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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Watch the video of Siovas opening up about what happened with him and JVS as well as the current state of the NT and if the right players are being called up.. I agree with everything he said..


Edited by J1078
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3 hours ago, J1078 said:

Watch the video of Siovas opening up about what happened with him and JVS as well as the current state of the NT and if the right players are being called up.. I agree with everything he said..


Thanks for this J1078. Its very telling what Siovas says about JVS and the coaching staff getting rid of him for no real reason just saying Manolas and Sokratis could have helped the NT and players like himself, Svarnas, Hatzidiakos, Staf, etc.

Also he touched on how you cant have our best CBs out of the NT as we are first a defensive oriented team going back many years.

It looks like it will come down to Septembers match with Kosovo for JVS its an absolute must win to save his job and then he needs to get a result vs Sweden or else he has to go. I heard on one of the podcasts that he gets a paper from the EPO with the players that are to be called up? The source was a a journalist from one of the Greek sports channels. Just crazy we have guys like Manolas, Sokratis, and Siovas sitting at home and Mavrias is IN the team when he cant even get playing time in his club team in Cyprus and we saw what happened when he came in vs Georgia!

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2 hours ago, Brklyngrk said:

Great interview, seems like a good guy.  

Yes he seems very easy going not at all arrogant. At one point he said when Skibbe was there he wanted to call him up but he said he was recovering from an injury and said for the good of the team to take someone else. 

Looks like he will only come back to the Ethniki if JVS is no longer the coach. That is a shame..

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Great interview.
So when he got to Spain he had to go on a training program, lost 7kg before he could even train with the other players.

He said there was some crazy s%$#! happening with the NT but couldn’t say it publicly now.

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He did hint at some shady stuff.  Overall though, I like how he was respectful of other players/teams.  He was very mindful of his words, humble.  My favorite part was when he mentioned Sok/Manolas - they want players who can teach the youth.  Those guys are better than me and deserve to be on the team more than me.

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He was very humble and spoke openly and honestly without disrespecting other players.. He mentioned something that we always knew about how shady things are going on in the background. He also mentioned how there our Greek players that are playing for big leagues that are not being called up. He was honest about the player call ups and how he thinks they are not the right choice.. You can see that Manolas, Socrates, and himself will not play for this coach.. At this point I just want a coach the plays our absolute best players I’m so tired of this s%$#!.. we are trying to win games with Svarnas and Mavrias when you have Manolas and Siovas and even Socrates off the team. 

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Players playing for the big 5 leagues in (England, Spain, Italy, Germany and France) should be looked at first. Tsimikas, Manolas, Siovas, Lykogiannis, Kyriakopoulos, Mavropanos, Limnios, Vasiliadis, Giannoulis, Koutris, Koutsoupias, Retsos, Koulouris and Nikolaou, should be looked at first. Most of these guys are playing week in and week out. They are playing in competitive leagues on a weekly basis. It doesn’t matter to me if some players are playing in the 2nd division of Germany or England, these leagues are still more competitive in quality than the other lower league teams like Croatia or Austria for example. 

Players from the other leagues like (Greek, Dutch, Portugal and Belgium) should be looked at next in my opinion. If we do that then we are giving ourselves a proper chance of selecting the best possible players. Also we should changing our starting 11s when it isn’t working like Bakasetas. I’m tired of seeing JVS doing the same thing. Yes we haven’t lost lately but that draw with Slovenia and recently Georgia felt like losses. These are games we should have won. The match against Spain we defended well and didn’t have the ball. That’s to be expected against teams like that. But against teams level with us and lower we should be taking it to them, with loads of attacks and shots on goal. 

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17 hours ago, Dean97 said:

Players playing for the big 5 leagues in (England, Spain, Italy, Germany and France) should be looked at first. Tsimikas, Manolas, Siovas, Lykogiannis, Kyriakopoulos, Mavropanos, Limnios, Vasiliadis, Giannoulis, Koutris, Koutsoupias, Retsos, Koulouris and Nikolaou, should be looked at first. Most of these guys are playing week in and week out. They are playing in competitive leagues on a weekly basis. It doesn’t matter to me if some players are playing in the 2nd division of Germany or England, these leagues are still more competitive in quality than the other lower league teams like Croatia or Austria for example. 

Players from the other leagues like (Greek, Dutch, Portugal and Belgium) should be looked at next in my opinion. If we do that then we are giving ourselves a proper chance of selecting the best possible players. Also we should changing our starting 11s when it isn’t working like Bakasetas. I’m tired of seeing JVS doing the same thing. Yes we haven’t lost lately but that draw with Slovenia and recently Georgia felt like losses. These are games we should have won. The match against Spain we defended well and didn’t have the ball. That’s to be expected against teams like that. But against teams level with us and lower we should be taking it to them, with loads of attacks and shots on goal. 

Good points, out of those players I wouldn’t bring Koulouris for myself I have seen enough of him and I don’t think he can be successful for the NT. 

JVS should put Bakasetas on the bench if he gets called up and be used as a sub. He should never start nor should he ever be captain! Siovas eluded to this in his interview as well.

