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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Ella re JVS, call up Yiannis Koutroumbis of Newcastle Jets, plays right back or right CB with three @ the back. You know he will say yes after a little think! His thia and Bakakis' thia are both thies.

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Possible starting line-up


Rota Hatzidiakos  Stafylidis Giannoulis

Kourbelis Zeca

Limnios Bakasetas Pelkas*


*Or Vlacho, Fountas, Fortounis

But, seriously we should be able to field a B side vs Moldova and get the desired result.

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16 hours ago, ausgreek said:

Ella re JVS, call up Yiannis Koutroumbis of Newcastle Jets, plays right back or right CB with three @ the back. You know he will say yes after a little think! His thia and Bakakis' thia are both thies.

Wrong Koutroumbis, I meant John Koutroumbis RB.

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14 hours ago, kbxk508 said:

Possible starting line-up


Rota Hatzidiakos  Stafylidis Giannoulis

Kourbelis Zeca

Limnios Bakasetas Pelkas*


*Or Vlacho, Fountas, Fortounis

But, seriously we should be able to field a B side vs Moldova and get the desired result.

I think Fortounis and Fountas will start. Stafylidis hasn’t been called up. I hope to see Kyriakopoulos or Lykogiannis at CB since he likes playing LBs at CB.

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16 hours ago, kbxk508 said:

Possible starting line-up


Rota Hatzidiakos  Stafylidis Giannoulis

Kourbelis Zeca

Limnios Bakasetas Pelkas*


*Or Vlacho, Fountas, Fortounis

But, seriously we should be able to field a B side vs Moldova and get the desired result.

I think JVS should rest a few guys for Moldova and have them ready to go for the tougher match vs Kosovo on Wednesday.

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Oh, I saw an EPO video and I thought Stafylidis was in the squad. Cool.

In that case, I think he will start Svarnas who was invited to the press conference.

I get JVS. After the draw with Lietchenstein, he just made up his mind to start with a new breed of players. He looked at the core leadership group, Soc, Torosides, Manolas, all players that the younger players look up to, and thought if I go forward with these guys they would be a hindrance to his plans, vision. And, we know what happened to the previous coach.

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Σε ένα σχήμα 4-2-3-1 κατέληξε ο Τζον Φαντ Σιπ για την αναμέτρηση της Ελλάδας με τη Μολδαβία (21:45).

Σύμφωνα με όσα μετέφερε στον «αέρα» του ΣΠΟΡ FM 94,6 ο Σωτήρης Ταμπάκος, ο Ολλανδός τεχνικός θα παρατάξει το αντιπροσωπευτικό μας συγκρότημα με τον Οδυσσέα Βλαχοδήμο κάτω από τα δοκάρια, τον Χατζηδιάκο ως δεξιό μπακ και τον Γιαννούλη ως αριστερό. Από ‘κει και πέρα, στο κέντρο της άμυνας θα είναι οι Τζαβέλλας και Σβάρνας, με τους Κουρμπέλη και Ζέκα να αποτελούν το δίδυμο των αμυντικών χαφ.

Στην τριάδα μπροστά θα είναι δεξιά ο Λημνιός, αριστερά ο Μάνταλος και στο κέντρο Μπακασέτας, με τον Παυλίδη να είναι στην κορυφή.

Η ενδεκάδα της Εθνικής θα είναι αποτελείται από τους: Οδ. Βλαχοδήμο, Χατζηδιάκο, Γιαννούλη, Τζαβέλλα, Σβάρνα, Κουρμπέλη, Ζέκα, Λημνιό, Μάνταλο, Μπακασέτα, Παυλίδη.



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Official lineup.


Hatzidiakos   Svarnas  Tzavelas Giannoulis

                   Zeca  Kourbelis 

Liminos               Baka                Mantalos 



not sure why Mantolas is on the wing, also I know a lot of guys here disagree but not sure why Bakasetas is starting. I really wanted to see Fortounis in this game as well as Fountas and I would have tried Rota today.. I don’t like how JVS was a starting to play guys out of position again..

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40 minutes ago, J1078 said:

Then why call him up?? If you can’t trust to play him in a friendly against Austria or a team like Maldova then what’s the point?

I dont get the logic here? Is he going to throw him in vs a better attacking side in Kosovo?

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Fortounis and Fountas are definitely much better than Bakasetas and Mantalos who I swear, don't remember a single good game from them with the national team.

Tzavellas in the back is as much ridiculous and putting another CB, Chatzidiakos as a right back. The Dutch clown and his fans seem to be in panic mode, but oh well go out and tell us he is doing an amazing job against the likes of Kosovo and Moldova.

That sums up your football knowledge.

Edited by Boxou
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Seriously man Baka has such a heavy foot, he can’t beat anyone one v one and can’t make solid passes, Why is he such an automatic starter and worse captain of this team. Tzavellas starting is another head scratcher that I don’t get.. 

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The difference between how we played now and how we played in the beginning of JVS's tenure is the ability of being able to build from the back.  Our cb's have not been tested defensively however we have not had the ability to bring the ball up from the back which we did better at the beginning. 

Also, you can totally see Mantalos does not belong on wing. Either put Masouras (when he returns from injury) or Giannoulis/Tsimakis up there.  I am not 100% sold on Pavlidis yet.  I know he has had success in the Netherlands but for some reason, I have not seen him turn it up for the NT.  Not giving up on him, but maybe time to give someone else a chance (not Koulouris). Fountas? 

The last spot is the right back.  Not sure who we can put there but Rota did not see ready (nerves??). Neither is Hatzi a good fit there, he belongs as a cb.  Bakakis may have to do until we get someone else that can play there.


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                                     U Grik

                                      3 5 2


           Svarnas        Hatzidiakos       Stafylidis (vc)

                       Zeca                Kourbelis

         Limnios           Fortounis (c)       Giannoulis 

                        Pavlidis          Fountas

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