greek player on the team” something along those Lines when he was referring to Manolas that was probably the last draw.

Going back as I mentioned I was on board for a culture change but the way JVS completely shut them out was probably not the smartest thing to do.. Now that the coach wants them and desperately needs them they pretty much gave JVS the finger..

This is very disappointing as I was starting to get optimistic and excited to Manolas play and especially if Siovas was back as well it would have made our back end solid.. Oh well it is what it is now. 

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3 hours ago, PaokCT said:

Oh well, now we can officially write them off. Kapino has been doing well lately. Rumors in Germany is he will be Werders #1 next season

Good for Kapino I have not seen much of him since he left Olympiakos. Maybe he will see some action in our friendly vs Honduras.

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4 minutes ago, Ellada2004 said:

That’s disappointing news. I hope they are not being petty and holding a grudge if that’s the case then JVS shouldn’t rely on them. Good to see K Paps back in the fold.

100% they are holding a grudge, they probably all spoke and said they are done with this team.. Which means they are not putting the team first.

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