JVS has a habit of putting together pretty good lineups and tactics in place in friendlies as we saw vs Honduras and even against Austria but then for some reason he starts the wrong players & plays players out of position as we saw vs Georgia. Why did he play so scared vs Georgia at home?  Georgia are a decent side on the upside but Greece should have opened up the game instead of sitting back. I liked how he approached the matches in the Euro qualifiers when he first took over. Lots of quick passing and nice ball movement and heavy pressing up the pitch. Where was that vs Georgia it was a pitiful performance and although we could have won with a gift OG we are lucky we didn’t lose that game. 

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10 hours ago, Ellada2004 said:

Good points, out of those players I wouldn’t bring Koulouris for myself I have seen enough of him and I don’t think he can be successful for the NT. 

JVS should put Bakasetas on the bench if he gets called up and be used as a sub. He should never start nor should he ever be captain! Siovas eluded to this in his interview as well.

JVS has a habit of putting together pretty good lineups and tactics in place in friendlies as we saw vs Honduras and even against Austria but then for some reason he starts the wrong players & plays players out of position as we saw vs Georgia. Why did he play so scared vs Georgia at home?  Georgia are a decent side on the upside but Greece should have opened up the game instead of sitting back. I liked how he approached the matches in the Euro qualifiers when he first took over. Lots of quick passing and nice ball movement and heavy pressing up the pitch. Where was that vs Georgia it was a pitiful performance and although we could have won with a gift OG we are lucky we didn’t lose that game. 

Great post. I agree with everything you have said. JVS wanted to rest Bouchalakis, Zeca and Bakasetas in friendly. Wrong move in my opinion. What we saw in the friendly, should’ve been repeated that same way. Pavlidis and Giakoumakis in the starting 11 with Pavlidis in a second striker role with Fortounis also swapping positions with Pavlidis from time to time. Also Siopis played really well and so did Mantalos as a CM. 

He sabotaged us before the whistle blew against Georgia. He the tried to protect a draw with 10 minutes to go. Like he didn’t trust in our players. This is what happens with poor team selections. Your relying on very limited midfielders in Bakasetas, Bouchalakis and Zeca to make things happen and yet they did nothing or passed backwards. 

We always seem to play better in friendlies. Why not continue the same way into the qualifying games. 

The team has regressed since he has taken over. In the beginning of JVS reign we were playing good football then as time went on we started going backwards in terms of our performances. When you don’t use Fortounis correctly and ignore players like Fetfatzidis, Fountas, Ninis and some others then what are you expecting to happen? Even Alexandropoulos played well in 15 minutes in the friendly. He looked way better in 15 minutes than Bouchalakis and Zeca have there whole national team career in my opinion. Also Siopis seems more consistent then Zeca. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not only did we not get into the Euros but after the draw with Georgia making the World Cup is extremely slim. I think JVS get removed after this World Cup qualifications and they will bring someone else in for the Euro campaign.. I’m still so gutted from the Georgia Draw. 

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13 hours ago, J1078 said:

Not only did we not get into the Euros but after the draw with Georgia making the World Cup is extremely slim. I think JVS get removed after this World Cup qualifications and they will bring someone else in for the Euro campaign.. I’m still so gutted from the Georgia Draw. 

I feel the same way. After that draw, we can only hope that he makes some changes to the starting 11. We’ve got friendlies coming up so it will be interesting who he calls for those matches.

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14 hours ago, J1078 said:

Not only did we not get into the Euros but after the draw with Georgia making the World Cup is extremely slim. I think JVS get removed after this World Cup qualifications and they will bring someone else in for the Euro campaign.. I’m still so gutted from the Georgia Draw. 

If Ethniki defeated Georgia but lost that first match in a tight match to Spain, say 2-1, having played very well, we would of thought the campaign is still on track, as expected. I don't think we are way off if we look at it that way perhaps re maik.

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11 hours ago, ausgreek said:

If Ethniki defeated Georgia but lost that first match in a tight match to Spain, say 2-1, having played very well, we would of thought the campaign is still on track, as expected. I don't think we are way off if we look at it that way perhaps re maik.

Ya you might be right but after escaping with an unexpected draw against Spain the Georgia draw feels like a loss.. We had a huge opportunity to grab 4 points and still be within striking distance of 2nd.. More then anything the more I think about it now that i had some time to digest the games JVS was completely at fault for the draw against Georgia, it’s like he had the team playing scared and afraid to press.. It truly was a pathetic performance. I do see your point when you look at it your way it just sucks because we accomplished a huge point against Spain only to give it back against Georgia..

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8 hours ago, J1078 said:

Ya you might be right but after escaping with an unexpected draw against Spain the Georgia draw feels like a loss.. We had a huge opportunity to grab 4 points and still be within striking distance of 2nd.. More then anything the more I think about it now that i had some time to digest the games JVS was completely at fault for the draw against Georgia, it’s like he had the team playing scared and afraid to press.. It truly was a pathetic performance. I do see your point when you look at it your way it just sucks because we accomplished a huge point against Spain only to give it back against Georgia..

Yes JVS totally screwed us up in that Georgia game a wasted opportunity. Greece looked like they were on the road just trying to get a draw? It was really disappointing. JVS has a must win game vs Kosovo and then Greece vs Sweden. I can see us giving Sweden a real good battle if he gets the lineup and tactics right. 2 wins here and Greece will be in 2nd place going into the October matches.

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You guys make good points. But JVS has us set up the wrong way. We should’ve came first in the nations league. That alone has given me big question marks about the coach. We should’ve beaten Georgia. We looked weak in that game from the start. Not good enough. JVS gave us some hope when first took over, but to he has made the team worse as time goes on. 

He has to get over this fascination with Bakasetas. If Fortounis goes to the Middle East, we can say goodbye to him playing for Greece in my opinion. Which means we will see more of Bakasetas. He’s not the only problem but he’s the big part of it. Bakakis has declined and Mavrias isn’t good enough. We need to sort these positions out first. Tzavellas has done ok but by no means should he be involved in this team. We produce top CBs but we are going to play a 5’10, 33 year old LB at CB. Where the logic there?

On top of all this undeserving players are starting over more deserving players. Limnios, Svarnas and Mavrias haven’t done anything for there clubs to warrant a call up. 2 DMs don’t work for us. We’ve been doing this for 7 years and we have gotten anywhere. Play a box to box CM and DM... Give time to Tzolis and Alexandropoulos who are young and in form.

These are things that I think we need to fix. We’ve got the players to make a tournament we just need to use the right players and give opportunities to the players that deserve it the most. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 6:52 AM, Dean97 said:

You guys make good points. But JVS has us set up the wrong way. We should’ve came first in the nations league. That alone has given me big question marks about the coach. We should’ve beaten Georgia. We looked weak in that game from the start. Not good enough. JVS gave us some hope when first took over, but to he has made the team worse as time goes on. 

He has to get over this fascination with Bakasetas. If Fortounis goes to the Middle East, we can say goodbye to him playing for Greece in my opinion. Which means we will see more of Bakasetas. He’s not the only problem but he’s the big part of it. Bakakis has declined and Mavrias isn’t good enough. We need to sort these positions out first. Tzavellas has done ok but by no means should he be involved in this team. We produce top CBs but we are going to play a 5’10, 33 year old LB at CB. Where the logic there?

On top of all this undeserving players are starting over more deserving players. Limnios, Svarnas and Mavrias haven’t done anything for there clubs to warrant a call up. 2 DMs don’t work for us. We’ve been doing this for 7 years and we have gotten anywhere. Play a box to box CM and DM... Give time to Tzolis and Alexandropoulos who are young and in form.

These are things that I think we need to fix. We’ve got the players to make a tournament we just need to use the right players and give opportunities to the players that deserve it the most. 

Your right on Dean, JVS messed it up in NL, in the first match at Slovenia we sat back and rarely looked to go forward and Greece only managed a draw. This vs a team that Cyprus beat in WCUP qualifying recently. Also JVS was to blame for the debacle at home vs Kosovo where we only managed a draw and played miserably in the 2nd half. As most of us have said here JVS came in to the NT and at the start of his tenure he had the Ethniki playing attractive attacking football where we saw many shot attempts and many high quality scoring chances created. Even in the Euro qualifier in Italy vs a very tough side he set us up well and Greece went toe to toe with Italy and we were unlucky to not get a result.

JVS must know Bakasetas cant cut it at the NT level? A guy who played and won the Euro as a player for Holland who was around great talented and smart footballers and he keeps selecting Bakasetas and not only starts him but has him captaining the NT? What gives? Enough already!

I hope he gets the call ups and tactics right we have a friendly with Belgium and then vs Norway lets see what he does in these matches and then in the qualifiers. Greece as you said have the talent to make the Euros and the World Cup but we are being held back by these managers and the EPO! 

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On 4/21/2021 at 7:28 PM, ausgreek said:

That interviewer talks over Dimitri all the time.I wanted to throw a baklava at him. Siovas is a very good CB that Ethniki need.

Drove me nuts!!! He wasn't even listening to him at times!

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On 5/21/2021 at 4:04 PM, Dean97 said:

I feel the same way. After that draw, we can only hope that he makes some changes to the starting 11. We’ve got friendlies coming up so it will be interesting who he calls for those matches.

I want to see what he does with Bakasetas, this is a huge issue for us that JVS does not seem to see. Without Fortounis I really hope he gives Mantalos a go and plays good wingers off him however JVS has also failed to pick a decent RW for the upcoming friendlies ?

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14 hours ago, ausgreek said:

Can anyone see Bakasetas as a DM?

That is a grey area in the team and that way JVS can keep his beloved skipper in the team but Not up in the front third.

I’ve actually thought about that. We could use him there, but I believe we have others for that role who are better anyway. We need someone faster mentally and physically there. Bakasetas decision making is very slow and isn’t that good technically on the ball like most of our current midfielders.

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